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Theory: Cordelia could have Asperger's Syndrome

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*cough* Well, speaking as an Aspie myself... I'm not sure who could fit in those categories in the first place, because autism is a very, very strange world. Not to mention, no two Aspies behave the same... especially if one got help. I mean, I can socialize with people without talking about the stuff I'm obsess over, but I had to learn that in the first place, and my being (somewhat) empathetic is a result of understanding my own emotions and feelings and applying to how one behaves at the moment... with the help of animation and movies, since they tend to exaggerate that, giving me a good guide.

Of course, I'm just saying about my own case. I do have my obsessions and quirks, but I can tone it down when needed.

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That's true, and I'm an Aspie that DID get help. That could be why I don't seem like one after what others have said about the disorder. I had counseling, advice given to me by others, and other stuff. I still have socializing issues, but I don't think they're as bad as they used to be.

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If there's no way Cordelia can be an Aspie, then I'm not one either, because she is very similar to me. But that can't be the case, because as I said, I was medically diagnosed.

While I'm not trying to be rude here, but it looks like you already made up your mind. You're projecting yourself onto Tiamo/Cordelia. Whatever floats your boat, but statements like that are pretty... bad.

"She's like me. If you say she can't have said disease, then I also don't have said disease. But I was medically diagnosed to have it, so therefore she does have it." You're not giving any room for discussion. All you're saying is "Hey guys I'm Cordelia!" in a thread.

...also I could probably add more to this but mods *COULD* possibly see it as flaming, so I will refrain from looking *MORE* like the bad guy.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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While I'm not trying to be rude here, but it looks like you already made up your mind. You're projecting yourself onto Tiamo/Cordelia. Whatever floats your boat, but statements like that are pretty... bad.

"She's like me. If you say she can't have said disease, then I also don't have said disease. But I was medically diagnosed to have it, so therefore she does have it." You're not giving any room for discussion. All you're saying is "Hey guys I'm Cordelia!" in a thread.

...also I could probably add more to this but mods *COULD* possibly see it as flaming, so I will refrain from looking *MORE* like the bad guy.

Thank god for you.

This thread is becoming really insignificant. Point is, have whatever head canon you want, become obsessed over the personas of fictional characters to an isolating degree if you want, but understand that we also have our own perceptions of these characters and you have a knack for being extremely overbearing in your opinions.

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I'm no expert on asperger syndrome or anything, but judging from what Anacybele lists, I don't think Cordelia really fits the bill. The obsessiveness over Chrom, canonically, is gotten over in most of her S-ranking supports (her tidbits in gameplay don't really count), she doesn't come off as having social difficulties (several of supporters practically worship her perfectness), and I haven't seen anything about her not being able to take criticism. In her Severa conversation, she instantly apologizes and cries + pledges to do better over what Severa feels Cordelia wronged her, for example of being able to take criticism.

As I said before, personality wise she comes off as a Mary Sue stereotype.

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Well, if you haven't seen as many of her supports and don't know her as well as Cordelia or Frederick, you don't know enough about her to make that call.

In Miriel's supports she has an almost singleminded obsession with some factor of whoever she's talking to. Whether it be trying to figure out how Kellam "disappears", Stahl's outstanding averageness, Frederick's fencing abilities, or Cherche's understanding of wyvern-speak, it's pretty noticeable.

In her S-supports, she doesn't always seem to understand "feelings" or the idea of marriage. She didn't realize jealousy when she felt it. Safe to say that she's not the best at socializing.

In her support with Libra, she didn't listen to him when he told her why his preaching worked one-on-one, arguing that speaking to an entire audience would be better, and was flustered when she found out Libra was losing supporters. She seems more open-minded to critique, but seems to believe that "her way" is the one that will work, before actually proven wrong.

Just because the game never makes it a point to say whether she's talented at a lot of stuff, doesn't mean that she isn't.

Basically, people with Asperger's have it to varying degrees. Some people may show all the traits, while others may only show a few and be less "obvious". You yourself admitted you don't know a lot about Miriel, it kind of feels like you're drawing an arbitrary line or something.

This. Miriel reminded me of an Aspie than any other character. She has some serious difficulties understanding social cues and things of that nature. Her supports with Gregor show this quite a bit. (well all of her supports show a bit of this actually but Gregor's is the one i remember the best.) Miriel wonders about why Gregor acts the way he does with ladies and what he means by "experience" when he scribbled in her book.

As for not understanding how people act socially... I don't think I'm like this. I tend to have trouble detecting sarcasm and such, but that's about it.

Hmm...how to put this...Well you certainly have gotten better in this respect, but once upon a time, things werent so bright and shiny. Im sure you remember....

