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Even Donnel! and Gregor!Inigo are strictly speaking, not terrible. They give him mostly positive stat mods (just -1 or -2 to Res), and Inigo's starting class set is really all he needs.

Gregor shares Inigo's entire class set and gives him basically nothing, but even then a Gregor!Inigo can run with any combination of Limit Break, Galeforce, Sol, Astra, Vantage, Swordfaire, Axefaire, Axebreaker, etc with a +3 Strength mod (second only to Vaike!Inigo's +4).

Donnel's mods are a little worse but also give him Counter, Zeal, and HP+5 to work with.

I'd say Inigo is even harder to mess up than Severa.

Both of them is easier to mess up than "I have no bad father" Cynthia and "Fuck everything I am good with Virion" Brady

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Even Donnel! and Gregor!Inigo are strictly speaking, not terrible. They give him mostly positive stat mods (just -1 or -2 to Res), and Inigo's starting class set is really all he needs.

Gregor shares Inigo's entire class set and gives him basically nothing, but even then a Gregor!Inigo can run with any combination of Limit Break, Galeforce, Sol, Astra, Vantage, Swordfaire, Axefaire, Axebreaker, Wrath, etc with a +3 Strength mod (second only to Vaike!Inigo's +4).

Donnel's mods are a little worse but also give him Zeal and HP+5 to work with.

I'd say Inigo is even harder to mess up than Severa.

For the most part I meant that they're bad for Inigo class-wise, but yeah Inigo's pretty hard to screw up intentionally. Demise/DB covered Cynthia and Brady, who are probably the most expendable parent-wise since they already start with everything they need to be good offensive casters and supporters. (Galeforce + Great Knight, pretty much. Tomefaire is gravy.) Even a hypothetical Virion!Cynthia would still turn out amazing because of that.

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Um, I'm sorry you feel that way then...?

I also like it because it makes a good Sorcerer!Inigo. And he gets nice ash blonde hair that compliments him well!

Didn't mean to offend, if I did. I guess I just hate Libra. Aren't priests not supposed to get married? Maybe I'm reading too deep into this.

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I don't normally use Olivia so...I think I got her married to Kellam once. Or Gregor? Whoever was still available. Wasn't really paying attention to 2nd gen at the time, just did it so everyone could get paired up.

While I agree that some min-maxers can be obnoxious, the complete version of the image you're using is insulting every possible wife, and not only from a min-max perspective (in fact, that's the only wife being insulted for gameplay reasons).

...although I find that image distasteful, in the interest of completeness, it can be found here (warning, large image)

[spoiler=HUGE image]

Or here.

(I feel like there are guidelines governing huge images, but I can't find anything. Mods, if I missed something, please remove the image.)

...is there a male version of that image? I feel like there is...now I'm scared.

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Didn't mean to offend, if I did. I guess I just hate Libra. Aren't priests not supposed to get married? Maybe I'm reading too deep into this.

Depends on the religion/culture in the real world. In Fire Emblem... well, nothing ever suggests they can't. We've had plenty of priests and clerics in the series that can get married with no consequences that we're aware of.

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I can buy lazy, alcoholic and commie but abusive?

Is that really the only thing you find wrong with that image?


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I can buy lazy, alcoholic and commie but abusive?

I know, right?

And Emmeryn's is just fucking awful.

Ugh. I know it's supposed to be a joke... but... I don't find it funny AT ALL.

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While I agree that some min-maxers can be obnoxious, the complete version of the image you're using is insulting every possible wife, and not only from a min-max perspective (in fact, that's the only wife being insulted for gameplay reasons).

...although I find that image distasteful, in the interest of completeness, it can be found here (warning, large image)

[spoiler=HUGE image]oqBOOCr.jpg

Or here.

(I feel like there are guidelines governing huge images, but I can't find anything. Mods, if I missed something, please remove the image.)

You guys DO know the reason I linked to part of it was to make a point about, how even though they were insulting every potential wife there basically equally, that I was taking a shot at the min-maxing mentality that is STILL there when doing so, simply because Olivia is a "better bride" to make super children with Chrom than with any of the other guys?

Why was it even necessary to link the entire image?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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You guys DO know the reason I linked to part of it was to make a point about, how even though they were insulting every potential wife there basically equally, that I was taking a shot at the min-maxing mentality that is STILL there when doing so, simply because Olivia is a "better bride" to make super children with Chrom than with any of the other guys?

Why was it even necessary to link the entire image?

Hngh... right. We've completely derailed this topic, I feel kind of bad now.

[/sigh] I'll never understand why people have to take optimization so seriously. It's a game. At the end of the day, does it actually matter how low your turn-count is or how broken the modifiers are for your second generation characters? No it doesn't. It's a bit pathetic, watching people bitch and moan about how their opinions and strategies are superior.

No, fuck you. I'm going to play my Normal/Classic, I'm going to grind, and I'm going to whatever the fuck I want.

... Oh gods, I sound awful. I'm sorry. I'm a bit strung right now, so if this offends anyone, I sincerely apologize beforehand.

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You guys DO know the reason I linked to part of it was to make a point about, how even though they were insulting every potential wife there basically equally, that I was taking a shot at the min-maxing mentality that is STILL there when doing so, simply because Olivia is a "better bride" to make super children with Chrom than with any of the other guys?

Why was it even necessary to link the entire image?

Because you were picking and choosing, while that image really had nothing to do with min-maxing... but probably mostly because it was late and I was already on edge.

I apologize, although there's not much I can do besides apologize, now.

I would be happy to edit my post and remove the offending image, but I feel like that really wouldn't change anything at this point.

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