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Wait a second. It's Quint who gets Sumia...

NOOOOO! He gets a female unit after all.

Also she's totally DF because I ain't giving you staves now.

Edit: I fail so hard. Both me and Quint have 6 units atm.... what did I miss?

No quint has seven. You six and sumia makes seven.
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edit: restart the last round then

I'm going to re-read first.

And now I look back and Quint has 7... I need glasses.

Final Teams:

Bearclaw (picked by Horace): Flavia, General!Kellam, Sorcerer!Henry, Sorcerer!Tharja, Hero!Gregor, WL!Cherche, Falco!Sumia

Quintessence (picked by da bear): Donnel, Virion, Trickster!Gaius, Lon'qu, DK!Ricken, Vaike, Stahl

Essbee (picked by Micaiah Quintessence): Basilio, Tiki, Libra, Anna, Nowi, Morgan, GK!Sulyl

That Horace guy (picked by SB): Hero!Inigo, Say'ri, War Cleric!Lissa, War Cleric!Maribelle, DK!Miriel, Taguel!Panne, DF!Cordelia

If anyone else wants to do this feel free to do it yourself.

Edited by bearclaw13
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Um... are second seals banned or something? If not then sageVirion, lol

No they aren't banned.

Also since a ton of people were saying that they wanted to do this I'll give a few proposed rule changes for if this ever happens again.

1. Allow the promotion routes of the drafted characters to be picked.

2. Allow ONE reclass pick per drafter.

3. Pick other players MU's Asset/Flaw setup (was done here but not in the rules)

4. Don't have bearclaw mod it because he sucks at doing that and will get lost.

Also Quint's team is amazing.

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yep its falcosumia

i must pair maribelle and lissa for wonderful children for op war cleric fighting power

also my team is the most beautiful, proof that horace gets all da ladies

Edited by General Horace
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yep its falcosumia

i must pair maribelle and lissa for wonderful children for op war cleric fighting power

also my team is the most beautiful, proof that horace gets all da ladies

and the most handsome man inigo

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Um... question: can undrafted units build S ranked relationships to go to paralogues or at least a few ones, because manry team

and what about the case of Morgan's paralogue?Can he avoid combat in order to avoid penalties?

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  • 3 weeks later...

PRE - 2/2

why is this a thing

PRO - 3/5

go go go

CH1 - 3/8

riley wrecks the left side, chrom and sully buddy up

CH2 - 3/11

chrom and sully kill a few lower enemies, fred+riley go up

CH3 - 4/15

pretty much the same as last chapter


skipped pothead, just trained

CH4 - 2/17

fred go up, switch to riley for turn 2. chrom/sully screwed around down south

CH5 - 3/20

based riley orkoes a bandit, sully+chrom run through. ricken runs to his death and maribelle just pairs up with riley (don't remember if this was turn 1 or 2), fred kills the southern dude and blocks the fort. sumia blocks the hand axe fort, avoiding combat. sully and chrom whack the boss and sully goes up to clear out the last few dudes

CH6 - 3/23

sully+chrom run down the left side, riley assists lucina in the center and frederick takes the left

CH7 - 2/25

chrom pairs into riley, fred into sully. riley fullmoves and drops chrom to his right, sully fullmoves and javelins the hammer guy. next turn riley pairs into chrom so he can reach an enemy that blocks sully so she can get to a sweet spot in all of the wyvern's ranges and kill the boss.

flierless desert is going suuuuuuuck

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  • 3 weeks later...




even with -hp +res I gave chrom a level so he doubled the last mage so the three turn is still a thing.



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  • 4 weeks later...

So I'm finally doing this and is my first file so dem rages will be hilarious, specially, when dem annoying reinforcements appear by the end of pp.

So ok

Quint: Donnel, Virion, Trickster!Gaius, Lon'qu, Dark Knight!Ricken, Vaike, Stahl

Avatar: Micaiah because yes, +res -mag, she should be a tank :b

Premonition: 2/2


Prologue: 3/5

Fred rushes and crts the boss with Silver, omg da sound and "Pick a God and pray!". Chrom x Miccy deal with other scrubs, but had to dual strike some enemies, though.

