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I haven't been able to use Kaspersky because it's only easily found on CNet which as you all know packages it with a virus. I've tried the others though and they all suck. The best anti-virus is Firefox.

Oh I think I'm using Malwarebytes atm but windows says I'm not so I dunno

Edited by Aleph
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I'm using Avast along with Windows Defender

Same. And Spybot Search and Destroy.

I use a Mac. They don't get viruses!

That is false. Its just rarer.

Avast on the desktop

Brother! Is that you?

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I haven't been able to use Kaspersky because it's only easily found on CNet which as you all know packages it with a virus. I've tried the others though and they all suck. The best anti-virus is Firefox.

Oh I think I'm using Malwarebytes atm but windows says I'm not so I dunno

I don't think the system detects supplemental antivirus programs.

I use a Mac. They don't get viruses!

Oh boy if I still had my quarantine folder...lol

I work in tech support. Some things aren't funny.

How often do you get PEBKAC?

Anyways - new question!

What are your views on cheating in video games? More specifically, what, if applicable, do you consider "acceptable" cheating and "unacceptable" cheating? (And on that note do you cheat at all?)

I would say nearly any form of single player cheating is acceptable. I personally wouldn't resort to anything beyond accessing core/important content that is gated by DLC (lol EA) or events (lol Game Freak) unless I want to screw around for whatever reason (like inventory editing on Terraria, though I often use this to replace items I somehow lost on Softcore characters due to world save glitching out or whatever).

However, when it comes to multiplayer, I would say I'm not a fan of all that much cheating at all. I get a bit of a laugh out of grief-based cheating, but while it's funny, the fun ends if the person getting griefed isn't laughing as well, which is where my tolerance ends.

TL;DR: As long as the cheating isn't ruining people's experiences, I don't mind.

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Well, yeah - absolutely no for multiplayer (unless all parties agree, but when I think of maphacks in moba for example... no).

It hurts noone, if you cheat in Singleplayer. So do as you wish - I try to avoid it, but that's my gaming experience.

I would probably look down on people who use invulnerability cheats or similar stuff in a normal playthrough, but it's acceptable at least.

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I don't care if people cheat at videogames. They're just videogames after all. In fact, I used "cheats" in Tactics Ogre to make grinding for items less annoying.

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Hmmmmmm I think cheating can ruin the game experience so I try to avoid doing so myself (but not always!!!) and when others do it I think "whyyyyyyyy" since I guess it feels that playing could get quite boring that way. But yeah I especially don't support cheating on competitive multiplayer (or maybe even not competitive, in some cases, if it's cooperative and the other teammates don't want cheating then that's not cool D=) as I'm sure anybody could guess why and probably agree.

But I suppose if people want to in singleplayer stuffs then go ahead, maybe in different contexts it could even be just fine (imo) anyway.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I "cheat" all the time. That's how I got into ROM hacking and computer science.

Taking apart the crap behind the game.

Single-player wise I mean.

The only cheats I use in multiplayer is like enabling usage of inaccessible levels or music... like in Brawl or Mario Kart or whatever that enhances the experience.

Otherwise, using codes or hacking or whatever to gain advantage over others in multiplayer is unacceptable. That's really what the definition of "cheating" should be, as opposed to just simply getting mixed in with ethical hacking.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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If it's single player then whatever. Have fun.

If it's multiplayer and the others involved wouldn't be okay with it then it shouldn't be done.

Only time I've cheated in recent memory is Sims 2, to set up the towns the way I want them.

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The only cheating I do is Pokegening some Pokemon because it gets to be a chore to kill like 100 mons just for 252 EVs in a stat or keep breeding and breeding for IVs. (before gen 6 was released, anyway)

edit: That and action replay/homebrew shenanigans. As everyone else said, as long as it isn't multiplayer, I won't care.

Edited by Ciarre
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I prefer not to cheat. I can remember exactly three cases of me cheating in singleplayer.

> Half Life 1: After being killed by the Gonnarch and its rabid offspring for the thirty somethingth time, I enabled the infinite ammo cheat. And turned it off the moment that thing was sent to... whatever afterlife it went to. That's it, every other section of the entire Half Life series was completed legitimately.

> Pokemon Red, the Missing No cheat. Seeing as the Legendary Birds kept dodging every single Ultra Ball I chucked their way...

> And Ecco the Dolphin; Defender of the Future. The level Perpetual Fluidity involves you swimming in a massive dreary industrial maze, trying to find and hit the switches that raise the water level up to the exit pipe, without shutting the other tubes it's necessary to get down. I didn't "cheat" per se, but I did eventually get so frustrated that I leapt Ecco from the water and into the tube, and rolled him down it. Which wasn't the legitimate way to clear the level.

Apart from that, I don't cheat because it takes all the fun from the game.

As for other people, it's up to them if they want to take the challenge from the game. But unless everyone has the cheats active (or it's an agreed unofficial 'Everyone against the Juggernaut' game, then they should keep it out of multiplayer.

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