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QOTD Thread: The End


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New question!

A few days ago, I had an intriguing discussion about numerous things. One topic in particular was the necessity of currency in today's world. One thing led to another, and it inspired the following question:

What do you consider a “necessary evil?” These are things that you perceive are necessary to the function of everyday life or whatever but also have a notable negative influence.

As mentioned above, I consider money a necessary evil because it's not exactly easy to eliminate from society. While bartering is possible, the currency systems are so ingrained and accepted that it serves a major function in acquiring or selling goods. In addition to this, with the virtual aspect of the Internet taken into account, currency is more "important" than ever since it would be rather difficult to barter online services for online services (or some sort of equivalent, but I'm sure someone gets the idea of what I'm getting at). On the opposite side of things, money inspires any number of negative behaviors and activities that I don't feel I need to explain.

I can imagine that someone is going to point out the juxtaposition of this question and the previous, so go ahead.

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Al Qaeda.

Lol jk those cunts all need to die asap

but seriously

uhm, this might take a while to think up.

How about governments? Most of them are fucked up and "evil," but all are still necessary to some degree.

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Heh, yep, money and politics are the big ones. As much as money causes problems and is 'the root of all evil' (fun fact - 95% of money in circulation at present is in fact 'debt money', ie imaginary figures called into existence by a bank whenever someone asks for a loan. It's more of a virtual currency than something with actual, proveable value.), it would be just a little bit inconvenient to go back to the old barter system with all the myriad variables for exchange rates to depend upon.

As for politics, well, there's an old saying which I'm going to cannibalise: "With politics, nothing works right. Without politics, nothing plain works at all!"

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Necessary evil is a copout

It's a copout unless we accept that humans just aren't ready for some things. A libertarian utopia as imagined by so many ancaps, for example, will never happen as long as people remain as they are. In this sense it can be said that governments and regulatory bodies are a necessarily evil.

Necessary evils are those things we accept as needed to maintain order and progression despite being a potentially negative force, all because of our limitations either physically or otherwise. And there are many of them in many fields, I think.

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It's a copout unless we accept that humans just aren't ready for some things.

It's still a copout.

Saying something is "evil" but "necessary" is simply stating you're powerless to change something you dislike. Or worse, you're using it as an euphemism in order to lead people into believing you dislike something when you really don't.

Of course, we can't do everything. So sometimes we just need to admit defeat in a way that doesn't feel like we're admitting defeat.

live your life righteously and to its fullest

suffer no evil in your presence

what's evil anyway
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