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This might sound insane but I kinda hate the new fans....

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Yeah, characters is one thing that FE generally does really well, I'd say. I think FE does everything well to some extent, but I think the characters and gameplay are definitely the best parts.

I think this should be a PM, but I'm a bigger Ike fan than you and yes I accept your friendship... :)

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Owain/Tharja fanboyism central, yuck

regarding reclassing, they should've made a 3rd type of seal that reclasses you without resetting your level (obviously you can't go 2nd tier--->1st tier though) and made Second Seals postgame-only

Reclassing did leave me a little confused for this game as the formula seemed lacking.

Anyway, I migrated from GameFAQs because of all of the unhelpful fanboying. I actually like Owain (not my favorite character, but still likeable) but he's not the answer to all of my questions.

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i sort of feel bad for reading the post, checking the OP's joindate and then suppressing the urge to say "you know i felt the same way when you joined"

Well, let's not turn it on the OP, I've been a Fire Emblem player since 2003....it doesn't matter if I joined the forums lately, because I'm more of a lurker...

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I'm meh on the fans, there's not anything I've not seen before.

Personally, I'm a vet of the series (played and beaten every one of them. Sure IDGAFF about turn counts (999 is perfectly acceptable in my book), and that may supposedly hamper my views but w/e) and I find Awakening to easily be the best. Replay value is number one, and Awakening has that in spades. FE7, on the other hand? I'll play it once... then not touch it for months. Or years. Awakening? I've been playing the hell out of it since it came out in NA.

@ Everyone:

I love awakening very much but I have one single criticism on that game, don't you think Fire Emblem Awakening is Soulless, out of character?

Not in the least. In fact, I'd say, if Awakening is soulless, FE7 as an example is a ginger black hole for "soul". Sure its plot isn't the best in the world, and there are some seriously bad parts (Gerome/Lucina's supports for example, something that is detrimental to both characters involved (and do I need my point on why Arvis/Deirdre, which (incorrectly) is often times seen as rape, is outright better on all levels?)), but it's as a whole, much better than the others, save for the Jugdral games- which frankly were the only ones I'd commend for their writing or plots. I found more love for the characters of Awakening than for any other cast in the series at that. Sure, people often say "they're just one gimmick" but hell, that's usually just a lack of reading comprehension (like shall I point out Arvis/Deirdre's misconception, or hell Arvis in general) kicking in. (Lucina in particular seems to get this criticism, yet, you couldn't possibly be more wrong. And no, it's not an opinion. (That's like being of the opinion that "The sun isn't a star, it's a sun." >_>;; Which is to say, it's not within the bounds of opinion anymore.) Sure you may not like her, but in the end that's not because she's badly designed or flat (unless you mean her chest, but if that's a reason to not like her, I'm going to be frank and state that you suck).) I mean yes, there are characters that I just don't like (Donnel), but that's not due to this so called "lack of character".

On a game-play level, Awakening is easily the king, because it puts a lot choices and content on to the table, and has the most balanced cast. Sure the player/enemy balance isn't where it should be (enemies should have pair ups for example, and enemies should also have better hit ratios) but there are no outright "bad" characters in Awakening- no one's getting totally screwed out of usefulness by some arbitrary stat (Con/Weight) and thru resource usage, even characters who the RNG frown upon can be rescued from the scrappy heap. Maps-- now that's a definite opinion issue, but personally I found myself liking Awakening's maps way more than any of the other NA FEs, but I'm a major fan of FE4's design, especially with it's maps, which-- look at Paralogue 2- that's a tiny piece of an FE4 map. It's not out of place for Awakening, now is it? It certainly isn't out of place in 4, except for being small.

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Well, I'm one of the new fans (thanks to Yuusuke Kozaki art drawing for that) :p

But I kinda know how that feel since this kind of thing also happened to some fanbase, most glaringly can be looked on SMT

Practically every Atlus game announcement would be turned into SMTvsPersona flamefest

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Owain/Tharja fanboyism central, yuck

regarding reclassing, they should've made a 3rd type of seal that reclasses you without resetting your level (obviously you can't go 2nd tier--->1st tier though) and made Second Seals postgame-only

Tharja fanboyism? GameFAQs? Really?

The Owain love is true, but Tharja gets tons of hate on GameFAQs. Sure she won her match in the GCB, but come on, her opponents were Tiny Tina and Juliet Starling, and frankly those two needed to lose.

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Tharja fanboyism? GameFAQs? Really?

The Owain love is true, but Tharja gets tons of hate on GameFAQs. Sure she won her match in the GCB, but come on, her opponents were Tiny Tina and Juliet Starling, and frankly those two needed to lose.

true, but the thing is in that case where were all the Owain fans to nominate him (because Tharja got a relatively high seed, meaning a relatively high # of nominations)

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awakening is far from my fav game, but i don't hate the "newbie" fans. they don't know any of the other games in the series.

also, on another forum i go on, there are non-fans who talk about how donnel is amazing and that tharja should be in ssb4.

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awakening is far from my fav game, but i don't hate the "newbie" fans. they don't know any of the other games in the series.

also, on another forum i go on, there are non-fans who talk about how donnel is amazing and that tharja should be in ssb4.

By non-fans, do you mean they just play Awakening as it is or the one who don't atually play the game?

