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people with better mechanics and skill "break 1200 elo"

if you cannot "break 1200 elo" you're a 1200 elo

there is no such thing as elo hell

You lie I am the best and it is all my teammates holding me down

Play any powerful ad top lane champ.

Xin, talon, riven, panth, etc.

Start longsword and potions, boots and potions or cloth and potions.


Free elo.

Actually, that's kind of funny. Most of my wins come from top lane Fiora with cloth and five potions. >__>


Coincidentally I just got done playing a game of support Mundo. The entire team wouldn't get off my balls about how he's awful at the job. But I thought it was pretty good, I just used cleavers to harass the enemy ADC.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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what, seriously? Mystic Shot critting would be incredibly broken.

Is it a consistent bug? or some rare off-chance thing

It's extremely unreliable and rare, but it happens.

Decided to screw around and slap a starting Doran's Blade on Blitzcrank. Even if the AD isn't welcome on Cranky, it made Teemo work less for his kills. I got one kill that game, and that was when I grabbed someone under turret. The life steal helps, too (and is pretty funny when paired with Overdrive).

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Just had a soopah fun draft game


The opponents were winning pretty much from the start, pushing the mid and bot lanes past the inner turrets (but they didn't destroy even one of the top turrets :smug:). Then they were eventually aced after getting ambushed while wandering in our jungle. I guess they got overconfident. Then they got aced again after we ambushed them just as they were about to take on Baron. We went on to take it immediately after, which was the moment the opposition surrendered. Fun fun fun.

And that Ezreal. I can't tell/remember if he had just BT all game or if he sold almost everything at the end or something. Either way, they were all pretty bad aside from that Kat.

So close to Lv30.

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Last game I played would've been spoiled by a troll playing Gragas (his claims to fame included suiciding on turrets twice and trying to shove Fiddlesticks towards me while I was running), but the guy playing Shen was super-cool, and he was smart enough to end the game. :P:

Also got to play a hilarious game where Nautilus was only pretending to be support. It was a free-for-all kill grab, and it was funny~!

EDIT: Today was (mostly) nice people day~! Got to try out Taric, and I think I kinda got the hang of him. Blitzcrank is still number one in my heart--or at least, will be until I can find another support that can feed Urgot 42 kills out of 70 (bot game aside, that one was absolutely nuts). I think my "signature" Ezreal move is a Trueshot Barrage under turret (in other words, I'm still not that great with him). The one not-nice game featured a team that was too busy being out for themselves to help each other (for example, if I came under fire because the enemies dashed in, they'd sit there and mop up).

EDIT 2: What happens when everyone calls a role, and I'm stuck on top, and Riven has to go due to RL things? One of the best games I was in, because it was me/Nautilus tanking for an Ashe who used her arrows well, and a Lux who was pretty good at landing her snares. If all the existing players were that nice, I'd make this game a mandatory teamwork assignment. :P:

EDIT 3: Who failed as Support Blitz today? ME. I left the game with 5 kills. :P:

Edited by eclipse
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whatever calculates your time remaining probably just takes into account the rate at which is queue is progressing at the time, which can give you a faulty estimate.

Anyway I'm glad Diana got gutted. That Champion's been utterly stupid since her release.

Also I changed my summoner name to Silvercrow since it became available, but I guess it doesn't matter since the op of this topic is seemingly dead

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First, thanks for the game Raven~!

Second, I think Iceborn Gauntlet on Ezreal is situational. . .with the situation being "your team cannot kill someone in three seconds". Applying that kind of slow from Mystic Shot range, with that AoE turns matches around.

Lastly, Randuin's on an enemy is icky, and I hope my team is smart enough to kill that guy for me.

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First, thanks for the game Raven~!

Second, I think Iceborn Gauntlet on Ezreal is situational. . .with the situation being "your team cannot kill someone in three seconds". Applying that kind of slow from Mystic Shot range, with that AoE turns matches around.

Lastly, Randuin's on an enemy is icky, and I hope my team is smart enough to kill that guy for me.

