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Yea your friends sound like dicks, how else are you gonna learn anything except by losing

That said I don't think sticking with one or two champs for a while is a bad idea, but you'll want to probably at least play one of every role when you're getting close to about level 20 or so

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That said I don't think sticking with one or two champs for a while is a bad idea, but you'll want to probably at least play one of every role when you're getting close to about level 20 or so

I main support, and I'm pretty good at soloing top now. I'm a decent mid with certain champions, and I'm still learning how to jungle. If there's anything I hate, though, it's playing ADC. The fact that you're expected to get EVERY SINGLE minion kill is kind of ridiculous. Like, every support that I play with is so anal about "matching their timing" to last-hit every damn thing there. ):

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I main support, and I'm pretty good at soloing top now. I'm a decent mid with certain champions, and I'm still learning how to jungle. If there's anything I hate, though, it's playing ADC. The fact that you're expected to get EVERY SINGLE minion kill is kind of ridiculous. Like, every support that I play with is so anal about "matching their timing" to last-hit every damn thing there. ):

Then you should be fine, I don't mean people should try to master every role, just that they should have a go-to champ to play if they end up having to play it for whatever reason, at the minimum

Last hitting bottom isn't any different than last hitting top or mid, so either you're expecting more than you should (probably not since you should miss very few CS) or you should be more mindful of CSing in solo lanes as well

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Yea your friends sound like dicks, how else are you gonna learn anything except by losing

they're nice enough people until the game starts so yeah

would it be better to play a bunch of custom bot games or to play co-op v AI?

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they're nice enough people until the game starts so yeah

would it be better to play a bunch of custom bot games or to play co-op v AI?

This is true of a lot of people, you'll find

and it doesn't really matter

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I'd do Co-op vs. AI 'cause I'm lazy.

I find last hitting to be less nerve-wracking when I'm doing it from a distance. YMMV.

My problem with walls is not knowing when to use them; thus, Karthus free week is kinda teaching me that (though the wall placement is ever-so-slightly different, the principles should carry over a bit). I kinda have a jungler, but I'm horrible with the role in general. Top lane is a complete crapshoot; I do NOT like melee, and try to avoid it when possible.

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If I've got a first win of the day IP bonus waiting for me, I play an easy AI game in Twisted Treeline just to get my 150 IP quicker than playing a normal game. /tip

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...and then there are the ones who delight in showing us just how much better they are than us. gg

Also, the use cases of the walls are really different. Anivia's wall is a terrain manipulation. Karthus just wants to catch as many people in it as possible. Granted it's not half bad at soft zoning, but that and the team-split case for Anivia are the only points of similarity I can find.

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If I've got a first win of the day IP bonus waiting for me, I play an easy AI game in Twisted Treeline just to get my 150 IP quicker than playing a normal game. /tip

Isn't Dominion still faster?

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Dominion isn't usually faster - if your team cooperates, TT is ~10min. Even on a bad day it's ~15min only. Granted, so is Dom, but TT is easier to snowball out.

I'm a terrible ADC.

And I'm an even worse support. And I'm starting to pull Vayne numbers that look like support (one game was something like 3/0/14).

I have found the Law of Pinging Out: When you have a team that is super-cool and you want to talk to them postgame, your connection will time out. My final game of the night had four awesome people in it. I just regret not being able to tell them how much fun it was playing as a team!

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So easy to snowball in TT vs easy AI it's crazy. As Garen the game's usually over in 10-15 minutes with a score of about 20/0/5 if I'm carrying a nubbish team (usually am).


Also I noticed that Ryze is always an enemy AI choice when I'm Garen in TT. Do they choose champions in order to counter your choices in AI games or what? Too much of a coincidence to happen 3 times in a row.

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3 times in a row isn't coincidence? Someone's headed straight for elo hell.

I said that it is too much of a coincidence, meaning I don't think it is a coincidence.

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ITT: but my team always has the leavers/feeders, I deserve 1500 elo, but my team keeps dragging me down. >.>

It's a coincidence, all right. Did you take stats ever, because a sample size of 3...

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ITT: but my team always has the leavers/feeders, I deserve 1500 elo, but my team keeps dragging me down. >.>

It's a coincidence, all right. Did you take stats ever, because a sample size of 3...

I don't even know what you're talking about any more.

What is hard to understand about the following sentence: "All three times I have played a vs Beginner AI match in Twisted Treeline as Garen, one of my opponents is always Ryze. I think this is not a coincidence."

Edit: Fourth vs Easy AI in TT as Garen, another Ryze in the enemy team.

Edited by Raven
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