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I think this should be a PM, but I'm a bigger Ike fan than you and yes I accept your friendship... :)

I don't wish to argue who is the bigger fan of who. xP I find it silly. Why can't we all be big fans of the same character? Anyway, I AM always glad to meet Ike fans!

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I don't wish to argue who is the bigger fan of who. xP I find it silly. Why can't we all be big fans of the same character? Anyway, I AM always glad to meet Ike fans!

better start a rally for the Ike/Epona/GlaDOS match on gamefaqs

Edited by shadykid
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Every fandom has its good and bad fans. If x% of fans are awful fans and we had y fans before and y+z fans now, x% of the latter is gonna be bigger than the former and thus we'll see more awful people even though proportionally it might still be around x. It's pretty inevitable and I'm not one to say you can't like the thing just because you act awfully about it. Oh well.

That being said though I do welcome new fans in general. New fans means more people buying FE which means IS will make more FE. This is a good thing.

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I want to note first, technically I am a new fan

While I don't exactly hate the game, I consider this game to be one of the worst designed in the series. Character wise, there are a lot of character that frankly, I have tons of complaints about(off the top of my head, Sumia(which is really quite like lately), Chrom(nuff said), Avatar(nuff said), Cordelia(staying at Gamefaqs and reading at least 3 Cordelia post can give you this), Tharja etc).

Gameplay wise, I kinda dislike how past a certain points, the game become a matter of slapping a unit in a certain points and kill everything, and this even applies in Lunatic, which is all sorts of wrong.

That being said, while I kinda hated the players that goes elitist about Awakening(quite a lot of new fans is like this), I also hated those that go around saying Awakening sucks while doing so with massive bias

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I love the new fans. Not only does it bring me joy to read their posts (some because they're legitimately good, some because they make me giggle), but it's a fresh set of people coming here, which means I don't have to see the same people posting over and over and over again about the same shit all of the time.

The thing about being new to something is you don't know much about it. So, the job of a FE vet --who cares enough-- is to teach them, not get impatient with them. What's the point in being an elitist about it? (General rhetorical question, here.)

Also, this means that Fire Emblem will get bigger as a franchise. I can only be happy about that.

I also love the new fans. Ive been on this forum for ages now and even Shadow Dragon didnt bring a lot of interesting people to the forums. (well..theres a few cool cats from that era...) Awakening has broader appeal and this brings more people to the table. Seeing new faces here is a lot of fun. Some of the newer fans are just great and im always down for some Henry fanboy/girlism.

Yeah, Awakening's broader appeal and big sales spells good news for the series and new games may be made! This is something to be happy about.

On the contrary, I think FE13 is the one that gives the characters the most life.

I agree. With the other games, theres only a couple of characters i like from each one. FE7 has Florina and Hector. FE8 has Eirika and Joshua. FE9/10 has Soren. But FE13 has a cast of characters i really enjoy. The only one i dont really like at all is Severa. Everyone else im pretty jive with. Virion may be my favorite but hes not the only character i enjoy. Awakening has Henry, Libra, Miriel, Owain, Maribelle, Lucina, etc.

I also really love the gameplay. Like, a lot. FE7 may be my favorite in the series, but Awakening is a very close second.

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I like certain new fans of the series that got their start with Awakening. However, the ones that annoy me are the ones who play Awakening and then are not curious enough to play any of the previous games in the series. I mean, if you're going to play one game in a series of many other games, you might as well branch out and play the other games, with each of them featuring a good quirk or two (or many) that makes them unique. Not only is it insane to claim that Awakening is the best game in the series, it's also ignorant to make such a claim if you don't at least play other games. *sigh*

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I agree. With the other games, theres only a couple of characters i like from each one. FE7 has Florina and Hector. FE8 has Eirika and Joshua. FE9/10 has Soren. But FE13 has a cast of characters i really enjoy. The only one i dont really like at all is Severa. Everyone else im pretty jive with. Virion may be my favorite but hes not the only character i enjoy. Awakening has Henry, Libra, Miriel, Owain, Maribelle, Lucina, etc.

I also really love the gameplay. Like, a lot. FE7 may be my favorite in the series, but Awakening is a very close second.

I pretty much have this view exactly, Florina. Except our favorite characters and games are a bit different, of course. XD But Awakening is my second favorite game too, close behind RD. And I have one favorite Awakening character of all (Frederick <3), but I like several others a lot too (Cordelia, Stahl, Gaius, Virion, Donnel, probably Inigo, etc) and only really hate Sumia and Tharja.

Edited by Anacybele
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The biggest thing I don't like about Awakening fanbase is the people who take their waifu/husbando too seriously and go nuts over them. Awakening encourages more fan rage than previous games because this game lets you marry the characters.

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hi i'm a lurker

While I now can clearly see that more people are getting into Fire Emblem, people in my town still refer to the game as "the-one-with-Ike-and-Marth". And since I was too dumb to realize two years ago that this website had a forums section, I'm pretty new to this page. I can't really comment on the annoying-ness of new fans, seeing as I don't necessarily know who they are here.

I have, however, noticed a growing amount of people on Youtube who rage over their waifus/hubbies and claim, with no experience in other FEs, that Awakening is the best in the series. That kind of frustrates me because the Tellius series is obviously the best. /shot

The only character I don't like in this game is the Avatar.

Someone who agrees with me! /throws confetti

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