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QOTD Thread: The End


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New question! Thanks to everyone who used spoiler tags for their video links.

What do you think is crazily complex or senseless without sufficient reason? You can feel free to list multiple things. Things to think about are government systems, academia logic, and so on.

For instance, I think the U.S. method for electing a president is complex without reason, particularly when it comes to the Electoral college and the method for breaking ties. Why? Well...the former defies the logic of making votes equal and the latter makes no sense since you might not be able to break a tie by using an EVEN NUMBER OF VOTES (among other things, such as handling the vice president).

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the english language

In all seriousness the textbooks thing. There are political quirks that are unnecessarily complicated now, but they were made complicated for sufficient reasons way back when.

Textbooks have no such excuse, especially since they publish new ones SO OFTEN.

Something else will probably come to me later in the day.

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please speculate as to how this music relates to my life, i will reveal the answer tomorrow night

trick question it fucking doesn't but i love it, op, i really do

I think the signing of Jozy Altidore for six and a half million pounds was indeed senseless.

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I agree with textbooks, within the broader context of formal English writing. I love writing. I love reading. I love big words and playful grammar. But not in explanatory writing. When the vocabulary of a text occludes its meaning, then its value as an informative reference is badly compromised and the author has failed in their primary objective (unless that objective was to dazzle the reader with their colossal intellect and even more massive thesaurus).

In my experience, this is worst in academic literary and linguistic writing. I remember ranting on IRC about a book I was reading for my thesis research. The author wasn't just including French and Latin terminology (a practice that has always agitated me). No, he was also using terms from German and Chinese. Chinese. My thesis had nothing to do with Chinese. Neither did his book. There is a clear line between specificity and pretension. This man urinated on that line.

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That sounds like the absolute worst

As someone natively fluent in Chinese I can't even deal with Chinese words written in English most of the time (I need my characters pls) I fail to fathom how it'd ever come up to be relevant in something that sounds to me clearly not about Chinese things

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Pretty much anything to do with the UK Civil Service, as poked fun at by Yes Minister/Prime Minister. Although the real thing is possibly even worse than that. Just look at the DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) for an insight into bureaucratic hell

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