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[FE13] Wacky Reclass Draft


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PKL: Myrmidon Stahl, Dark Mage Cordelia+Dark Mage Severa, Thief Panne+Thief Yarne, Archer Ricken, Archer Lucina, Cleric Sumia+Cleric Cynthia, NO

shit Should have pickled PriestKeLlam

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Premonition 2/2

Rage I forgot to make this shit free already.

Prologue 3/5

Fred rush. Chrom gets most of the exp.

Chapter 1 3/8

Fred rush. Chrom gets most of the exp.

Chapter 2 3/11

Stahl with Fred in his pocket rushes up. He owned everyone thanks to the 25% Silver Lance dual chance and his concrete durability (and being able to 2HKO enemies) he stepped on a fort Turn 2 and owned stuff some more with no chances of death. The only risk was being blocked by an enemy on all four sides, but the chance of that was too little. This got him a lot of exp and even C swords. He even got the Iron Sword and killed the boss with Fred's dual. Chrom got most of the exp from the southern enemies.

Chrom 5.37 HP 24 Str 9 Mag 2 Skl 9 Spd 12 Lck 9 Def 8 Res 2 Sword D

Robin 3.69 HP 20 Str 7 Mag 6 Skl 5 Spd 9 Lck 3 Def 7 Res 5 Sword E Tome E

Stahl 5.37 HP 24 Str 10 Mag 0 Skl 7 Spd 8 Lck 7 Def 10 Res 1 Sword C Lance E

Frederick 1.72 HP 28 Str 13 Mag 2 Skl 12 Spd 10 Lck 6 Def 14 Res 3 Sword D Lance B Axe D

Edited by PKL
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Chapter 3 4/15

Stahl doesnt care about anything. Fred killed boss. Sumia joins but I probably wont care too much about her because of her eventual fate.

Before Chapter 4: Got a Second Seal from my first Anna Merchant. Take that, suckers.

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^Pair up.

Chapter 4 2/17

Fred goes up.

Chapter Donnel <15 turns

Donnel get. A bunch of exp get.

Chapter 5 3/20

Ricken killed boss. I regret nothing.

Parasect 2 <15 turns

Trained units.

Chapter Marth isn't Marth 3/23

Sumia blicked Valibear. Stahl took the center and Chrom took the left side.

Chapter oh hey it's Cordelia! 3/26

Levin Sword Myrmidon Stahl is the best holy shiet. He killed everything thanks to a Robin pair up for mag. Ricken blicked wyverns, same with nowArcher Chrom. Frederick is obviously very benched, so now Sumia is all sorts of useless.

Cordelia Training Grounds <15 turns

Cordelia got some levels. So did everyone, including Panne.

Chapter Deserts and Gregors 4/30

Thanks to Cordy and Sumia, I was able to obtain the Second Seal (which btw, IS forced) and still 4 turn. Stahl + Cordelia is overkill spd but fuck it. Ricken @ Celica's Gale wrecked the desert and got the master seal.

Chapter Ouch that must have hurt! 4/34

Butches don't know about Stahl's Levin Sword! He got carried by Cordelia and he roflstomped the desert, including Tharja. Thief Panne gets some exp at the start and Sumia+Chrom killed other shit.

Chapter Anna <15 turns

Thief Panne got me all the chests. The others got a lot of exp. Stahl is now a Swordmaster.

Chapter This music is kinda depressing! 3/37

Cordelia WENT UP with thief panne, who gives her just enough move to 3 turn. Panne killed boss.

Chapter This guy is such a D! 3/40

Cordelia and Stahl go down and destroy shit together. Panne handles the hero and Chrom and Ricken handle the mage army.

