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QOTD Thread: The End


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That reminds me

On my 3D game programming final the prof just gave us 25 multiple choice (we had a final project in the class that is far more indicative of our abilities anyway and I think he had to give a test and he'd rather not if he can get away with it so it became something super ez) but there was like, 7 Cs in a row and I got scared for a sec and then checked with friend after test to make sure I didn't screw up

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That reminds me

On my 3D game programming final the prof just gave us 25 multiple choice (we had a final project in the class that is far more indicative of our abilities anyway and I think he had to give a test and he'd rather not if he can get away with it so it became something super ez) but there was like, 7 Cs in a row and I got scared for a sec and then checked with friend after test to make sure I didn't screw up

Christ I hate when that happens.

A friend of mine always guessed 4 on math questions they didn't know, so the teacher made the answer to every other question four. She starting freaking out after after the first four questions were 4.

Edited by Makaze
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A friend of mine always guessed 4 on math questions they didn't know, so the teacher made the answer to every other question four. She starting freaking out after after the first four questions were 4.

That sounds like the teacher just made it more likely that your friend would guess correctly. That seems like a silly thing for a teacher to do, unless they knew your friend would freak out like that. Unless I'm misunderstanding something.

Christ I hate when that happens.

Me too. So much.

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That sounds like the teacher just made it more likely that your friend would guess correctly. That seems like a silly thing for a teacher to do, unless they knew your friend would freak out like that. Unless I'm misunderstanding something.

Me too. So much.

They said it was to be nice, but I have my doubts.

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oh boy, final closed book no formula sheet exams are a bitch. Oh hey here is a fuckton of theorems, formulas, and other random tidbits you'll have to memorize because you know you won't get those in a real life situation... oh wait :facepalm: I'm very bitter about them.

To be honest the idea of final exams are a horrible thing. Specially when there is such a huge emphasis placed on it to the point where your assignments count for almost nothing. Not to mention that midterms also count for close to nothing because finals are generally worth over 50% percent of your mark. What i hate the most though is the fucking scheduling. You either have an awesome schedule and things are more or less divided nicely or you have 70-100% of your exams right after the other. That happened to me... fuck did i have such a bad time... 3/4 courses were right after the other, 2 of which i was already struggling in. And my god were they fucking hard exams. My marks are in a horrible state of disrepair T_T. Exams just tire me out and i need like a whole day to recuperate brain function... I can't study the day i had an exam T_T.

Open book exams... idk how to feel about that since i never had one. Though i bet you it'd be awesome like having formula sheets on a physics exam... Unlike math exams where they just go herp derp memorize a bunch of useless shit. God i hate the math department.

I would absolutely adore projects in lieu of final exams.

Essays, god no.

Standardize testing is fucking stupid too. A lot of the times there is nothing standard about them.

Also, in courses like computer programming i really think a 1 month project would be a lot more fair thn a final exam. Particularly if said final has to do with making functional code and having it work in the computer. I was taking a computational physics course where 90% of the marks came from doing code under pressure, when on reality all pf my practice had been making code for 7-8 hours per assignment. Yeah okay, do code under pressure >_> that bastard.

I'm sorry i'm too bitter.

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That was the general idea of the question, Slayer. Wanted people to vent frustrations at crappy academic logic.

New question:

What are the most pleasant and unpleasant smells you have experienced?

Most pleasant: Probably a well cooked stew, stock, or roast of sorts, though it's hard to say.

Least pleasant: My dorm's entire floor after winter vacation freshman year. Somehow runoff from snow leaked in and the entire place smelled of something similar to raw sewage but worse for a week...and this is coming from someone who's gone to a few third-world countries too.

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erhm ANYWAY for most pleasant, well...back in the 11th grade of high school, i knew a girl who always smelled like strawberry/cherry scented lotion. i could smell it just by standing near to her. it was so lovely.

for least pleasant...back in the 10th grade of high school, i sniffed a solution with ammonia or something like that...i regretted that decision for the remainder of the day orz

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Pleasant: On one hand, I used to catch the bus outside a bakery, and every morning, I was always hungry, but I think I'll give this to the scent of rain, especially the first rainfall of the year.

Worst Ever: This guy's fart in grade 9 math class, the scent still horrifies me to this day.

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Pleasant: There is a specific perfume smell which my aunt used to wear when I was a small child. Whenever I smell it, I'm left remembering my times visiting my cousins during school breaks.

Unpleasant: Rotting flesh. I don't know if you guys have ever had the unfortunate luck of getting a whiff of someone with necrotic flesh. It basically smells like if the Grim Reaper shit on your nose.

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Pleasant: Cumin lamb. Or steak. Or whatever food I really like.

Unpleasant: cannot stand the smell of cigarettes. Unfortunately for me, the campus is full of public smokers who walk in large groups slowly towards the same destination as me.

