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QOTD Thread: The End


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Hmm, let's see... how the heck have all the good ones been taken?!?

...So, procastination, too much lurking on Serenes, and not staying committed to any one of the dozen or so stories I'm writing at the moment.

Also not sticking to the 'one' part of the question.

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Fortunately it says "one", I could offer a list...

... T-The worst one would have to be the self-deprecation, so... y'know... I'm working on that one though. One step at a time, right?

Well you offered just one bad habit instead of a list. That is pretty good as far as not being self-deprecating, or so it seems to me.

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Da vinci level procrastination with none of his skills

Sure I'll get my homework on time because my grades are on the line but even then I tend to put it off until the last few days (would do last 3 hours but they're programming and it's pretty impossible to do in 3 hours), but if I draw something chances are I'll finish it in about a year

or never at all

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Fortunately it says "one", I could offer a list...

... T-The worst one would have to be the self-deprecation, so... y'know... I'm working on that one though. One step at a time, right?

Yeah, I'm kind of the same way. And I also bite my fingernails when I'm bored. So that's one thing.

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