My niece has been diagnosed with Asperger's but its not very severe. (shes got some obsession issues for sure) Im not sure if it a common thing with Aspies, but i might as well ask. Hey Aspies, did you guys have issues early in life with reading comprehension? Like you could totes read all the things but couldnt retain it? That actually might be her ADD but seeing how i am/was ADD, i never had that issue.

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Speaking as someone who has borderline Asperger's Syndrome, I'd have to say that Miriel and Laurent are far more likely to have Aspergers than Cordelia. Maybe Tharja too, due to her massive obsession with the Avatar.

Seriously, it's like IS slaps you in the face with those implications every time Miriel and Laurent open their mouths.

Okay, before anyone calls me out on this, I'm not saying that this would actually be addressed in the game (I doubt THIS much study has been done on the human brain in FE, as Asperger's is actually a fairly recent discovery in real life). I really don't think it would.

But I've noticed that Cordelia exhibits several traits of Asperger's Syndrome. I should know, I have it myself.

- Obsessiveness over one thing and talks of it often (Chrom)

- Talented at many things

- Has trouble socializing well (I think I remember something about her not getting along so well with her Pegasus knight comrades, but they did still care for her)

- Intelligent (Cordelia hardly seems to be otherwise, if you ask me)

- Has trouble handling critique at times (she's a perfectionist, so critique could upset her)

All that we don't know is if she has sensitive hearing lol. But Cordelia could still have it even without that one. Not every person with Asperger's has all the same traits of it. And she is definitely a lot like me.

I also think Frederick has a few traits of it as well, but not enough to where I think he also has it. He's just plain obsessive, smart, and does a bunch of things. lol

But anyway, if she does have Asperger's, this would make Cordelia a pretty realistic character. I like it.

I'm a very weird case due to only being borderline. I am quite talented at a few things and a perfectionist with very sensitive hearing, and I tend to become obsessed with certain things for a long stretch of time. However, I have trouble actually staying focused on a single subject and I have decent social skills. It's just that I'm not interested in anybody who doesn't have the same hobbies and tastes as me (aka most everyone outside of the internet). :P

I don't actually have much experience in making friends, honestly, probably due to low self-esteem and a submissive personality that makes me focus on the best qualities of other people and then convincing myself that I'm not worthy or never will be worthy of fraternizing with them due to my belief that my presence only hurts other people. =/

It does upset me that popular depictions of pseudo-Asperger's never seem to touch on sensory issues, which are a much bigger hurdle for me then social issues. I mean, when large crowds of noisy people are almost physically painful, living in a city sucks :(


I was also taught, though, that they are fast learners and can do many things well. I exhibit this, as I'm told I'm good at many things. I also have plenty of knowledge on a lot of those. I don't know everything about them, obviously, but I know a lot.

As for not understanding how people act socially... I don't think I'm like this. I tend to have trouble detecting sarcasm and such, but that's about it.

EDIT: Does it matter if she is or not? She exhibits many characteristics that I have. That is all.

I don't have any trouble picking up on sarcasm and social cues, so maybe Cordelia only has borderline Aspergers?

Edited by Frosty Fire Mage
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If there's no way Cordelia can be an Aspie, then I'm not one either, because she is very similar to me. But that can't be the case, because as I said, I was medically diagnosed.

If you're going to go on about how people with Asperger syndrome are so intelligent and claim to be intelligent, yourself, you'd do well to have better arguments than this. Much better, frankly.

While I'm not trying to be rude here, but it looks like you already made up your mind. You're projecting yourself onto Tiamo/Cordelia. Whatever floats your boat, but statements like that are pretty... bad.

"She's like me. If you say she can't have said disease, then I also don't have said disease. But I was medically diagnosed to have it, so therefore she does have it." You're not giving any room for discussion. All you're saying is "Hey guys I'm Cordelia!" in a thread.

Yup. In all honesty, the comparisons you've made between yourself and Cordelia are really hard to take seriously. And now you've basically made a Public Service Announcement about it with this thread.

And since when did Cordelia have a hard time socializing? In what supports of hers does she have a difficulty socializing with whomever she's supporting? When does she get upset about any critiques made of her, for that matter?

Also, not all people with Aspergers take criticism poorly. I'd go on, but I see no reason to. Suffice to say, I've been diagnosed with Asperger's as well, and, frankly, I find the way you present it to be shoddy.

The people pointing to Miriel and Laurent are more on the money.

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"And since when did Cordelia have a hard time socializing?"

Frederick and MU

"In what supports of hers does she have a difficulty socializing with whomever she's supporting?"

Not he himself, but this bits is brought up.... in Frederick and MU supports

When does she get upset about any critiques made of her, for that matter?"

Frederick. And MU

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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"And since when did Cordelia have a hard time socializing?"

Frederick and MU

"In what supports of hers does she have a difficulty socializing with whomever she's supporting?"

Not he himself, but this bits is brought up.... in Frederick and MU supports

When does she get upset about any critiques made of her, for that matter?"