Trinity force is generally always built on ezreal which would mean iceborn guantlet really has no room to be in his build in most cases.

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It would replace the tri, obviously. Slow on hit + sheen proc effect, that's essentially what Ez is getting out of tri anyway?

I have no access to S3 itemisation at the moment and haven't memorised it yet, and I've only poked at the ADC-standard items so far (unit collision on PD is OP lol) so this might be completely wrong.

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Ez is getting attack speed and crit out of triforce in addition to those other things

I guess you can fit Frozen Fist in as your defensive item if you went a PD build, but yea I wouldn't build it with Triforce.

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I'm still trying to knock out a good Singed build for solo top but it's been quite difficult ever since FoN went.

Here's the thing. Singed starts out great with a quick Chalice and Catalyst (I'd even build the Catalyst first). But after a RoA and AUG, what's his options for tankiness? Boots of Swiftness/RoA/AUG (Core) -> Rylai's -> Iceborn Gauntlet? Anything that replaces a Rylai's or Iceborn even better? What about a sixth item?

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Ez is getting attack speed and crit out of triforce in addition to those other things

I guess you can fit Frozen Fist in as your defensive item if you went a PD build, but yea I wouldn't build it with Triforce.

I use it to replace Triforce. The difference between the two is that the Gauntlet's slow is AoE and guaranteed, while Triforce is something like 20% for ranged, and single-target.

(I also build Zephyr because why the hell not; combine Gauntlet and that, and you're looking at Mystic Shot with a 0.88 second cooldown, assuming you land it; generally useless but absolutely hilarious)

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I'm still trying to knock out a good Singed build for solo top but it's been quite difficult ever since FoN went.

Here's the thing. Singed starts out great with a quick Chalice and Catalyst (I'd even build the Catalyst first). But after a RoA and AUG, what's his options for tankiness? Boots of Swiftness/RoA/AUG (Core) -> Rylai's -> Iceborn Gauntlet? Anything that replaces a Rylai's or Iceborn even better? What about a sixth item?

Few things about singed.

Abyssal is great for MR, Rylais for hp + Ap/slow, Omewrecker if you wanted it and got it early, Banshee's veil, Randuins, Frozen heart, shurelias if you get a philo stone early at all.

All of the above items are amazing on singed.

Also something I've been playing with is Tear of the goddess into AA staff/seraphs embrace. That shield makes him so much tankie with mana.

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I hadn't really played LoL during the whole items change live.

However I did played some on PBE before my computer collapsed. It felt like there weren't too much of a change, just neat items actives, and new items for underrated junglers and bedridden champions.

I heard BC grew out of control after the launch. Makes me laugh and thinks back on release xin.

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Can we get some names to go with the hellos? Pretty sure we have enough people here now that SF premades can actually happen without being arranged 24 hours in advance...back on page 32 of this thread (or thereabouts) that pretty much wasn't the case at all. I love arranged groups, no need to deal with idiots in the queue.

(Yes, that's a request for anyone who wants SF arranged 5s. While the schoolgoers and Life are on vacation. Anyone?)

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(Yes, that's a request for anyone who wants SF arranged 5s. While the schoolgoers and Life are on vacation. Anyone?)

The problem with me is that I'm not guaranteed off weekends anymore. I'll be guaranteed in March but then it's like once every two weeks or something like that.

I don't know my schedule.

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Well, for anyone who doesn't know it and doesn't want to look back, can't hurt I guess, Ethereal Saber on NA. My work schedule is kinda wonky, but if I'm around, I'll usually be okay for a game.

As a warning in advance, chances are I'm still terrible at this game.

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It's extremely unreliable and rare, but it happens.

Decided to screw around and slap a starting Doran's Blade on Blitzcrank. Even if the AD isn't welcome on Cranky, it made Teemo work less for his kills. I got one kill that game, and that was when I grabbed someone under turret. The life steal helps, too (and is pretty funny when paired with Overdrive).

Just saw this. Why would you ever do this.

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