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QOTD Thread: The End


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New question!

If you were forced into a survival situation, what environment would you want it to be most (besides urban)? For the sake of semantics, assume the environment isn't urban but rather is more or less untamed wilderness. In addition, unlike with the technology question, assume you have the things that someone like a typical person would have short of an easy means of escape (similar to reality show scenarios - obviously needs to make sense). Also assume you will have to survive for a reasonably long amount of time (maybe about a week, so you at least need to find water to drink) with self-rescue being optional. If you want you can go into details on how you would attempt to make the best of the situation as well.

Personally, I'd probably go for a temperate or cold forest (no snakes and those are places I typically hike anyways) or tropical island. In the case of a forest there are dangers of large animals, but I would assume I would at least have a method to have fire and there's plenty of methods to build at least some short of shelter, plus I could find running water. In the case of a tropical island or in general being cast away I guess I could at least survive off of coconuts, since I doubt I could start a fire. Still means there's not exactly a lot of danger as long as I don't move much and I'm sure I'd have plenty of time to try to do something primitive like rub sticks together.

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Barring that, some place that wouldn't make me suffer long.

[spoiler=back to Black Friday for a bit]Even movie theatres are crowded, and there's not even any sales ;_;

Target wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though. I'm amazed my dad even considered going there, because he hates Back Friday as much or more than I do (Target was right next to Gamestop, which had mmmdelicious Xenoblade).

Edited by Euklyd
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Probably highlands. A nice mountainous area, still green, good rainfall. I don't know anything about wilderness survival beyond the most basic essentials so it would be good to be near an area of good elevation so I could spot water, because I'm not going to be eating until that week is up. Eating random berries is like playing the lottery but with a lot more diarrhea involved, and the idea of me managing to chase a deer down or actually put together a rabbit trap is amusing to say the least.

Also highlands are bee-ee-ay-you-tiful so assuming I'd die it'd be a nice place to be at.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Temperate forest, preferably one without wolves wandering around. 'Course, I'd have to put aside my vegetarianism pretty quickly, because I don't think berries would support me for very long.

...There wouldn't happen to be a handy, long forgotten orchard nearby, would there? No wild carrots or potatoes? ...Guess I'll be living off Alexander tubers then.

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I usually enjoy being placed in a jungle the most~ Then I can create my wooden tools easily and slay some spiders for their webs then start fishing in a river or pond nearby so I can tame ocelots for my pets!! ^o^ Then I would build a treehouse up on the treetops =3
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I usually enjoy being placed in a jungle the most~ Then I can create my wooden tools easily and slay some spiders for their webs then start fishing in a river or pond nearby so I can tame ocelots for my pets!! ^o^ Then I would build a treehouse up on the treetops =3

The Minecraft is real. Also, don't forget the poisonous frogs! :3

Probably a forest in the highlands (like Issac said), I'm used to living in said environment so it would be easy to maneuver through. There would be no lack of food sources. But probably an abundance of animals that view me as a food source. :O

Edited by Monde
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New question!

How often do you fly? In general I am referring to commercial plane travel but if you happen to be a pilot or own a private aerial vehicle of sorts, feel free to count that as well. This is to get a general indicator of how often people fly in a given year due to various reasons.

For instance, I usually fly around 6-8 times a year, and oftentimes the number can be greater than that. I have homes on both sides of the U.S. and relatives dotted everywhere, particularly where I am right now.

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Almost every day. I'm not gonna ride my bike to Kiloude City.

A few times per year. Some years less, some much more. Used to be more when I was much younger.

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I have only flown once in my whole life which was last year to see my relatives and it was a 1-2 hour flight, I don't know if I will ever fly again though since it took me 21 years to fly for the first time :< though I must say I loved the plane flight!

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I don't think I've ever flown in my life, however I have been situated inside things that have flown. That's like, close enough, right?

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Almost never.

Mostly only in my dreams.

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