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QOTD Thread: The End


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Oh, that's easy.

  1. Delete that word document I've been meaning to delete since April. Done!
  2. Write that damn book like I want to!
  3. Live.

... Pretty simple this year! For now, I'll probably add more...

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New question! This is a very serious one, so yeah...

Would you want to be euthanized? There have been arguments abound about this topic in general due to the moral implications...not much more to say than that. Assume you are in a circumstance where this would have some significant relevance (things like the Schiavo case may fall under this topic).

Morally, I think voluntary euthanasia is okay and I would probably wish for it under some circumstances (i.e. I have a terminal disease that causes severe agony).

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The Schiavo case is a terrible example from where I am standing since it was extremely controversial for multiple reasons including allegations that her husband was the cause of the damage in the first place. Her will was not taken into the equation at all and could not have been.

Personally I would prefer to die over being a burden on others.

Edited by Makaze
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I wouldn't like to be kept "alive" when I'm not really alive anymore, or to have my suffering prolonged pointlessly.

I once read an article on how doctors usually aren't willing to undergo the invasive end-of-life treatments they prescribe, as they are highly painful and not really effective (but they prescribe them anyway because they'll be sued otherwise). It's something to think about.

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I once read an article on how doctors usually aren't willing to undergo the invasive end-of-life treatments they prescribe, as they are highly painful and not really effective (but they prescribe them anyway because they'll be sued otherwise). It's something to think about.

I wondered about that. Is it true those methods can be quite expensive as well? Bother.

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I dunno, I don't like the thought of giving up, but I kinda feel I'm not qualified to answer since I haven't experienced this myself? I don't know what kind of torture that would put me through and how easy it would be for me to just give in to it.

Morally, I would probably always think that if it is voluntary, then it is fine. I am probably too simple-minded in this way, but I just think that if somebody's requesting it then respect that person's wishes.

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In the case of a disease extreme pain before the eventual death, or be in a vegetative state I would like to be euthanized. Why suffer more than i have to and make others suffer along with me?

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