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QOTD Thread: The End


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Personal level: Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards, eating out, my personal rigs (I am on my second one, and it's going to have beefier hardware than my first one)

Larger level: Military spending, highway construction/maintenance

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my personal rigs (I am on my second one, and it's going to have beefier hardware than my first one)

This for me

My common sense screams that I shouldn't spend a cent more on them

But every now and then I simply give in

It's like Lego, just taking up less space the space issue is why I don't spend money on Lego nowadays, incidentally

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For me: Lego, Yu-Gi-Oh Cards, Video Games

Wow, you sound just like me five years ago. Nice choices :):

Now it'd just be LEGO and Video Games...

I dunno about "biggest", but I have a special place in my heart for buying bottles of water.

And not a good place either.

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I dunno about "biggest", but I have a special place in my heart for buying bottles of water.

And not a good place either.

We usually have many, many water bottles at our house, but they're dirt cheap (like a couple bucks for a large bunch of them). Probably still more cost-efficient to filter tap water, but *shrug*

New question!

What is/are your favored method(s) of learning? Do you prefer it if a professor (or teacher) lectures you and you take notes to study later or do you like to debate and discuss the topic in the class? Maybe you like doing hands-on activities and enjoy your chemistry labs.

Considering I usually did my own thing during lectures and the joy of doing hands-on activities rapidly wore off, I like talking with my peers and professor about the topic at hand, but only in smaller groups. Otherwise, as long as I can copy notes off Powerpoint slides I don't care. I guess I can safely say I like learning by myself as well, though not through traditional studying, but instead through trial and error (i.e. take mock exams or equivalent).

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A mix of reading then doing it myself, more of the latter though

I like to dissect math problems to bits so I can get the problem in the most detailed way possible, but I will reference back to the textbook.

And I do a lot better on practical programming than concept-related things because fuck memorisation but I can program decently enough

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I hate studying. Therefore, I go to class and pay attention to the lectures, and that usually does the trick. Doing things myself is the best way for me to learn things, but sometimes I can't really be fucked.

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This past semester has taught me that I need lectures~ Otherwise reading/learning by myself is not quite enough for me.

Also I do not enjoy debating!! ^o^

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In groups. I find studying alone for myself to be extremely ineffective, and I learn nothing at all and get distracted a ton. However I find that when I work/study in groups I learn a lot more and get to know the subject matter.

If you're asking for an auditory/visual/kinetic learning, I'm more on the kinetic side of learning.

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Independent study. I love learning with others, but it doesn't have the same oomph as that moment when you figure something out on your own. Can't beat it.

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So this next question was going to be about more academic crap, but instead I've opted to choose a generic question since it is that time of year.

What are you doing for the holidays?

Personally I'm not doing much of anything until after 2014 begins. I will then be taking a trip to the desolate hell frozen over known as "New England."

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