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Fire Emblem: Binding Blade (U)


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Taking away axes is a nerf to Paladins, and also brings them in line with the rest of the series (Paladins are usually always Lance/Sword). In a game where Paladins are the "master race," I think shifting the weapon triangle control to Generals is a fair way to go.

Personally, I think it should be Paladin: Swords&Lances; Great Knights:Axes&Lances; Generals:WTC. It makes paladins and great knights different, and doesn't give them the WTC of Generals to give Generals an advantage. You could have one of each of the cav pairs promote to one or the other, or have treck & Noah promote to GK, or just reclass both of Noah and Treck, idk.

As for the magic classes, I'd just want to see one of the classes without staves. Not every magic class has to have staves, ya know. The reason I went for Anima/Light Sages was because we have Anima/Staves already with Valkyries.

I personally like Sages:Anima&Light; Druids:Dark&Anima, and Bishops:Light&Staves. Makes each one different, and you don't have an all powerful sage that can use everything but dark, etc..

More importantly, it appears to me that we've reached a "slippery slope" moment. Things could easily get out of hand, and I'm trying not to go overboard with changes. My goal is still to produce a moderate update. I'm looking at adding three series-stapleish classes; Monk because no T1s used light magic, Rogue and Halberdier so that every class promotes. The only reason I'm looking at Saul and Treck for reclassing is because Saul was the third staff unit in six chapters, and Treck was the fourth (sixth if you count T2s) Cavalier by the seventh chapter. With Wendy, I'd like to preserve the armor triangle attack (the animation doesn't work with units of different classes). She's also the first female Knight (Sheema was a General), and that's something I'd like to keep. Saul and Treck are more than likely going to be the only reclasses I do make.

It's your update hack. Don't worry about a slippery slope. Make the changes you want, because they're probably gonna make them better.

Personally, I think Wendy is screwed partially because of her class, which makes her overall situation worse. Her growths fit the "Standard" halberdier caps better than her growths fit the armor knight caps. IMO, way better, but again, that's just me. I wouldn't worry about changing conventions.

Besides, does anyone use the armor knight triangle attack anyway? If I was using it, I'd always initate with Wendy anyway, so if you changed her class, it wouldn't matter to me personally...

I'll also likely end up keeping the multiple promotion items. I'll just have to bite the bullet and figure out how to add a new promotion item. With the addition of Rogues, the Thief class needs a promotion item. Pirates and Brigands already fall under Hero Crest, and I didn't want to add yet another class to that. I guess I'll end up adding the Ocean Seal. I was thinking of just Master Sealing every class because that'd make my life a little easier, but I guess I'll just work it out.

Master Seals are still the best pick, IMO. I think theres a reason the more recent games have ditched specific items for master seals...

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Well, I'm for changing the Paladin and General, to makes knight at least usable. Using only mounts and mages is absolutely boring.

For the mages... Bishop's function was always to be a Magic Tank and healer (How usefull is a Magic Tank can be discussed), so they won't really see their uses change. Monk will also have a better rank in Light Magic (unless they became Sage now...).

In the end, the choices are yours. This isn't as necessary as the Paladin/General change (especially if you keeps all the promotions items separated). Making Paladin less OP is pretty interresting for balance perspective.

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I think Druids should keep Dark/Staves, personally. If you really want to cut staves from a magic class I'd make it Sages and give them a crit bonus instead of light (because really why would they use light?)

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I’d like to note that mamuketes (this game’s main enemies of sorts), badly needs a ranged attack. Being restricted to melee makes them a joke, especially considering they’re weak against magic. The first dragon you face is hyped up to be so scary, but is in reality a complete joke as any mage could just stand there and nuke him without worries. Making their flame breath’s range 1-2 or even 1-3 (like the dragon in FE7) would make them insanely scary enemies, as they should be.

I also think Aircalibur tomes needs to be more rare. This game features a lot of wyvern knights (which is the whole theme of Bern’s armies). The problem? Lugh and Lillina stacked up with wyvern-killing tomes can pretty much solo an entire army of them.

Edited by Mangs
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You guys should probably WAIT patiently for this patch instead of ENDing it all before you get a chance to play it.

Making their flame breath’s range 1-2 or even 1-3 (like the dragon in FE7) would make them insanely scary enemies, as they should be.