Chapter 1: 4/9

Fred rushes down while Chrom x Miccy own enemies. Hey, Chrom is doubling bunch of them, although stoopid archer survived and Chrom didn't dual'd when the boss attacked Miccy over Fred. The extra turn was for Virion taking the boss kill :awesome:

Chapter 2: 5/14

Stahl x Fred UP, Vaike x Virion and Chrom x Miccy (already have C) kill some dudes below the bridge. Stahl got nice lv ups, although he lacks sp. Also, I love how Miccy should get mag screwed but she prefers mag over res :B):

Chapter 3: 4/18

Damn, Fred x Stahl got hammer'd but survived with 2hp, but then he ohko'd the knight. Vaike and Chrom got lvs.

Paralogue 1: free

Train! Donnel got the level. Stahl is levelling so good that he has Fred stats pretty much. Miccy is getting lvs because she is being left behind by Chrom, and dat +10crt boost

Chapter 4: 3/21

rout rout rout

Chapter 5: 4/25

Had to protect Virion x Donnel and Ricken because wyverns hit hard. Avatar is getting stronger, she has B support with Chrom alrady, and Vaike x Lon'qu are building support too.

Chapter 6: 4/29

This can be 3 turnable but only a barbarian was left :(

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Ok, so I barely remember of specific things such as when units promoted/changed classes, etc. So I'll do my best.

Got TC from the credits because loldoesn't remember

Where was I

Paralogue 2: 9 (free)

Time to train! Stahl goes up with Donnel (?), Fred x Virion train with archers up there, Lon'qu x Vaike, Av x Chrom and Ricken x Gaius get some lv ups. Focused on training Ricken.

Chapter 7: 3/32

Forged Elwind tome to Ricken to ohko wyverns. Stahl killed the boss with Fred, so broes.

Paralogue 3: 7 (free)

St00pid villagers rushed to the enemy group, dat AI

Chapter 8: 6/38

Nowi+Gregor get Seal, Ricken x Gaius get the other one. Stahl x Fred rush south. The rest get kils.

Chapter 9: 4/42

Fred learned Luna and changed to Wyvern at preps, Stahl promoted to Paladin. Fred flies and ferries Stahl to the boss area, kills the boss and goes down to lure Tharja and company. Tharja got recruited and Libra talked to Chrom.

Paralogue 4: 12 (free)

Got all the treasure chests, some levels for them people. Paralogues are arenas, amirite.

Chapter 10: 4/46

Stahl with whoever it was rushed to the boss, the rest hunted thieves and droppables.

Chapter 11: 4/50

Grandmaster! Av, and Barbarian! Vaike (don't remember if it was in this chapter). StahlxFred rush down, Av x Chrom follow them. Ricken x Gaius go right and rigged crts with Focus and frged Elwind. Virion and Donnel suck.

Chapter 12: 4/54

Time to kill cavs. More training! IIRC, Chrom and Ricken promoted.

Chapter 13: 3/57

Stahl x Olivia hit the boss, Fred x Virion land the final blow.

Chapter 14: 1/58

Danced Lucina x Av, cleared the way and made them dual'd the boss.

Chapter 15: 5/63

Got village items.

Chapter 16: 4/67

Dat tree and dem enemies. This is all about defeat boss, lol. Lucina was a Great Lord here because Veteran and all.

Paralogue 12: free

Got Morgan and made people pair up and kill. Got the chests.

Chapter 17: 5/72

Stahl x Chrom Beatkill/Rapier'd the Valk boss. Vaike promotes to Berserker. And Gryphon Fred happened.

Chapter 18: 5/77

Stahl x Chrom kill Yen'fay. STAHL'S DEF

Paralogue 17: free

Av goes the Sorceress way with Rally Spectrum learnt. People gather and protect Tiki while Av Rallies.

Paralogue 6: free


Chapter 19: 2/79


Chapter 20: 4/83

DA LOBSTER and his minions.

Chapter 21: 4/87

Paladin!Lucina with Rightful King rushed with Ricken for the Magic duo! Oh Swordmaster Lon'qu because yes and Bow Kn! Virion

Chapter 22: 3/90

Terrain penalty, RAEG. Aversa is a joke against Lucina x Fred

Chapter 23: 4/94

Lol Validar against Lucina x Ricken. DEM AETHER PROCS

Chapter 24: 3/97

More ROUT, Virion and Ricken benched because they fail.

Chapter 25: 3/100

Let's kill Aversa again with Fred x Lucina, lawl

Endgame: 2/102

Grima is a chump against Spectrum'd Falchioners.

More things next...

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Ok just a quick char analysis

No stats because too lazy


Frederick - 115W

Fred was really useful for the whole draft.

