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QOTD Thread: The End


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Oh how embarrassing. My family used to call me Dinky cuz i was the youngest. My brother and sister-in-law still do. Argh!

In high school, i went by the nickname of Funboy. (after the character in J. O'barr's The Crow) How that came about is still kinda fuzzy. Some of the remnants of my high school friends still refer to me as such.

These days, its J, (among family) or Flo/Flobo online.

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Day Lewis, on occasion. More notable a portmanteau of my first and last name. For a class-wide thing that everyone went by a variant of an athlete's name a few months back, I was CN Punk on someone's suggestion.

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New question!

What nicknames have you gone by? Don't need to list what you don't want to.

While there's any number of names I could list, the strangest one of them all was "Frenchy." I don't even...but it stuck. I guess if there's any interest I can tell the story behind the name, but atm I'm too tired.

Turtle (or Ninja turtle too), Grandpa, Benjamin/Franklin (apparently i looked like one), Mexican

Can't remember man others. Generally had no issue with people calling me something, aside for the grandpa nickname. Back in middle school i found it very annoying. Maybe it was because it was it was the guy who used to bully me in 7th grade came up with it. The mexican one has no real explanation other than i'm hispanic. Ninja Turtle was because i walk very slowly (when i'm not doing much) and i used to be really quiet so my friends in high school would not notice when i took a seat at the table.

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  • Bobby (What my entire family calls me by, even though its not my name)
  • Beezus (for being compared to Kanye West/Yeezus with the way I dress)
  • Robbie
  • Robby Lee (Yeah..... don't ask)
  • Beebs (my brothers)
  • Bobby Blaze (oh, the irony with this one)
  • E Woozy (there were many variations, but this the genuine nickname)
  • E Weezy (Died in my sophmore year, save for one person)
  • Woozy
  • Woozay
  • Yucanoobie (Don't know where it came from but my coach stuck with it)
  • Ezio (This one girl I know)


But here on SF? Hero, HK and Marth

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What if some people called you the space cowboy?

Or the gangster of love??

Or Maurice???

those are all awful

edit: actually no space cowboy is awesome

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  • CJ (I tell people to call me this all the time - NO ONE can pronounce my name correctly! >_<)
  • Ceej (short for the above)
  • Jolly Rancher (grade school, don't ask)
  • Jolly Green Giant (again, don't ask)
  • Dog (online alias reference)
  • Dawg (another online alias reference)
  • Rai (picked it up online)
  • Kar (picked it up online)
  • KZ (picked it up online)


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IRL almost everyone addresses me as 'Abhi' since its a short form of my full name(naw, you'll never get to know what it is). I also got called as 'That kid with the frenchy' since I once went to school sporting a french beard even though I was asked to shave cuz I'm a dick like that.

I've got a couple more nicks, but one's perverted(and I didn't even do anything to get that, someone decided it was funny to call me that) and the other can sound pervy if you read it wrong >_>.

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New question!

What file(s) take up the most space on your computer? You cannot answer "everything on my hard drive," but rather should try to categorize or choose specific files. is it your music? A huge game? Movies that you torrented?

...I swear I haven't asked this before.

Usually in my case it's WoW (26GB) followed by my music folder (23GB), but if I stream a lot and forget to clean out the folder, the video folder can grow extremely quick as leftover mp4s created by OBS flood the directory. The sad part is I don't even have anything in there worth watching, my external hard drive has far more videos to the point I probably have some 500 GB filled up with movies and TV shows.

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On the desktop, probably games. I don't really have many, but they're a couple gigabytes each so that adds up fast. Ass Creed is around...7 I think? 5 of them and that's already 35GB.

On the laptop, probably applications. I don't use it for gaming but unless I have to do window-specific stuff, use photoshop (I used to do it on the laptop but the desktop can handle bigger canvases and more layers and doesn't heat up after a while) or do things that take really long to compile, I'm on the laptop. Since I've had it for 5 years it's got a fuckload of programs on it that kinda just accumulated and most of them I can't be assed to install on to the desktop.

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