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QOTD Thread: The End


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What do you fear? Don't need to list them all. One is fine.

I have some degree of arachnophobia. I can't stand spiders if only because I swear they're everywhere around where I live, including inside my house. I've seen some sizable spiders as well. Not a good thing to see on one's carpet, that's for sure.

Also I can't stand the sight of severe gore. I thought it was just hemophobia, but no...

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I'd like to meet some people, but I doubt they would want to meet me...

Aren't you that one dude who actually lives really close to me? I seem to remember that from the SF MAP thread from however long ago.

QOTD: nothing in particular. I figure a proper "fear" as something I'm actively afraid of that actually has some likelihood of happening, though. I guess I get a little nervous around big big heights - but then again, I went up and down the Zugspitze so I guess that's not so bad even.

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37. Have you been to an amusement park? If so, which one did you like and why? (Page 50)

Yes, several. Have a list:

Oakwood Theme Park, Pembrokeshire, Wales.
Thorpe Park, London, England.
Disneyland Paris, Paris, France.
SeaWorld Orlando, Orlando, Florida.
Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida.
Magic Kingdom, Orlando, Florida.
Islands of Adventure, Orlando, Florida.

My favourite/most memorable was probably Islands of Adventure. The Hulk ride was pretty immense to say the least, and I loved the Dueling Dragons ride too (but that's apparently been changed to some Harry Potter-themed ride since).
Thorpe Park was also pretty great, with the Stealth and Swarm rides taking top spot for me there.
The Rock 'n Roller Coaster at Disney was also pretty sweet.

As a kid I always hated going on large rides, since when I was 6 I cried like a little bitch when the Pirate Ship at Oakwood Park was going a bit too high for my liking. I then went on holiday to Orlando with my Grandmother to visit most of the theme parks around there when I was 16. For a few days I avoided going on roller coasters, until one day I said fuck it, what's the point in coming here if I don't even experience the best bits.

38. How do you like your steaks cooked? (Page 51)

I think I answered this already, but anything between medium-done to well done is ok in my books.

39. What made you choose your name? (Page 53)

My username here? Quite simple really. I needed a username to sign up, but I didn't want to use "Shaun K" - my username I'd been using the whole time on other forums since before signing up here. I wanted it to be FE-related. I thought about who my favourite FE character was, and rolled with it.

Sometimes I use VanguardRaven. Vanguard promotes from Hero, so yeah. Speaks for itself.

40. What is one myth/urban legend (or equivalent) that you know of? (Page 55)

A mythical story regarding the Red and White Dragons (although the white dragon is depicted as a wyvern since it has only two legs).

It's easier if I just copypaste it from Wikipedia:

"In Welsh legend, the white dragon was one of two warring dragons who represented the ongoing war between the English and the Welsh. The white dragon represented England, as opposed to the red dragon of Wales.

The battle between the two dragons is the second plague to strike the Island of Britain in the mediaeval romance of Llud and Llefelys. The White Dragon would strive to overcome the Red Dragon, making the Red cry out a fearful shriek which was heard over every Brythonic hearth. This shriek went through people’s hearts, scaring them so much that the men lost their hue and their strength, women lost their children, young men and the maidens lost their senses, and all the animals and trees and the earth and the waters, were left barren. The plague was finally eradicated by catching the dragons and burying both of them in a rock pit at Dinas Emrys in Snowdonia, north Wales, the securest place in Britain at that time. The dragons were caught by digging out a pit under the exact point where the dragons would fall down exhausted after fighting. This place was at Oxford, which Lludd found to be the exact centre of the island when he measured the island of Britain. The pit had a satin covering over it and a cauldron of mead in it at the bottom. First, the dragons fought by the pit in the form of terrific animals. Then they began to fight in the air over the pit in the form of dragons. Then exhausted with the fighting, they fell down on the pit in the form of pigs and sank into the pit drawing the satin covering under them into the cauldron at the bottom of the pit whereupon they drank the mead and fell asleep. The dragons were then wrapped up in the satin covering and placed in the pit to be buried at Dinas Emrys.

The ultimate source for the symbolism of white dragons in England would appear to be Geoffrey of Monmouth’s fictional History of the Kings of Britain (c. 1136), where an incident occurs in the life of Merlin in which a red dragon is seen fighting a white dragon which it overcomes. The red dragon was taken to represent the Welsh and their eventual victory over the Anglo-Saxon invaders, symbolised by the white dragon.The tale is taken up by Nennius in the Historia Brittonum. The dragons remain at Dinas Emrys for centuries until King Vortigern tries to build a castle there. Every night the castle walls and foundations are demolished by unseen forces. Vortigern consults his advisers, who tell him to find a boy with no natural father, and sacrifice him. Vortigern finds such a boy (who is later, in some tellings, to become Merlin) who is supposed to be the wisest wizard to ever live. On hearing that he is to be put to death to solve the demolishing of the walls, the boy dismisses the knowledge of the advisors. The boy tells the king of the two dragons. Vortigern excavates the hill, freeing the dragons. They continue their fight and the red dragon finally defeats the white dragon. The boy tells Vortigern that the white dragon symbolises the Saxons and that the red dragon symbolises the people of Vortigern. If Vortigern is accepted to have lived in the fifth century, then these people are the British whom the Saxons failed to subdue and who became the Welsh."

41. What is the most enjoyable class/course you took? (Page 56)

Undoubtedly my university course - A mixed bag of topics and subjects, but it was the friends and lecturers that made the whole thing awesome.

