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Talrega Division Final: Jill/Sigurd/Tiki/Elincia


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Viewtiful_J extends his bracket lead while Quint closes in

meanwhile everyone who made expert picks and was not named Euklyd took a -20 to the face

good thing I no-picked all of it :P:

this surprises me; I'm already doing better than I expected

Go Innes!

Ephraim you're pretty cool as well.

Severa you're a fine unit but meh.

Palla I hardly remember you, but that's not really your fault.

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Hard to believe Ishtar managed to turn the whole thing around. Poor Titania.

Btw, how is today's question supposed to be interpreted?

Anyway, let's look at today's candidates.

Unfortunately, there isn't much to Palla besides her crush on Abel and that the characterization of later Pegasus sisters implies that she is supposed to be the motherly one. She is pretty boss, though.

Severa is an unmodified Tsundere template. And aren't those the best kind of characters?

"I am an abusive prick to people I supposedly like and everyone thinks that makes me cute." Genius! Absolutely brilliant!

The only thing that kind of surprises me about her, is that IS resisted the urge to add a fang to her on top of her pigtails.

Innes is a supreme badass. The guy effectively won the war against Grado.

And he does a nice job balancing out his less desirable traits.

However, I think Ephraim got them beat. He goes through some pretty nice character development for a Lord.

From someone who would just like to put his sister on the throne while he is off being a mercenary to someone who not only takes responsibility for one but two countries. Yeah, he became a pretty awesome guy.

Edited by BrightBow
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^Personally, I never really saw Ephraim as that great a character, primarily because he's reckless with a capital R (case in point: chapter 5x. Even discounting the fact that his plan was given away, charging a stronghold with only 4 guys is not exactly sane. And don't get me started on the post chapter scene.).

That aside, I'm actually surprised Ishtar rebounded from losing to Titania the round before to booting her from the contest. And it's not like Micaiah being around cost her the match, considering that for quite some time, they were both leading.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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^That's the point of character development. :\

He develops from a reckless individual to a responsible one over the course of the game. See the post Chapter 16 conversation with Seth.

I mean really. Way to completely miss the point. :\

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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^Personally, I never really saw Ephraim as that great a character, primarily because he's reckless with a capital R (case in point: chapter 5x. Even discounting the fact that his plan was given away, charging a stronghold with only 4 guys is not exactly sane. And don't get me started on the post chapter scene.).

Besides, from an in universe perspective, his act was probably a lot saner. Narratively, he has an actual army (well, "a small force of knights") while Eirika has only a few companions.

Anyway, he didn't know that Renais' palace had already fallen. But he also knew that it's time was running short. So the lives of family were in danger. In such a bad position, it was fairy reasonable to be a little reckless to archive the bigger goal of causing enough trouble for Grado to allow his family to escape from the capital.

His real screw up was to move his forces to Grado, which he later regretfully admits to have done for mere personal glory.

Edited by BrightBow
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Ishtar's eleventh hour comeback was amazing (even if it cost Titania and not Micaiah like it should have been) and definitely makes up for Leif losing his spot to effing Cordelia.


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^I'm still surprised that Leif didn't advance there - Altena got decked as hard as she could possibly be (consider that she only finished with 3 votes), and yet she still cost him the match. That said, I'm wondering how Jill will do against better competition.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Ishtar's eleventh hour comeback was amazing (even if it cost Titania and not Micaiah like it should have been) and definitely makes up for Leif losing his spot to effing Cordelia.



That aside, I'm actually surprised Ishtar rebounded from losing to Titania the round before to booting her from the contest. And it's not like Micaiah being around cost her the match, considering that for quite some time, they were both leading.

what if

they did steal votes from each other

30-vote performance from Miccy in round 3 confirmed

Edited by shadykid
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