Cordelia has now maxed level as Pegasus. She can't promote unless she's in Dark Mage, just in case. Next Second Seal is in next chapter but idk which I will reclass first. Reclassing Cordelia now means I could potentially get her to Dark Knight eventually. Btw, if a unit you're using can't be reclassed (like my sumia) by the time Chapter 16 SSeals are buyable, do you guys want them to be benched or can they act as pair up? Maybe Ill make her get to Level 10, but I don't guarantee it happening lol.

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Well, I was away all weekend and had my 4DS with me so I finished this draft. I used Sumia for pair up, so that's what its going to be.

There is way too many enemies with 1-2 range here! 4/44

Stahl @ Levin Sword and Cordelia go up and destroy shit with Levin Sword/Beastkiller. Chrom promotes to Bow Knight so he can handle the enemies with Killer wepons. Ricken and Panne helped.

Is this even a chapter? 1/45

Chrom owned boss. Cordelia is now a Dark Mage.

Owned by Time menos de 15 turnos

Cordelia trained a lot as a Dark Mage and is actually having great offense in it due to Ricken pair up and Spirit Dusts. Lucina is now an Archer.

The Boats 2/47

Had to get the Second Seal since it's forced. I also got the Bullion. Dark Mage Cordelia nostank'd the entire boss boat and then killed boss man. She's now ready to promote.

Whoa, magic Cordelia is actually pretty boss! 4/51

Cordelia owned things as a Dark Knight with Sumia in her pocket. Dicken is now an Archer. Say'ri was a pain with no Rescue.

This tree is pretty 3/54

Batman Cordelia goes up and owns everything.

Yarne menos de 15 turnos

Trained Dicken to Bow Knight. Got all the villages.

Boots get 4/58

Cordelia gets the boots and Lucina Bow Knight kills boss.

Camus Fail 3/61

This was actually pretty cool because I got it first try with improvisation. There's this chump warrior that blocks Yen'fay from access without a flier in Turn 3 and I got rid of him with dance and + move shenanigans. Cordelia ORKO'd yenfay thanks to Swordmaster Stahl speed.

Wake up Tiki! less than 15

Got exp.

Lobsters with axes 1/62

Cordelia ORKO'd Walhart. It was actually tough to make Olivia survive but I managed by blocking her from all sides after the dance with Ricken, Chrom, Panne and Lucina. This draft has more teamwork than normal FE13 lol.

Lobster with axes Part 2 2/64

Owned Walhart a second time thanks to 10 move DK Cordelia. Olivia was protected by the Bow Knight Brigade.

Mire, Mire Everywhere! 3/67

Cordelia makes her way to the boss after an Olivia dance. Required a lot of teamwork and even hp tonic on Olivia so she could tank a Mire.

Dis Chapter is bad and you should feel bad IS 2/69

Can't reach Aversa without fliers so I got the Valflame Yewfelle and Balmung.

Worst chapter in FE 3/72

Cordelia Dark Knight goes right and ORKOs literally everything without threat of dying. She ORKO'd Validar thanks to Stahl @ Killing Edge with Swordfaire's dual strike crit. They're amazing together even when reclassed. Bow Knight Brigade and Trickster Panne actually helped a lot at the start and if they were any worse, I wouldnt be able to 3 turn.

Another silly Rout 3/75

Can't actually 2 turn because no fliers, so I got a 3 turn instead! Panne got Acrobat just in time too!


Trickster Panne mountain walks to Aversa after a dance. The Bow Knight Brigade and Cordy helped protect Olivia from harm and Donnel was sacrificed to the Berserker with 1-2 range so that Olivia could live instead. Donnel saving all the turns amirite?

This is probably the worst final boss ever 1/78

Lucina+Chrom ORKO'd chumpma with their Falchions.

Gold Cordelia

Silver Stahl

Bronze Chrom

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I'm from the future so I got a 4DS instead obviously.

Also, add to endgame that 11 move Cordelia was actually pretty neccesary since just a dance for Lucina+Chrom isnt enough. She had just enough move with Panne to KO a General so Lucina+Chrom could attack Chumpma. Cordelia <3

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