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i only play the guitar, because it's the only thing i actually own. if i had my way, i would play the oboe like crazy...i also played the trumpet in middle school and early high school...i never got into the trumpet until after i graduated high school. now i can't play trumpet until i buy one v_v

i've probably said it a million times before, but yes i sing. a lot. i hated my natural voice SO much that i trained my voice like heck. basically, my hatred of my natural voice gave me more incentive to train it than most other singers. not that there's so room for improvement, but i do like the soft, light, and clean tone my voice has now ^_^

i've been into singing for 3 years.

Whaddya mean so open that their brain falls out? I'm just curious on this one.

i think she means not being so open minded that you don't know when to call...crap.

I used to play electric organ but then I quit because I didn't have the time for lessons.

...frickin cool O_o

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I used to take piano lessons when I was a kid, because it's a typical parent thing to enroll your kid in at least one music-related past time xD;
I wasn't very fond of the lessons though so I didn't really pick it up properly. Being able to play the recorder (marginally) was also part of my grade school music class' requirement.

I guess I don't really have an instrument I know how to play properly. But I like to sing quite a bit. And that's it haha.

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I used to play the flute in...junior high? Or maybe it was high school, I don't remember now. It was part of school, that's all I know. I took a class in keyboard (not computer) but I forgot everything now. Same with the flute, though I loved it.
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Ehhhh... sorta

I could play on a keyboard, if it were something that only required one hand~ Double tasking is not what my brain is made to do. I learned guitar a bit but I never really got that good at it. And with normal guitar I could play bass guitar well enough. I tried to practice a little bit to play the drums, but the set I owned was mostly broken, and then it broke even more so I just don't practice on it anymore~ But if I can get back into anything, I would certainly like to learn how to drum.

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... Why am I not you.

Um... I used to play clarinet back in middle school. That was so long ago, I'm pretty sure I fail completely if I tried now.


For what it's worth, instruments are my thing. I pick them up really really fast. I suppose it's kind of like learning a language too? You learn the basics of learning an instrument and you get faster and faster the more you learn.

Ehhhh... sorta

I could play on a keyboard, if it were something that only required one hand~ Double tasking is not what my brain is made to do.

Oh, that's how everyone starts. Eventually you learn to let one hand go off on its own unless you need to concentrate on a more difficult section. It's kind of like a more complex way of tapping your foot to a song, but with your fingers in a pattern. Or something like that.

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For what it's worth, instruments are my thing. I pick them up really really fast. I suppose it's kind of like learning a language too? You learn the basics of learning an instrument and you get faster and faster the more you learn.

that's how i see it. like on your first instrument you don't know what the heck you're doing, but if you learn what a basic scale is then it's all a matter of figuring out where the notes are and practicing independently.

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Well yeah I know that's how everyone starts x3 I just still have trouble going for both~ I try to learn what to do with my two hands separately and try to put them together and play slowly, though I feel as if it takes more practice for me than for everybody else ;u;
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Keyboard until I left China, and violin until high school where the scheduling set up doesn't give me enough time to do orchestra since art is far more important to me.

Do vocals count as well? Though I'm getting a bit rusty on that end too, lost a few notes off my high end and needs much longer warm up to be able to hold power in anything except baritone-range. Alas.

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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So this guy? =P

Who is this guy? :O

So I get very pissed when I try to talk with someone and it feels like you're talking to a wall/they don't continue the convo very well. It kinda makes me feel at ease since it won't be one-sided.

Some of that goes for me, as well. It's always really awkward when you try and start conversations with people and all they want to do is give one word/phrase replies. I mean, I guess if you were total strangers that's understandable sometimes, but if you've been trying to get to know someone for a while and they still keep doing that....I tend to get annoyed and give up on them eventually.

Instruments I've played: violin and piano. Piano only briefly, though I still know how to play it a little. My brother did private piano tutoring for kids that were currently taking lessons, and he taught me a bit. But I picked violin as my main (I don't even remember why, it was a long time ago), my mom said it was because I didn't want to play something my brother played already. He was better at piano in his prime than I was at violin in my prime though, and has perfect pitch and everything *sigh* oh well.

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I play the clarinet and am also a self-taught piano player, and when I say that, I mean that I don't have any sheet music for the piano, yet I have taught myself to play a large variety of songs.

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Used to do flute for quite a while, and was starting to get somewhere with it, though I had lost a lot of interest by then and was just doing it to learn something. Then riots happened and I didn't go to my class any more.

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