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Unpleasant: cannot stand the smell of cigarettes. Unfortunately for me, the campus is full of public smokers who walk in large groups slowly towards the same destination as me.

the smell of cigs isn't actually bad to me, but...i am so protective of my throat that i avoid those sobs like the plague. as soon as i even think someone is smoking nearby i RUN LIKE HELL

...i LOVE it when people smoke at bus stops, by the way T_T i actually take out my umbrella and use it as shade in these cases.

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Pleasant: Fresh air, freshly baked bread... and bacon. The last one's rather odd, given that I'm vegetarian.

Horrible: A certain cat of mine (not the demon cat pictured below) makes the foulest smelling dung ever. She has an annoying habit of doing it immediately after we go to bed, and the ghastly retch inducing odour penetrates closed doors in seconds. We're only half joking when we say we should pack her off to the nearest bio-warfare lab.

Oh, and she likes to sit herself right next to you, and amuse herself by passing wind. It's the same smell.

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What are the most pleasant and unpleasant smells you have experienced?

Oh no, this question ;~;

My favourite smell is SPAGHETTI! Or at least my dad's spaghetti because that's what I smell all the time =o But I also really love honeysuckle~

..................... Least favourite..... One day, one of my brothers wanted to let our towels get cleanclean and set some of them inside a bucket to soak in water and let them sit there in our bathroom for a while. Idk if he added detergent into that water or anything though It was the day before he was about to go back to his friend's house, where he lives, though. I suppose he wanted my dad to remove them the next day or something (because once I told my dad about it later on he was all "oh yeah"). So the next morning I go into our bathroom and there was a horrible smell. I thought maybe one of my brothers clogged up the toilet and didn't bother unclogging it (which they always do, leaving me to clean up after them >~<) so I checked and it was just fine. I thought well maybe there was something in it that they did unclog and the smell is just lingering. I shrug it off and just leave the fan on in case that gets rid of the smell.

I come in again a few times and the smell is still there and I am wondering what in the world is making it linger so long. Or was it something else I did not know about?

Then comes the next day, it was supposed to be like one of the bestest days of my life because I was going to meet Integrity again and we and my family were going on a fun fun hike!!! =O But I have to get ready first, I have to pottyyyyy and I have to showeeeeer~ I go to the bathroom again and the smell is still around, but even worse. I had had enough of that stupid smell and investigated. I saw the bucket with towels in them and leaned over to it and sniffed...............

That was the worst thing I had ever done in my life ;~;

Never let dirty towels soak in a bucket of water

for more than a day at least~ Or half a day~

Oh god I can still remember how that smells >~<

And I had to clean up after that... I had to sit through that smell all up until we left for our hike... I couldn't even eat because I felt so sick. Luckily by the time we met up with Integrity I did not feel so sick anymore~ But I don't think I'll ever forget how that smells....

though freohr smells quite nice


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My favorite smell is probably the smell of the heater in my house. I don't know why, it just makes me feel so comfortable and happy.

Least pleasant thing oh my god

when you incubate eggs to hatch them (chickens, in this case) you have to leave the baby chicks in the incubator for quite awhile after hatching so the heat inside gently dries them off

what this also means is by the time you take the chicks out, the whole thing smells like toasted baby chick and all the disgusting ooze that lived in the egg with them

and then you have to clean it

there are worse smells out there but that one sticks with me ;__;

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I...don't know. I like the smell of flowers.

I don't like the smell of cigarettes because I can hardly breathe around it... and garbage... and poo... and stuff like that. Disgusting things.

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The best smell is the people smell I smelled once when I was on a something like month-long canoe trip in Canada. Maybe it's weird but I like that natural sweaty people smell.

The worst smell I dunno. I guess maybe porta-potty/latrine smells. How quotidian and boring.

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Worst smell: I once attempted to make mulch by allowing all the pulp from the fruits and veggies that I juiced rot in a porcelain jar in my backyard. One day, after about two weeks of the pulp baking in the summer heat, I decided to lift the wooden slab that was covering the jar so that I could check on the status of my mulch. The gut-wrenching smell that emerged from the pot nearly dissolved my nose-- it was fucking noxious. I felt so stupid because I had thought, "Well... who needs earthworms or air circulation anyway? It'll be fine!". But, no. It was not fine.

It was not fine at all.

Most pleasant smell: My parents own a salon that sells products by Aveda. Several years ago, the previous owner of the Aveda company, Horst, sold it to some chick named Estee and decided to create his own brand of beauty products-- Intelligent Nutrients. They're organic, food-grade beauty products that are actually really pleasant to use and smell great. However, there is one particular scented oil that's part of the Intelligent Nutrients line that I really, really like. I think it's called Orange Superselect or something. I dunno, but it's got this citrusy scent that's just... electrifying. I enjoy the smell (and taste!) of citrus fruits in general so to have this wonderful concoction of fruity goodness that I can rub all over myself if I wanted to is really exciting.

I could be an orange, guys.

I could be an orange.

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most pleasent: juicy orange mist. Love it when people open oranges near me. The smell is intoxicating :drool:

Most unpleasent, smoke from cigarretes. Honestly go kill your self in another bus station thank you.

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