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QOTD Thread: The End


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eeeh, pretty much impossible to determine precisely SO here are some figures:

My most played game that I have precise figures for is apparently Team Fortress 2, at 893 hours recorded by Steam. A lot of that was idling, though (how much? dunno) so runner-up goes to Left 4 Dead 2 at 545 hours. Xfire (r.i.p.) calls my good old Dawn of War 2: Dark Crusade hours at 511, counting precisely none of the many I sank into classic, Winter Assault, Soulstorm, and (if we're calling it franchise) my 300-odd in DoW2: Retribution.

That said, I know my main in Guild Wars had at least 800 hours /played - he was my only PvE character, but I had a number of PvP alts - so that probably eclipses TF2 for raw hours. Dark Age of Camelot was the only game I played for, like, four years straight, but my statistics on that are lost to time. Xfire also places my World of Warcraft hours at 708, and I know I didn't run Xfire at all for the second time I reactivated - I think that figure is only WoW Classic, *maybe* Burning Crusade.

So my guess is probably WoW, all told. On the other hand, I've been playing Master of Magic since before I can remember ...


There's just so much stuff to do in those games and I haven't gotten tired of it yet~

of course you haven't, cause



[spoiler=Mine is this - I'm sure you can guess which game this is]p181RGR.png

gahahaha my life for the hooooooooooorde

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TF2 on Steam is at 511 hrs so that might be the biggest one.

Another big one I remember is 336 hours on Pokemon Diamond.

I think my KH2 file has a lot of hours since I 100%'d it ages ago.

Who knows how many hours I've spent on Ocarina of Time like damn I would just explore when I was 3 because DUNGEONS WERE COMPLICATED and I play it like yearly.

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Oh gosh, been playing games since I was 3 um most time.. Probably was on Ogre Battle 64. My Dad and I played through this game so many times to figure out all its mechanics for the endings and such. It never gets old either to us anyways

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Diablo 2.

This. I have no idea how long my total time would be, but it's gotta be at least 1500+ hours over 13 years. Honestly, it would probably be closer to 2000 or more.

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This. I have no idea how long my total time would be, but it's gotta be at least 1500+ hours over 13 years. Honestly, it would probably be closer to 2000 or more.

I'm not even sure if I include some of the mods I played. Eastern Sun takes forever to get from 99 to 100 even on /players8.

Granted it might've taken a bit faster if I had a more reliable immunity breaker for my main damage, but since my spell was essentially a spreading stunner like Charged Bolt, I could just wait for my hireling to cast his spell while I'd spam by creepy crawlies.

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I'm not even sure if I include some of the mods I played. Eastern Sun takes forever to get from 99 to 100 even on /players8.

Granted it might've taken a bit faster if I had a more reliable immunity breaker for my main damage, but since my spell was essentially a spreading stunner like Charged Bolt, I could just wait for my hireling to cast his spell while I'd spam by creepy crawlies.

Surprisingly I never played any of the D2 mods. I heard that they were good, and I did try Median XL, but I guess I didn't stick with it after being thrown into wtfery with the weird spells and stuff. Never tried Eastern Sun.

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Surprisingly I never played any of the D2 mods. I heard that they were good, and I did try Median XL, but I guess I didn't stick with it after being thrown into wtfery with the weird spells and stuff. Never tried Eastern Sun.

Eastern Sun is closer to the original, with some spells given to other characters.

There's a bunch of completely new items, but old items are still accessible. A few new "Uber" areas were added with Nihlathak as the final boss, but some of the extra levels are actually sports-based in the Act 5 ice caves. As you can guess from the name, there's a few Japanese influences in the game, especially for the Assassin.

Median XL gets a lot of updates which is great, but I agree with you that the huge overhaul feels almost alien. The Barbarian I made was based around wolf summons, stances and summoning fortresses to do damage.

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Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

Sometimes I'd just pop the game in to role play as the hero, or I'd try to find any secret caverns I've missed, or just ride my horse around Hyrule for no reason.

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Flipping heck that's a difficult one! Let's see, by console;

PS1: Final Fantasy... 9? Well, whichever one was longest. Excluding FF's (seeing as they have a bit of an unfair advantage), the originalSpyro. Still my favourite of the series.

PS2: I think that would be Final Fantasy 12 (grinding to beat Yiazmat, ouch!). And again excluding FF's, Sly 2. I lost count how many times I replayed that. Although Ecco, Defender of Earth's Future racked up a pretty impressive play time as well.

PS3: Final Fantasy 13, or Mass Effect 2. Once I pick up Skyrim, that'll beat them both hands down as I go roaming off into the wilderness...

GBC: Pokemon Gold (and then the cartridge battery ran out), or Legend of Zelda, Oracle of Seasons/Time (and then the d-pad wore out).

GBA: Do you have to ask? Fire Emblem of course! Followed by the Golden Sun duology and the pair of GBA Advance Wars.

NDS: Pokemon Diamond, another pair of Advance Wars, and a little game called Infinite Space that too few people know about...

Gamecube: Metroid Prime 2... at least until I manage to get my mitts on FE: Path of Radiance, or Zelda; Wind Waker. Then the tables will turn!

XBOX: Halo 2 and Oddworld; Stranger's Wrath... I miss those Chippunks.

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