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QOTD Thread: The End


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i think pirating discontinued products is fair game. i mean, come on.

we all know if i bought NiGHTS Into Dreams and a Sega Saturn from ebay or craigslist or something, neither sega nor sonic team would be getting in on ANY the big bucks i would undoubtedly(spelling?) have to spend to get them.

other than that, well...pirating things that are still being produced and sold in stores is a little nasty, but the big cheese is using your pirated software and such to make money for yourself. if you're gonna pirate fl studio, go non-profit to up your publicity and reputation until you can affort to buy the product and stay clean.

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It depends. I don't pirate stuff by indie devs because I know it's hard out there, so sometimes even when I have a choice of going free if it's something I will be using often and I can afford it I'll go the pay version. I feel less guilty about pirating from big companies because they're rich as fuck anyway, and adobe photoshop is clearly not targetted at starving programmers who can sometimes make 30 bucks off one hasty drawing (aka me) for, I dunno, lunch money, but rather professionals who do actual profit off their products and enterprises (I do plan on, before I graduate, grab the latest Photoshop on my student discounts while I still can). I don't feel bad at pirating things people no longer make profit under, either, considering even if I buy it it'll probably end up being from someone on ebay and I like to have my computer do my management for me.

So it boils down to: if I can pay for it I'll probably pay, but some things are just too expensive and I would really like it now.

Also textbooks. Fuck textbooks. As if college students aren't broke enough already they charge pretty much our soul for them. I'll buy the textbook if the professor themselves wrote it (for the dedication) or if it's like, 10 bucks or I really can't find a pirate version, but otherwise? Pdfs go

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Basically what Interest, Nightmare and Bal said

Bullshit availability and/or bullshit prices (likely to happen when your country has high import taxes) = yarr harr

Also, someone who pirates something they weren't going to buy anyway isn't hurting anyone

On the contrary, it can even become free PR or make them willing to pay later on

Now give me a decent way to buy your games online, Falcom

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On the contrary, it can even become free PR or make them willing to pay later on

You know, the really interesting thing on that statement is that some indie artists (video games, music, etc) sometimes torrent their own stuff to try to get it out to as many people as possible (mostly with music, though this is a little rare with media outlets like Youtube available).

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(my thoughts are: if you can acquire it legally, pirating is lame, but if you can't then pirate till you drop)

IF there is an outlet by which the relevant company can Have My Money (caveat: in a language i speak) then I will pursue that outlet righteously and scorn others who don't.

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Weeeeeeell I guess I think pirating can hurt businesses and could not be helpful at all... but I agree that if you can't access something that you want, well I guess... pirating is the next step =o

The only time I don't feel too guilty about pirating is when I'm pirating a game I already bought that broke or if the system I owned broke~ Like "hey I already paid for this!! Maybe I don't wanna pay again! D="

The time that I especially don't like pirating though is if there's some band that I really really support or anything like that, then I would prefer to be supportive of those people and actually buy their stuff~

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My thoughts are similar to a fair few preceding answers. In general, I'm against it, BUT if the item in question is stupidly hard to get hold of (eg, games over ten years old, books/series over twenty five - these things are hard to get hold of even through second hand and and won't make the parent company any more profit anyway), or perhaps never legitimately reached your region anyway (or perhaps didn't even get translated), then the piracy might be justified.

So, I'd consider pirating things like Valkyria Chronicles 3 (never officially translated), Hogan's Heroes (only ever released in USA and Australia, which is plain unfair for us Europeans)... but I'd still rather look for ways to get them legitimately than pirate the things.

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I find excessive moralisation over piracy to be one of the most ridiculous of the online discourse phenomena. At the same time, yeah, things just aren't produced so that you could rip them with torrents and then put on your e-reader or mp3 player. Even still, cheap businessmen who whine way too much about piracy (e.g. Metallica) are inviting the public to having their sincerity as artists re-examined should they bare their real intentions in such a way.

Edited by Espinosa
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I don't really have one. I'll do it to test some stuff or if I just don't feel like buying something. But at least for games, I'll usually buy the legal copy of it anyway.

But yeah, I agree with Espinosa's post too.

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Always buy the game when you can.

When it's obscure as all hell and obviously impractical to buy... Yar har.

Like so. 72 freaking percent tax on consoles and games.

When you pirate EVERYTHING? I predict ninjas will invade your ship, mate.

When you download ROMs and sell illegal copies at swap meets... even bootleg wtf ROM hacks like "Pokémon: Frego Returns"... then your ship will be set on fire by ninjas in the middle of shark infested waters.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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If I can buy it, I'll try to.

These is only one thing I've personally pirated and had no shame in doing so, and that is RPGMaker VX and its Ace counterpart (so, er, two?).

My dad has less shame than I, he pirates movies all the time. :3

But if we like them enough, we will eventually buy them, so, you know...

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Debating whether pirating is wrong is pointless. It is the future of mankind, so long as technology continues moving forth. The notion of copyrights is a fairly old one, but it's poorly applied to begin with and wasn't created with the idea of a market that essentially lacks scarcity in mind. I bought a book recently for my economics class; it's the same as the real book in every way but physical form, and I can carry it wherever and whenever I wish. It will never decay and grow old, or fall apart. Or at least it wouldn't, if it were not programmed by the creators to become corrupt at the end of the semester, forcing me to renew it if I want to be able to keep reading it. It is rather ironic to me that the same mechanism of capitalist economics which was used to arrive at this greater technological capacity is simultaneously what limits it from moving forth.

I think the internet is a kind of first look at post-scarcity economics, and I think it scares the bejeezus out of everyone.

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Also textbooks. Fuck textbooks. As if college students aren't broke enough already they charge pretty much our soul for them. I'll buy the textbook if the professor themselves wrote it (for the dedication) or if it's like, 10 bucks or I really can't find a pirate version, but otherwise? Pdfs go

oh, hell yes.

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thepiratebay is my waifu!

but seriously, i don't pirate new games, (you can't pirate 3ds and ps3 games anyway...), but if the game is old, yes, I'll pirate it. Also, despite buying many music albums (I'll buy AM, for instance, as soon as I go to a store selling it), I also download them, and then there are the B-sides which are almost impossible to buy. And TV series, I'm not willing to wait a month to watch in my cable tv.

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