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QOTD Thread: The End


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World experiences from my parents, I traveled to several countries in my life and lived in an international community for the first years of my life. That really helped broaden my views of the world. Despite that, my parents traveled to like 4.5 times the countries than me :( . I hope to match them someday though :)

Edited by sifer
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My calculator and Nexus 7 from parents over xmas


Assassin's Creed Revelations from Yeti

scratch that the latter is the worst present ever because it threw me down a path of no return through feels and nothing is okay anymore also significantly more time spent playing video games than being productive

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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What is your proudest accomplishment? (if you can't remember, just say any ol' accomplishment you're extremely proud of)


[spoiler=EDIT: explanation]09:52 - Советский Россия: what's the heretic achievement

10:13 - Integrity!: okay so

10:13 - Integrity!: there's a last stand mode in SPESS MEHREEN

10:13 - Integrity!: there's a mission for it that you only get if you have the chaos dlc

10:13 - Integrity!: it's 21 waves long

10:14 - Integrity!: most people wipe on wave 9 or 10

10:14 - Integrity!: if they make it past that, wave 14 is stupid hard

10:14 - Integrity!: if they make it past that, waves 16-20 are even harder

10:14 - Integrity!: and if they make it past that, wave 21 (the bonus round) is just fucking ridiculous

10:14 - Integrity!: to get heretic

10:14 - Integrity!: you have to get wave 21 cleared in a PUBLIC (read: queue solo matchmaking) game

10:15 - Integrity!: and note just for added fuck you you can't select which map you get dropped into when you go public

10:15 - Integrity!: so most of the time you just get one of the other two maps

10:15 - Советский Россия: ok so the achievement has stupid arbitrary conditions

10:15 - Integrity!: it has stupid arbitrary conditions

10:15 - Integrity!: and even if you stripped them away

10:15 - Integrity!: the chaos invasion bonus wave alone is frustratingly hard

10:15 - Советский Россия: it's doabloe with enough practice

10:16 - Integrity!: and luck

10:16 - Integrity!: i think when i finally did it i was literally kicking boss orks to death

10:16 - Integrity!: because i had to save my ammo for the mechs that also drop in waves

10:16 - Советский Россия: lol

low, man. low. :P

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My otherwise unused black belt in judo I have hanging, somewhere, that I only wore once which was during the ceremony. Screw the dan system, I'm happy with just a plain, unused black belt.

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New question!

What is your greatest or otherwise noteworthy accomplishment?

Mine? Surviving...high school.

Once, my parents and my brother was going to shopping center and I was going to my friend, but I forgot my key :(. Yeah, that's pretty lame, especially my brother tell me to not forget the key. Maybe you think that I was just phoned to my parents, but it's that I would do.

So I just broke into my home without breaking anything and I don't dishonor myself. They still don't know about anything.

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