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QOTD Thread: The End


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Hmmmmmm, I think one of the strengths of life is its huge variety. I feel like there's such a variety that I suppose cloning wouldn't go overboard enough to ruin that, but... I'm just saying... I hope the cloning doesn't go overboard x3

I don't mind if this is used for aminals or human organs, and I suppose if some people out there were willing to clone themselves, then sure have at it I guess... I'm sure it'd be expensive as hell though x3 But hopefully that means it will be fairly limited... (one problem though is if people want to use their clone to hang out with as a best friend they'd still have to wait on that person to age...)

(also from psychology I've read that two twins that are separated from an early age still end up being stikingly similar to each other)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I suppose as long as full human clones aren't just used for some nightmare $9.00 dystopian scenario, like cloning people just to put them in an army or forcibly use them for cheap labor/create an artificial underclass, or to forcibly use them for organ donors/research subjects etc., then I don't have a problem with cloning as another form of reproduction, that might, say, bypass the need for women to endure giving birth, and which might give people who have impotence or whatever child-birthing biological problems their own chance to have kids, though I'd be more comfortable if I were assured the genes could be made not-identical and/or to some extent randomized and/or have a spouse's DNA mixed in to get as close as possible to natural people-making (lack of knowledge is really showing here). And it'd be nice if it could be made cheap enough to make it something that's available to poor as well as rich people who want children, of course. Aaaand bypassing those first couple of problems might require we get clones full rights as individuals, uh, if they don't have them already?? Complicated.

That said, I think I'd prefer to prioritize creating really robust social structures that ensure orphans get proper care/adoptive families, or at least get a much better shake than too many of them get now, over pushing reproduction through cloning really hard or something, as if I had to take a wild guess I'd assume that they outnumber the people having trouble giving birth. (not necessarily that I think it's decidedly more important than just "having it be available as an option aside from traditional childbirth," though)

And I do think that the potential kinds of impacts that perfected+widespread human cloning would have on (over)population issues (and whatever other immediately obvious implications it might have, etc.) should be studied and accounted for before we go full hog on it or whatever.

As for whether I'd want a clone of myself, I guess I sorta like the idea of seeing what it'd be like to try to guide a younger me through what challenges I had (and have) a hard time dealing with, but the full extent of the ethical implications probably haven't dawned on me yet. I probably wouldn't trust myself with that kinda decision, least not yet

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And as for whether I'd fight or fuck myself if I met a truly identical clone,

I would fuck the shit out of myself and im sure I would fuck me too

or so I'd hope

e: except for in fighting games, I'd totally fight myself in fighting games, and work out with myself maybe. Oh and we could both work jobs to get stuff like arcade sticks quicker! Oh but then we'd consume twice as much food. And we'd need another computer to play most of our games. We'd need double everything. fug

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I am against cloning, my cloneself knowing me, knowing myself would kill the otherself . I would relize this and think better me than you and would attempt to kill the clone to prevent my cloneself from impersonating me.

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I am against cloning, my cloneself knowing me, knowing myself would kill the otherself . I would relize this and think better me than you and would attempt to kill the clone to prevent my cloneself from impersonating me.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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As much as I might want to raise a child, the thought of my perfect DNA getting messed up by mixing it with someone else's DNA like some sort of freakish science project disgusts and disturbs me. On the other hand, raising somebody else's kid who has none of my perfect DNA would be a waste of potential of the highest order.

Cloning is the only solution to this very real problem.

Cloning organs is cool, entire people is not, etc. Also this is totally relevant:

Quest to grow human organs inside pigs in Japan

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Interesting set of answers.

Simple question today: Where do you shop? This question is left open-ended on purpose because heavens forbid I try to split this into about 5 or more questions about specific types of things to shop for (such as clothing, groceries, etc),. However, this question does not cover online shopping (will be a later question) - just general stuff about where you shop in your locale.

Most of my purchasing comes from a mix of Safeway, Costco, Target, and Winco for my everyday needs. I also frequent a couple chain restaurants (Jamba Juice and Chipotle, for instance) if I'm a lazy fuck. Surprisingly, I don't touch too many other places mostly because I order online for most of my other needs or because I don't need other goods - this includes the numerous Gamestops littered all over the idea.

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Certain local restaurants get my business, because they know how to cook food that doesn't make me sick. I go grocery shopping at whatever major supermarket takes my fancy (and I live near three of them). The various health food stores are there if I need something Really Special, like a good gluten-free chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream (yes, it exists). My game shopping is done at any Gamestop where my friends work. . .and that's quite a few, soo. . . :P:

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I shop at Coles & Woolworthes for basic needs. Clothing is usually done at Big W, Kmart, Target & Trade Secret. For games I usually go to EB games, Game & Game traders .

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Safeway, Target (bye-bye credit card, email, name, and street address), LEGO Store, and Gamestop.

There's probably a fifth thing but if I can't remember it, it must not be important :P:

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Cherry Town or MaxValu for food.

Sometime I might pop into other places for clothes, cookware, or books, but generally all the rest of my shopping is done online because my awkward location makes that most cost effective.

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There's a little grocery store in neighboring Bellbrook (dot's) that gets most of my food purchases, plus a Gamestop and a Walmart (adjacent to one another) in neighboring Centerville that get most of my videogames and sundry purchases, respectively. For more specialized food runs, I prefer a nearby Kroger. Then there's two bookstores nearby (well, one's near my school and definitely not near my house) and a mall that get various 'Ike Wants To Go Shopping' needs.

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