By early game he was the main unit, owning things with Silver Lance and then ORKOing mages and other stuff with Javelins and some eventual Pair Up. Once he got Luna he got reclassed to Wyvern Rider for flight and more axes. He struggled a bit because his def was somewhat low, but his offense was quite neat. He then began supports with Virion until A rank, to get good bonuses as Bow Kn!Virion. Dat sp and move bonus is always welcome.

By promotion he went Gryphon Rider for Deliverer, he was a really good unit overall until lategame where he struggled to survive Bows and Magic in general because his res is terrible but oh well. Pairing him with Killer Bow Virion always assured him a kill or two.


Virion - 27W

Oh God, notLeonardo/10. Awfully useless asides Pair Up bonus. He barely reached promotion and Rally Skill which was useless because he was just a stat-boost-bot via Support. Bowlocked, his growths were shit to me because he mostly got skl, lck level ups. Terribly disappointed. Although I'd like to use him as a main unit, but nope.


Vaike - 91W

Squishy start, his durability is not that good, despite having nice Hp, but his def and avoid is terrible, although his growths are pretty good, and can make him a really good unit.

Vaike was sealed to Barbarian for sp bonus, which was heavenly. Getting Despoil was handy :smug:, and the crt bonus with Zeal and Gamble are quite good but Wrath was like useless, 20crt is like nothing, not RD!Wrath/10. He got A support with Lon'qu, which is an awesome combo, because sp and lck for Vaike and Str and Def for Lon'qu, and they make a fine combo. Once he got Berserker and Lon'qu got Swordmaster, they were a pretty reliable ORKO machine.


Stahl - 151W

OMG Stahl is so awesome. His low Sp is compensated by his bulkiness, high Hp, high Str and Def make him a tank! His sp was somewhat fixed with Olivia Pair Up and a couple of statboosters. He went the Paladin way by Ch 9, and roflstomped everything with Frederick, but when he got to 15+ he went the Great Knight way to learn Luna and be a more reliabler killer, because plain Javelin and Olivia support are meh.


Lon'qu - 67W

Nice base weapon, it's his only good thing asides Amatsu (?). At first, everything was given to Vaike, Lon'qu was underleveled, but by Ch 16, he began to get quick levels and good ones. Vantage also helps him, because it gives you the advantage to crtkill/Astra the enemy and dual him with your eventual partner. By lategame he just owned things with Amatsu and Vaike's +10Str, what is this


Ricken - 65W

Meh, he went the Dark Knight way, got high durability and was given Gaius support for extra sp and move. He was a really good help by midgame but lategame units just owned him no matter what.


Gaius - 4W

Lolnope. PairBot


Donnel - 4W

ROFL. So much effort, others need what Donnel extra needs.


Lucina - 104W

BADASS. I CHALLENGE MY FATE. Went the Great Lord way to learn the kingy skill, then went Paladin way for extra move, she capped skl and owned things with Aether!Javs/Spears. LOL


Chrom - 69W

NotasgoodasLucina/10. Nice start but his 30ish stats by lategame hurt him so much. Doesn't dodge quite well and needs Pairbots to survive/ORKO. Anyways, having Aether makes him at least good and viable.


Avatar - 112W



And she was +Res - Mag

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Fred is a good unit guys.


He's still a good unit.


Hey, Miriel actually kind of kills stuff!




i'll post stats probably after chapter 7, 3ds is too far away




did it

also stats after paralogue 2:

CHROM     LORD            13.05 30 15 03 16 19 11 11 05 B SWORD
OLIVER    TACTICIAN       13.88 28 13 13 10 18 09 08 07 C TOME E SWORD
LISSA     CLERIC          08.80 24 02 10 07 07 12 04 08 D STAVES
FREDERICK GREAT KNIGHT ??/08.29 38 19 03 15 12 10 17 03 A LANCE B SWORD B AXE
MIRIEL    MAGE            13.54 27 03 17 11 15 12 06 08 C TOME
MARIBELLE TROUBADOUR      06.66 20 00 06 05 08 08 04 06 D STAVES
PANNE     TAGUEL          08.03 30 12 01 16 16 13 09 04 BEASTSTONE
CORDELIA  PEGASUS         09.54 26 11 03 15 16 11 09 09 C LANCE


Cordelia flew around and killed stuff

also did paralogue 3 before this chapter


Got Libra for his staves and axe, beat the chapter.

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