It screws up the magic animation.

It doesn't have a scroll screen command.

And that involves messing with the ASM.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Personally, I think it should be Paladin: Swords&Lances; Great Knights:Axes&Lances; Generals:WTC. It makes paladins and great knights different, and doesn't give them the WTC of Generals to give Generals an advantage. You could have one of each of the cav pairs promote to one or the other, or have treck & Noah promote to GK, or just reclass both of Noah and Treck, idk.

I wasn't planning on including Great Knights. I'm limiting my class additions to just Monk, Rogue and Halberdier. Monks because the game lacked a tier 1 class with light magic, Rogues and Halberdiers so that each class has a promotion.

I’d like to note that mamuketes (this game’s main enemies of sorts), badly needs a ranged attack. Being restricted to melee makes them a joke, especially considering they’re weak against magic. The first dragon you face is hyped up to be so scary, but is in reality a complete joke as any mage could just stand there and nuke him without worries. Making their flame breath’s range 1-2 or even 1-3 (like the dragon in FE7) would make them insanely scary enemies, as they should be.

I changed it to 1-2 range already, a little trial run to see how this impacts the gameplay. This is a change I'd like to make, definitely. Unfortunately, we also have to contend with the issue that SoC pointed out. Edited by Stallinbald
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- I wholeheartedly support an improved script. It's hard to get pumped up to do chapters with the quality of the current translation.

- So, with the whole "Roy promotion" thing, are you going to have Roy obtain the Sword of Seals earlier or are you going to give the player the option to promote him?

- It would be great if you made the lamer units more usable, either by giving them new classes or by improving their growths and stats.

- YES to improving axe accuracy. Wade and Lot need all the help they can get.

Oooh, a 50% tie on question three. I'm jotting down these results, this round of questions is over.

You've all made it to the second round. I've got a few more questions to ask.

1. Would you prefer the split promotion item GBA approach, or would you support switching to just one item: the Master Seal. Post-FE8, split promotion items have ceased to exist. The Master Seal option would be a fix for the promotion item dilemma, and also bring the update in-line with later titles.

2. Do you support the addition of Rogues as a promotion for Thieves? In the original FE6, Thieves are unable to promote.

3. Do you also support the addition of Halberdiers? This would also possibly accompany the reclassing of a player character into the Soldier class. The leading candidate, in my mind, would be Treck. I'm interested to hear what everybody thinks of the reclassing idea, and whom everyone thinks would be a good candidate for the reclass. If anything, I could just keep Halberdiers enemy-only.

Also, I'm up to Chapter 7 now.

1: I think it would be better if you kept the different promotion items, but made them far more plentiful.

2: Thieves aren't meant to be used for combat, so I would just leave them be. Their growth rates are high enough as is.

3: If it helps keep the game free of multiple units of the same class, go ahead.

If at all possible, could you decrease the size of the maps? Right now they only serve to make horseback units even better and slower units like generals and archers worse.

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I wasn't planning on including Great Knights. I'm limiting my class additions to just Monk, Rogue and Halberdier. Monks because the game lacked a tier 1 class with light magic, Rogues and Halberdiers so that each class has a promotion.

Oh, silly me. I had assumed that you would. Monk is badly needed, so I'm looking forward to that.

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Wait, people actually use that command in GBAFE?

Man, I've just been soft-resetting since day one, I feel so left out. ;n;

No I never use it, and removing it would be the best solution ever. It's just that it probably has to stay so we might as well give it an appropriate name.

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Wait, what's wrong with having the suspend command? ...Mind you, all emulators I've used have a reset command that works well enough.

...Actually, what was the point of Intelligent Systems putting it in in the first place? Turning the GBA off had the same effect of saving your in-chapter progress, and no matter what method you took to reach the menu, jumping into another file or restarting the chapter would erase the progress anyway. So yeah, it has nostalgia value, but little other use except possibly holding the game together.

You know, adding Halberdiers and possibly changing Noah or Treck's starting class to Soldier is just begging for a reference to Elibian Nights. Something along the lines of Zealot remarking "Well, we all have to start out somewhere..."

Oh, and happy birthday Stallinbald/Arch! (If the forum front page isn't lying...)

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