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NFL 2013-2014 Season!


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I'm hoping for Broncos and 49ers, but I will admit that the Seahawks have a huge advantage in their matchup and will probably win. The Broncos can hopefully pull it off because Brady can't even beat the lesser Manning brother when it counts.

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Who's everyone got for today? I've got Broncos and Seahawks

Same here. Broncos for bias, and Seahawks for the fact that they're easily the best team in the NFC.

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I'd agree but Broncos have done a ton of play actions -> TDs this season. But I guess theres no stopping Manning lol


There are plenty of ways to beat manning. But they all involve putting pressure on him. Which the pats haven't. At all.
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There are plenty of ways to beat manning. But they all involve putting pressure on him. Which the pats haven't. At all.

I thought there'd be more pressure on him to carry the team today, but the D played very well all day. As I am typing this Tony Carter almost gets a pick.

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The pats didnt play well today. Defense sucked, the run game couldn't do anything and Brady was under pressure all day. It was an awful game. But if I wasn't a pats fan I'd probably love it.

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I got it wrong... Voted Niners-Pats, and now the SB is Broncos-Seahawks.

People are saying Kaepernick was stupid to try a long pass with 30 seconds and two timeouts remaining, and I must say I agree with them.

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YES, Broncos vs Seahawks! Sorry, Niners, you're not equaling the Steelers' number of Super Bowl wins! The Steelers stay on top!

I want Pey-Pey and his Broncos to win it all though at this point still.

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People are saying Kaepernick was stupid to try a long pass with 30 seconds and two timeouts remaining, and I must say I agree with them.

You could probably blame the playcall there more than Kaepernick himself, but they did score a TD on a similar pass play (I think) so I wouldn't blame him too badly, it was pretty decently above Sherman's head and I don't think he was expecting Sherman to jump that high to take it and get a pick. At worst he was expecting an incompletion. It was just a really good play by Richard "slapass" Sherman.

I think they didn't have running the ball in mind considering how bad their run game was all game. At some point Gore had like .6 ypc. So it was either one pass play or another in the huddle (the 49ers run a system where they call two plays in the huddle and scream KILL KILL KILL to switch the play if he sees, after all their shifts, that the play can't beat the defense) and both may have been pretty bad.

At any rate, it's crazy, Broncos and the Seahawks were in the same division around 15 years ago (and they were in the AFCW for like 3 decades) together.

Edited by Lord Raven
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It's hilarious how many fumbles (including recovered fumbles) and interceptions were in game 2 compared to game 1 (none). No interceptions, no fumbles in broncos-pats, but how many in the later game?

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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If anyone wants to see it. I don't think Kap was an idiot for making that pass, because this pic should show it was going right into Crabtree's hands and Sherman just made a freak jump and tip to defend it. And the linebacker was there and happened to intercept it. I bet he was thinking "at worst it'll be blocked and incomplete." It's very strange, but he made the right pass it just so happens that Sherman was in the right spot when he made that tip.

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So Super Bowl predictions anybody?

Mines Denver 21 Seattle 17

For me it's more like 24-17

Seattle wins.

Maybe even closer.

Edited by Jiac2001
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I'm hoping for Seattle wins the Super Bowl, personally. I wasn't bitter about games that took place before I was born enough to root for the Patriots, but I don't have the dislike for the Seahawks that I do for the Pats.

Also, the Seahawks were robbed of one Super Bowl by the refs. At least that's what every Seahawks fan on the internet has been saying for years, and I'm inclined to agree for obvious reasons.

In other news, the Browns finally got a head coach, though I don't think it's going to help. Mike Pettine is as unproven as Chud and Shurmur were, and he's going to take a huge downgrade at his offensive and defensive coordinators no matter what. That's not Pettine's fault, but the Browns haven't had a good front office since Paul Brown was running the team fifty years ago, and firing Chud turned out to be yet another huge mistake.

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Chud may or may not have been a mistake, but I wouldn't worry about Pettine as much as Chud. Pettine managed to improve last years Bills defense from something like 27th to 4th in DVOA this year. He's done ridiculous things with that Bills D, at this point you better hope for a QB at #4 (probably not Bridgewater or Manziel at that point, considering the Texans and Jaguars will have snatched them and the Rams don't need to draft an early QB) and a good OC hiring. One of those two is pretty likely.

And even though I have Ana ignored I assume that she said something about SB40 being won fairly. No, that is bullshit, and we all know it's bullshit because a ref literally said that he will take that games officiating to his grave because of how awful it was. That Steelers team also had a dirty road to the playoffs because they blew up Carson's knee (tore three ligaments with a late hit if I recall) in those playoffs, not that I'd want a Bengals/Steelers dominated division (which wouldn't last long once 2008 spins around, or even 2007 if Billick gets fired a year earlier) but an incredibly late hit more or less fucked up his career. Also in turn caused the perception that some of the new QB benefitting rules were on Tom Brady but really it was on Carson Palmer, also lead to the Raiders losing a bunch of draft picks for Palmer and then a turn of events that lead to this ridiculous cap space that the Raiders have and the Cardinals actually having a good QB for once.

Edited by Lord Raven
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So the Steelers were a dirty team all because ONE guy got hurt badly? Uh, no.

The only thing I remember being even possibly questionable about that Super Bowl was the one TD Ben got, and even if it hadn't counted, the Steelers would've won anyway because the final score was 21-10. Taking off seven points would've only left it at 14-10.

Also, if the refs made some bad calls, that's their fault, not the Steelers. You said the Chargers weren't to blame for their mistake against the Chiefs this season, so the Steelers can't be at fault for any mishaps they had back in season 40 either.

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Even I have enough faith in the front office to believe we're going to draft a QB at #4. Also, as much as I'd like to get Carlos Hyde with our second 1st round pick (he was insanely good at Ohio State. Granted that probably won't translate to being as unstoppable in the NFL, at least not initially), it might be smart to ask the Rams if they're willing to trade the #2 pick for #4 and #26. I'm sure the Rams would like to bolster their team, which already managed to go 7-9 in probably the toughest division right now, with three first round picks. Maybe we could even make that offer to the Texans, though they're more likely to say no than the Rams are.

I'm still not entirely sold on Bridgewater or Manziel, though, to be honest. Bridgewater looks good, but not "take-us-to-the-playoffs-as-a-rookie" good, which he'll probably need to be to avoid Pettine getting fired as a kneejerk reaction and sending us back to square one yet again. And my sister really dislikes Manziel, partly because she was worried that he would win a second Heisman and dethrone Archie Griffith (my sister's an Ohio State alum), and partly because he, in her words, "seems like a douchebag", and has voiced many times how upset she would be at the Browns if he gets drafted. However, we're a team with five pro-bowlers and a 4-12 record, which makes our hole at QB extremely glaring.

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