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Like half an hour daily/every night, haha

(the "at night" part is mostly out of habit since that's the time my parents had me do it growing up, should probably do it in the morning more often but fuck am I lazy then)

hand soap, shampoo, hair conditioning, body wash, acne face+shoulders+back wash (questionable just how effective this is, but I'm kinda desperate), miscellaneous time spent spent standing around doing nothing spread all around

I never really realized how long that is

Edited by Rehab
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10-15 minutes.

If I wash hair, 30-45.

Yeah... I'm slow.

^ This pretty much sums it up for me too....

and I usually wash my hair every other day or if it's the weekend, usually on Sundays if I'm too lazy.

and I'm sorta glad for my duration because I don't want wrinkles. ;-;

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I for the life of me could never understand how people could take around 25 minutes or so to shower. I have hair past my rib cage and I manage to wash it thoroughly and condition it within roughly 7 minutes. Maybe I'm just fast.

showers are really relaxing. sometimes i take long showers because i don't feel like getting out haha

you're a dirty bird Boney

lol i shower like every other day on school days but during the summer i shower like once per week because i am a social recluse and my family doesn't give a fuck



...wait ciarre, why do you only wash every OTHER da--never mind O_o

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Usually about 12 minutes.

I take around ten minutes to shower.

I for the life of me could never understand how people could take around 25 minutes or so to shower. I have hair past my rib cage and I manage to wash it thoroughly and condition it within roughly 7 minutes. Maybe I'm just fast.

When I did take this long it was usually because I started zoning out in the shower and lost track of myself.

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...wait ciarre, why do you only wash every OTHER da--never mind O_o

because it's not really good for your hair to wash it every day and also lazy. i'll wash every day when i have rehearsal because sweaty but after marching band season it's every other day
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Guest meibum



...wait ciarre, why do you only wash every OTHER da--never mind O_o

dirty birds of a feather be dirty together

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because it's not really good for your hair to wash it every day and also lazy. i'll wash every day when i have rehearsal because sweaty but after marching band season it's every other day

Well in that case people wash every day while only washing their hair every other day just my hair is pretty quick to get greasy so I can't really follow that practice~

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because it's not really good for your hair to wash it every day and also lazy. i'll wash every day when i have rehearsal because sweaty but after marching band season it's every other day

oh if you're hair is a concern, you should always prevent your hair from getting wet as much as you can unless you want to wash it.

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Wow, all the people who said 5 minute showers...I'm really jealous. I could never do it. Mine are usually like...30-40 minutes? That's counting from time I go into the bathroom to time I get out so the actual shower time is probably more like...25ish minutes? Although if I'm not washing my hair, I can do it in 10. I can't wash my hair every day or it'll dry out, so I usually wash that like...every 2 days or so.

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15 minutes if showering to go to school. 30-45 minutes if I'm showering and taking my time. 1 hour to 1.5 hours if I'm going to relax in the bathtub. The shower is usually my "ponder about life" place.

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