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QOTD Thread: The End


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Ok I didn't think on this any more after posting last time so I'm just gonna go and say this:

Garen's Perserverance passive from League. I will recover my energy/health soopa fast, and become a god on the rugby pitch. I'd be well into the second half of a game despite also playing in the first half, with the energy of a man who has just recently been put on. It would be super efficient. Also any injuries sustained would heal quicker than normal.

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Okay now it's time for a variant of this question. Think carefully on this one...

What NPC ability from a game would you want in real life? This time the rule applies to non-playable character abilities. It would be preferable to use some named NPC's abilities but you can literally choose to take abilities from generic NPCs (town guards, various "trash" enemies, etc) if you so desire.

For instance, I would want the various mind control abilities of various NPCs, because I'm a bastard like that.

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The only NPC I can think of is Dogi the Wallcrusher at the moment.

I would want the power of Keith (I think his name is) from Ys II to be a lizard demon kinda guy, but still be noble and grand. Thanks for helping me out with this one, I would've had trouble on my own.

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The power of the God Hand.

God hand eh?







Anyways. New question!

Do you have a sibling or siblings? If not, do you like being an only child or did you want to have siblings?

I have a brother...He's still in a college.

Seems to have the same interests as me.

That's all.

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I have a younger sister. Just turned 13 this May.

We're polar opposites as far as personalities are concerned.

EDIT: And Maybe physique too. I'm skinny and she's well, plump.

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It's a bit complicated, since my father couldn't keep his dick wrapped whilst fucking about the place. I have no fullblood siblings. It's a bit of a fucking mess.

I have a half-sister a year older than me through my father.

I have a half-brother about 5 years younger than me through my father.

I have a further unknown amount (At least two more, and probably more that I am unaware of) of half-siblings through my father.

My mother had another kid, besides me, with another guy. They split before my brother was born. He's 6 years younger than me. We both lived with my mother until I moved out for university, so he's essentially my one and only true brother.

tl;dr: At least five siblings.

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I have 3 siblings 1 younger brother and sister and 1 older brother, though my older brother bosses me around like he owns me (though I rather that than when he use to beat me up due to his depression)

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I could never do that at least it only lasted for a little while then I just learned to never ever get in his way and do what he asks immediately lucky for me anyways I wont be living with him much longer

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