Frederick. And MU

Supposing we count those, that's two people out of how many of her supports? Sounds like being she's just fine at socializing if that's all. Being told about how she didn't get along with her fellow knights is one thing, but uh, she seems to do pretty damned well with Chrom's entourage.

Edit: So I actually hadn't read Cordelia's supports with Frederick and gave the benefit of the doubt that you were right about them. Just read them and she seems perfectly fine with Frederick socially, too. If literally the only thing you're pointing out is her past, which we don't see, then all of her supports feature her socializing perfectly well with others. :/

I'm inclined to think she definitely doesn't have trouble socializing, then.

And she gets upset about people telling her how great she is. She doesn't get upset about people telling her she does poorly. Because she doesn't do poorly. Because she's Cordelia.

Edited by Sublime Manic
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Supposing we count those, that's two people out of how many of her supports? Sounds like being she's just fine at socializing if that's all. Being told about how she didn't get along with her fellow knights is one thing, but uh, she seems to do pretty damned well with Chrom's entourage.

sorry, but IMHO this is a terrible logic. Its there, it happened, and it just happen to be her backstory, which is VERY important in terms of a character building, something that is pretty much shoved down in psychological theories(in particular, Freudian)

Of course when people talk about Fred and Cordelia, they remember a particular LTC player who loved FE12 but not as much as I do because Dragon is teh coolest and its better than Dragon Laguz.... Wait they remember the shitty portion and unmeaningful part of the support that is A and S

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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sorry, but IMHO this is a terrible logic. Its there, it happened, and it just happen to be her backstory, which is VERY important in terms of a character building, something that is pretty much shoved down in psychological theories(in particular, Freudian)

Of course when people talk about Fred and Cordelia, they remember a particular LTC player who loved FE12 but not as much as I do because Dragon is teh coolest and its better than Dragon Laguz.... Wait they remember the shitty portion and unmeaningful part of the support that is A and S

EVERY SUPPORT we see with Cordelia has her socializing perfectly well with the other person.

And as for her tragic back story, her negative interactions with her peers are said peers taunting her. That's not her socializing poorly. When Cordelia socializes, because she does everything perfectly, she does so perfectly.

That is not someone bad at socializing.

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EVERY SUPPORT we see with Cordelia has her socializing perfectly well with the other person.

And as for her tragic back story, her negative interactions with her peers are said peers taunting her. That's not her socializing poorly. When Cordelia socializes, because she does everything perfectly, she does so perfectly.

That is not someone bad at socializing.

Being able to do a lot of shit perfectly is NOT the same as being good at socializing. Many competent people is actually terrible at socializing, it just happened that their competence create a mask for that part, which is IMO basically sums up Cordelia as a whole

Being able to perceive compliment as a "he want to have a way with me" is pretty damn weird for someone that is socially competent

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"And since when did Cordelia have a hard time socializing?"

Frederick and MU

"In what supports of hers does she have a difficulty socializing with whomever she's supporting?"

Not he himself, but this bits is brought up.... in Frederick and MU supports

When does she get upset about any critiques made of her, for that matter?"

Frederick. And MU

She doesn't have trouble socializing, per se, but sometimes has trouble understanding another's feelings. Happens a lot when you don't know the other person too well. She ends up socializing just fine - and gets to know others better too.

Also, she gets mad when people don't critique her and just treat her as perfect. She realizes she isn't and doesn't wan to be treated as if she is. Nor does she want to be treated as if everything comes easily for her. That's why she gets upset.

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Being able to perceive compliment as a "he want to have a way with me" is pretty damn weird for someone that is socially competent

Going by that, most people aren't socially competent. I don't know how many times a girl has said hi to a guy and that's convinced him she wants to sleep with him, and vice versa. It's a little baffling.

Anyway, this really does seem like you're projecting. It's like me with MU when he's capped most of his stats and starts saying "Maybe I should learn some new skills." I always picture him as being absurdly bored while saying it.

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Going by that, most people aren't socially competent. I don't know how many times a girl has said hi to a guy and that's convinced him she wants to sleep with him, and vice versa. It's a little baffling.

eh I jumped the gun too much when it comes too discussng this chick for no reason


Cordy is the new Mist Rex

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I'm surprised this thread didn't blow up worse. Some of you (you know who you are) made some pretty amazing post, so thanks~! I'm wary about assigning psychological disorders to fictional characters, because the former is rarely a "set" and tends to be misunderstood by those who aren't affected by it. Thus, it would be like me trying to write about testicular torsion (I lack the physical anatomy, so I can't imagine the pain. . .but I've heard it's phenomenally bad, and something that shouldn't be wished on even the worst of enemies).

(also, if someone wants to start up a Which FE Character Do You Think You Are? in FftF, feel free to do so)

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