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Or polygamy

*announcer voice* On the next episode of bad FE13 drafts. Everyone bangs Quint's Avatar.

Whos turn is it?

Quint's, Although it's now your's

Edited by bearclaw13
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why is cherche still around?

Have a Dark Flier Cordelia, shes banned from lances.

2 late, the edit is one minute later because I was coding gk sully :b

edit: strikethrough I meant

Edited by Quintessence
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Wait a second. It's Quint who gets Sumia...

NOOOOO! He gets a female unit after all.

Also she's totally DF because I ain't giving you staves now.

Edit: I fail so hard. Both me and Quint have 6 units atm.... what did I miss?

Edited by bearclaw13
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