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[spoiler=Opening Flavor]The drafters had awoken to a startling sight. Never mind that despite their massively varying timezones, they all woke up at the same time, but they came across a corpse. One they all knew.

"Oh god! DA BEAR is dead!"
"Wait, do we care?"

Turning in confusion, the drafters gave each other awkward looks. Who would want DA BEAR dead? Well, a lot of them did, but who would actually act on it? One of them finally took the initiative, and moved to pick up a slip of paper next to the corpse.

Sample Role PM said:

DA BEAR said:
Once this is over he decides to join the shepherds and aid them on their quest to do whatever there doing, sadly Donnel cant remeber. He goes on to the arena in Ferox and continues to kill people hes not liking Marths maks. but they keep on coming back every times he is killing them! Not that he minds, all the others stayed behind and ate bon-bons while he fights and cheer him on well except for Miriel who is allergy to things without gruten. As he continues killing them they slowly change into Chuck Norriss stunt doubles!

Dear USER, you are DA BEAR, self-aligned Donnel hyper.

Stop writing those fanfics. Please. And shut up about Donnel. Please. And stop writing fanfics about Donnel. Please. We don't need to hear about the pothead.

During the night, you may respond to your role pm "Hey USER, read this!" USER will read your terrible fanfiction, and will be stuck with a terrible headache after barely escaping with their sanity.

You are aligned with yourself. You win if you give everyone headaches.

Well, it might have just been DA BEAR today, but what it could have been any of them tomorrow! The drafters had to band together and work out who was responsible for this, and fast.

1. This is a NOC game. You may only talk outside the thread if your Role PM allows it.

2. You may not post your role PM in-thread or quote host interactions. You may not post screenshots.

3. You must make at least 2 posts during each 24 hour period or you will be prodded. If you fail to post within 12 hours of being prodded you will be subbed out or modkilled. If you know ahead of time that you will not be present during a 24 hour period, please state in-thread or in your role PM that you will be away.
3a. Leniency will be granted in the case of an unexpected or unplanned absence that was not able to be cleared ahead of time.

4. If you tactically modkill yourself to give your side an advantage, I will make sure that your alignment is worse off than before. If you are modkilled, you cannot win. Just don't get modkilled.

5. Don't edit your posts. I probably won't modkill you for this unless you do it more than once.

6. Don't post during the night phase unless your role allows you too. I probably won't modkill you for this unless you do it more than once.

1. Death is definitely the end. Information may not be passed from dead players to living players. You may continue to post in-thread after your demise, but posts must be info-free and you may not spam the thread or distract from the game with deadtalk.

2. There are no items, and priorities have been decided beforehand.

3. Day Phase is 72 hours or hard hammer. Night Phase is 24 hours or whenever all actions are in. If you intend to idle, please say so in your role PM. If you have not submitted an action by deadline, I will assume that you are idling.

4. To lynch at phase end, a player must have 1/3 of all possible votes ROUNDED UP or more. To hammer and end phase immediately, a player must have 2/3 of all possible votes ROUNDED DOWN or more.
4a. If the minimum number of votes required to lynch is not met at phase end, there will be no lynch. You may no lynch without penalty or limitation, but if the minimum number of votes required to lynch is not met two day phases in a row, the game will end in a universal loss.
4b. If there is a tie, no one will be lynched.

5. Actions will be made in the standard ##Action: Player format.

6. This game starts on N0. No kills no N0.

7. There are no hidden players.

8. Do not abuse loopholes.

9. If you are ever uncertain about anything, ask the mods for clarification.

10. Follow your role PM. If your role PM contradicts the rules in any way, FOLLOW YOUR ROLE PM.

11. Do not try to outguess/outsmart/meta the hosts. You don't know what the hosts know.

12. This is a game. Have fun, don't get too worked up, and try to keep it civil.

3. Shinori - Shin, Self Aligned Horace-Slayer, Won Day 3

6. scorri - CR, Scum Commuter Cop, Won Night 3
7. BBM - BBM, Scum Horse Thief, Won Night 3
10. Terrador - Refa, Scum Kidnapper Voyeur, Won Night 3
13. Strege - Sharpy, Scum Faulty Drafting Addict, Won Night 3

Dead Fishes:
4. Darros - SB, Town Doctor, Lynched Day 1
15. SSG - Boron, Town Messenger, Killed Night 1
1. Prims - Integrity, Town Vigilante, Killed Night 1
5. Marth - Paperblade, Town Amnesiac, Lynched Day 2
16. kirsche - ???, Killed Night 2
11. Elieson - Horace, Town Thwomp, Shot Day 3

2. Shin - Jedi, Town Watcher, Lynched Day 3

9. Rapier Baldrick - Cam, Town Vengeful, Killed Night 3

14. JB - Elieson, Town, Mayor, Endgamed Night 3

12. Breezy - PKL, Town Tracker, Endgamed Night 3

8. bearclaw - Darros, Town Mason, Endgamed Night 3


1. eclipse (mid July)
2. Psych

1. Paperblade (Checker)
2. Jedi
3. Refa
4. Lucina
5. Xinnidy
6. CR

Handy Links
D1 N1 D2 N2 D3 D3 Pause

Edited by Essbee
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Day 1 Flavor

"Hey look, another RVS stage."
"What do we do again, lynch Rapier?"

Then Marth barged in, panting. "Guys! I can't find BBM anywhere!"

The drafters turned to each other, but they couldn't spot him anywhere. Something told you all that he wasn't dead however, just... missing. And as he's not around, how could you ever hope to lynch him?

It is now Day 1. You have 72 hours and 15 minutes to play. With 15 voters, it take 5 votes to lynch, and 10 votes to hammer.

If you think you should've gotten a night result and you didn't, tell me.

Edited by Essbee
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If that kidnapper is scum then I'm confirmed town, because I would kidnap myself so I don't have to post D1. If that kidnapper is town than please kill you'reself, irl.

##Vote: bearclaw

Needs to die in-game as well as in-flavor.

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If that kidnapper is scum then I'm confirmed town, because I would kidnap myself so I don't have to post D1. If that kidnapper is town than please kill you'reself, irl.

##Vote: bearclaw

Needs to die in-game as well as in-flavor.

What is this logic?

##Vote mafia sucks

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pretty sure that if you were town you'd understand what makes me obvtown here. why shouldn't i be voting you right now?

I could claim but idk why I would do that.

Why won't this game start moving...

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Wait you're serious?

pretty sure that if you were town you'd understand what makes me obvtown here. why shouldn't i be voting you right now?

Can you actually explain?

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This game 2slow2derp already. Now to pay attention.

Ho, 11 Town though, thanks for the heads up on that, Streegy.

What don't you understand, kirsche?

Or are you just prodding Prims because your vote is already on him?

My gut actually tells me you're scum.

Pro analysis, 10/10 Elieson for President plzkthx.


##Vote kirsche

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