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Toonami Mafia: Game Over


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(also forcing people to claim on the spot is pointless since scum probably received fake PMs to claim at the start of the game and even if they didn't they'd have fakes by the end of N0)

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At least people won't be able to go back on their claims. I guess you're right. Still on't want to lynch safeguard though, as long as Nag is alive I should be safe tonight and we can decide what to do with him tomorrow. I'm not going to lynch based solely on role but from my perspective Nags is basically as good as doc. I don't liek goign to bed voteless so

##Vote: Shinori

@Snike: I assume so, it doesn't say in my role that I can't.

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Also Prims, keep in mind that if it wasn't for the no killing tonight, we'd be in potential MYLO. So really, it's not the worst idea to consider mass claiming.

(Will hopefully be rereading in a bit. Just got home after helping a friend move and then had dinner.)

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Actually wait, the wording is unclear and I'm waiting for confirmation from Elie.

My results say that my action was successful, but it failed at its purpose. I can't really go more into it without claiming fully, but I think that if Bard had been safeguarded, it would have said that my action failed.

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actually, I don't know how Elie words things, but that might mean "you successfully targeted Bard, but your action failed him", which makes sense for safeguard

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Safeguards generally just make actions fail, no?

Plus I just think Nags is scummy; his reaction to Kirsche's claim was super bad. In his first post he questioned the hell out of Kirsche and talked about the scum motives Kirsche might have. Then he said that Kirsche was the absolutely last person he wanted to lynch not that long later.

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No, that's not it. There's also a role other than SG that could have caused the purpose of my action to fail while still being "successful" that I think is a more likely explanation.

And Elie wouldn't answer my question wrt whether or not my action would have been successful had Bard been SGed.

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I guess we could have somebody who doesn't mind if their action fails target the same person as Naglfar tonight and see what the wording of their result is.

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My results say that my action was successful, but it failed at its purpose. I can't really go more into it without claiming fully, but I think that if Bard had been safeguarded, it would have said that my action failed.

this is what happened to me as well
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augh fuckit i was gonna have another QA session but not coherent

so looking at the wagon

prims, j00, Naglfar, SB, Shinori

(there are supposed to be 3 nontown on here, right?)

i sort of trust prims because of reasoning in this post

of the others, i'm sus of nags (guess why) in particular. sure, claimed safeguard and apparently poor wording of the role pm, but it would also be a splendid role for scum: safeguard the target and it's essentially a ninja hitman kill (not really but you get what i mean)

i'm completely null on shinori so idk

my gut says to be wary of j00 but i wouldn't be able to build a case on it so yeah

SB has been doing his share of scumhunting so i'm more inclined to trust him (for now)

uhhhhhhhhhh i wouldn't be opposed to massclaiming either

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I dunno what to say about the flavour, but it sounds to me that you guys targeted bard and your shit didn't work. because I safeguarded him.

of the others, i'm sus of nags (guess why) in particular. sure, claimed safeguard and apparently poor wording of the role pm, but it would also be a splendid role for scum: safeguard the target and it's essentially a ninja hitman kill (not really but you get what i mean)

splendid indeed. OP, even. also they apparently have a silencer. how does the town get information like this? and fwiw nobody's counterclaimed the edit.

okay, I have a plan, but I'm gonna be honest here; it necessitates everyone's cooperation and that everyone accept that if either kirsche or myself is scum then town is fucked. of course, for any plan involving kirsche's role you're all going to have to trust me for the time being anyway. to reiterate, thanks to kirsche's results and shinori's dayvig, we have five suspects for three scum - myself excluded, four suspects. pick one to lynch. this will sound weird, but try to hit town. myself and the people who were on my wagon yesterday will lynch that player. the other three suspects will split up; two of them voting the same player, the last one voting alone. the loner should be the person we most want to know the alignment of. prims imo.

the important part comes after the flip. if we hit town, congratulations, we've found three scum, and I would invite them in advance to pile votes on me D3. I haven't figured out what kirsche should ask in this situation. maybe something that clears me just to be double safe in mylo... we can probably do much better than that though. some help for this part pls.

if we lynch scum instead, kirsche should ask how many scum were on the two-man wagon. if the result comes back two, again, we've caught all three of them. the worst thing that could happen is that the answer is one, and the single player is caught out, leaving two suspects, one town, one scum.

tl;dr I offer you at least two, possibly three confirmed scum. I want to think of a plan that will 100% nail all three of them without requiring so much commitment, but until I have a stroke of genius this is my play.

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Here's a better idea: we lynch whichever of the 5 people we think is the scummiest, having the two scummiest other players vote them, and then Kirsche see who are scum.

Case A: we hit mafia, both voters are scum. That's three mafia + two clears.

Case B: we hit mafia, 1/2 voters are scum. That's one mafia and two 1v1s.

Case C: we hit mafia, neither voter is scum. That's also three mafia + two clears.

Case D: we hit town, both voters are scum. That's two mafia and a 1v1.

Case E: we hit town, 1/2 voters are scum. That's also two mafia and a 1v1.

There's something that all these cases have in common though- they don't require us to lynch someone we think is town.

And I see no reason why the town is fucked if you're scum. Nor do we know the silence is more than a 1-shot. I don't believe the mafia would have any reason to target the person they're killing with the silence, so your theory that you blocked the mafia's silence is highly unlikely. And why is Prims the person whose alignment we want to know the most? You've said like absolutely zilch about Prims the entire game.

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