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Talrega Division Final: Jill/Sigurd/Tiki/Elincia


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I like Larcei. Toss up between the other two.

And obviously Blue. That feeling you get after final being the elite four, only to have to go straight into battle with that punk Blue (or Green in Leaf Green). It feels like the most important battle in your career.

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Gosh dammit, why'd it have to be Raquesis and Larcei?! >_< (And my poor Shanan didn't make it...) cry-blow.gif

....I guess I'll pick Raquesis since she's pretty badass and she's Finn's girl (that makes her cool in my book), but I don't mind if Larcei wins either since she's pretty gorgeous and kickass herself! (And she's also Shanan's girl in my game <3)

And while I'm on the Raquesis bandwagon, I'll vote for her (and Finn's) daughter too! Love that feather she always wears in her hair.

And tough call between Steven and Cynthia. Steven, because back in the days before I looked up pokemon online, he completely scared the shit out of me when he tossed out Metagross, and never having seen it before I was so intimidated I thought it was going to eat me alive. Cynthia, because she has a badass team but most of all, her battle music blew me away!

Hrrrmmmmmmmm.................I guess I'll go with Cynthia since she was the first female champion and that gets brownie points, but Steven is a close second.

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Raquesis and Fury.

As for best Champion, Wallace. There's great development there. Steven can be the super boss (like Red) of any potential RSE Remake and Wallace should be champion.

I cared more about the bonus poll than the actual polls.

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da blondes for my picks

Lance for the best Champion, but honestly I liked all three (Blue, Lance, Steven) champions from the games i've played

He's badass but he uses DRAGONITE

Not to mention all dat Hyper Beam spam which was super annoying in Gen 1 xD

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Lachesis and Fury.

Voted Steven because RSE is my favorite PokeGen, just having Blaziken and Gardevoir was enough for me. I felt so good playing this Gen, and Steven looked so badass with dem pokemon: Metagross, Armaldo, Cradily, Claydol, Aggron and Skarmory. I felt his authority, although Lance is also badass.

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Not to mention all dat Hyper Beam spam which was super annoying in Gen 1 xD

From my experience Lance actualy rarely use Hyper Beam

ESPECIALLY if you fought Dragonite with Venusaur. Then it becomes the saddest thing ever because it trivializes the fight lol

As for favorite champion


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