42. What extracurricular activities did you do while growing up? (Page 58)

I uhh... liked drawing and playing video games, I guess.

43. Did you ever try to cheat or cheese your way through an assignment? (Page 59)

Not really. If I ever did, I don't recall it.

44. What is your favorite season? (Page 60)


45. What fantasy location(s) would you want to live in? (Page 62)

Put me in Strangereal and give me an F-15 and the knowledge of how to pilot it and I'll be sortied.

I made a joke. Did you see it?

46. What kind of music do you like? (Page 64)

Fuck, all sorts of shit. But I tend to lean towards something pretty energetic, lively, electronic, rocky, synthy, drum and bassey, drumstep and dubsteppy... Some calm classic songs like Pachelbel's Canon is also something I enjoy. Most of the shit you see in the top 40 charts these days don't fly with me.

47. If you could meet one or more person(s) from the past, who would he/she/they be? (Page 66)

I dunno. Nobody really comes to mind. Maybe Hitler. Kill him. Return. Assuming time doesn't change, then my Great-Grandfather.

48. What time period would you go back to? (Page 67)

Maybe about a hundred years back just to see how things were back then.

49. A question of perception (part one) (Page 69)

The fat fuck with a knife, of course. It would be much easier to handle a woman who attacks you unjustly. Any defensive action you take against her would be justified since she, I assume, will assault you.

50. What would your dream home look like? (Page 70)

I'm a minimalist, so nothing flashy. Something that will accommodate my everyday needs. Something of a relative, practical size, with a kitted out games room, as well as a gym room.

51. Which fellow SF members would you like to meet and why? (Page 72)

I've been here for over five years and to be perfectly honest, there are too many. If I attempted to make a list I will undoubtedly miss people out, and I don't want people to feel bad because of a shitty memory lapse on my part.

Regardless, you know who you are.

Edit: And I'm honoured to have already been mentioned by a number of people already. I'd gladly meet with you should the opportunity ever surface.

Edit 2: Oh a new question. What I fear. I guess I have a relative fear of heights. My sense of balance is something I don't have 100% trust in, so you can imagine how someone may feel at a reasonable height whilst untethered.

Edited by Raven
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Yesterday's question: I'd pretty much love to meet everyone from the FE4 and Last To Post Wins threads, and a few others from the Awakening board like Silver Lightning, Canto, Anacybele and Faye.

And for today's...A lot of things... listing ALL of them would take forever, and the worst part is half of the fears on that list I'm never going to see, or at least not while I'm awake.

I'm just kind of ridiculous like that, I guess.

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Biggest fear: spiders, I don't know, they scare me lots, sort of like how gorillas are usually scared of caterpillars.

Other fear: Making phone calls, while I am a bit of a shy person, the dialing tone and waiting for the other person to pick up the phone gets me overly anxious, and so long as they are in the same city as me, I am fine taking a two hour bus ride just to talk face to face with them.

Other than that, I'm a pretty brave kid, really!

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Aren't you that one dude who actually lives really close to me? I seem to remember that from the SF MAP thread from however long ago.

I am~ but I tend to be incredibly shy and antisocial IRL. DX

As for my fears, that would be rejection, feeling useless, and heights. ._.

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Jellyfishes, Cnidaria in general.

As a kid, it was strong to the point where I'd feel uncomfortable even taking a shower thinking about those things. And I was always paranoid at the beach, so much.

While I'd like to say it's gotten weaker with time, I still usually opt out of swimming in natural bodies of water. Natural pools less so, at least.

Edited by Xinnidy
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Yeah he did it and then quit the forums. It's not like he started acting decent for a while and then quit. He just quit. And I can't believe you're saying "get over it already" to sexual harassment smh

i think he was saying "get over it" because you guys were talking about a guy who left already lol

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Uhh. I used to fear the dark when I was super small. But I'm cool with that now, in fact, I prefer sleeping in complete darkness instead of having small light or something

I'm still scared of ghosts though. ;-;

I-It's not like that! I-- uh, my imagination can be a tiny biiiiit haunting. /hides behind nii-san.

I also don't like bugs. Especially the sting-y ones. Ick.


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i don't like public bathrooms

Ugh, THIS. I hate when they have big bathrooms which are filled with the tiny urinals that jut like two feet from the wall with no dick shield. You get in there and no one's there so you're like "Yeah, s'all good, I can get done before someone comes in," and you're halfway to whipping out your business and someone walks through the door. Like fuck you random guy, you picked the most inopportune time to walk in.

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Ailurophobia and please don't look that up.

That just makes me wanna look it up more.

Anyway, to the topic: loneliness, being ignored, abandonment, heights, cockroaches, most insects, bugs, snakes, people, pain, death, and probably a ton more that I can't think of right now.

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Ugh, THIS. I hate when they have big bathrooms which are filled with the tiny urinals that jut like two feet from the wall with no dick shield. You get in there and no one's there so you're like "Yeah, s'all good, I can get done before someone comes in," and you're halfway to whipping out your business and someone walks through the door. Like fuck you random guy, you picked the most inopportune time to walk in.

s- so beta and adorable

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Ugh, THIS. I hate when they have big bathrooms which are filled with the tiny urinals that jut like two feet from the wall with no dick shield. You get in there and no one's there so you're like "Yeah, s'all good, I can get done before someone comes in," and you're halfway to whipping out your business and someone walks through the door. Like fuck you random guy, you picked the most inopportune time to walk in.

flip it over on them. when they start their business, lean over and remark, "nice watch."

they won't know what to think.

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