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QOTD Thread: The End


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hmmm. i'm not sure if i can be a good father, but i do want to have 1 boy 1 girl, with the girl being the bigger sister so the boy don't have to suffer a live of having imouto like me

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Most likely not

It kinda hurts just a bit, costs way too much money, and this country does not give good maternity leave

And I don't get along with children

Fuck that shit

(Mind: if the maternity leave is better I might consider it. But my future career is always top priority)

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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I would never want to be the actual father of a child. Don't like the idea of putting someone through pregnancy; much more cost involved; and I'll feel guilty that I added another being to the over-population, I don't want to be a hypocrite here.

ADOPTION would be a thing though. Still, being a single adoptive parent would need too much paperwork, so then i'd need a spouse, and finding someone like that will take quite a while. So I'll see where life takes me I suppose.

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i want a son or a daughter more than i actually want a wife. i want to do for a growing child what my parents never did even though they had the ability. my family always made me feel like i was less of a person and laughed at me because i was a boy who liked dolls and rainbows and boy bands but didn't like sports. probably because my family liked to force their religion on me and that religion likes to call homosexuals sinners. spoiler alert, i'm still heterosexual.

speaking of religion, even though i'm an atheist, i want my child to welcome to follow any religious beliefs that they choose. i have a friend that claims that her mother actually gets on her case for following the religion she wants to follow. as for me, my family is strongly religious, but i was an atheist all this time. being religious was torture for me. in my earliest years of school i was a student who relatively excelled as a reader and always made great marks. i wasn't too well behaved though, so i would sometimes get grounded. but since having religion forced upon me was so terrible, i just gave up on life. i was taught that good work and behavior wouldn't get me anywhere. this led to abuse.

my parents tried to dicipline me by striking me with sticks and belts and metal brooms. this kind of dicipline is completely unacceptable, moreso combined with the lack of communication. my parents didn't care that i wanted to be religious, they just kept scaring me into following that shit. i was the lucky one, though. i wasn't bullied at school, only at home.

my parents were so incompitent, that they changed me from an ideal kid to a delinquient. thankfully, i have the self-dicipline to be able to evaluate myself which is a good inclination to have in that position. though...i'm VERY ignorant as a result. my vocabulary is slow, my math is sluggish, my knoledge of history is garbage, and science is a foreign language.


morgan doesn't count

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