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I'm not reading through this thread to find that.


And I will keep telling myself that cause after all my past exes who were long distance cheated on me I said fuck that.

Especially since I was with one for a long time and there's drama and sad stories there and now we don't talk anymore and now I'm sad.

I fucking hate you.

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A trap is fine too.

Unless he's all hairy and manly. Then that shit's gay and not cool

I'm twelve.

I finally got to finish my Sword of the Divine on Vayne before the enemy team surrendered

This made me much happier than it probably should have

SoD Rengar is delicious.

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Doing some random CS practice, and I find that last-hitting is much easier with Ezreal than Vayne. Either way, my scores stink (Ez was something like 72/110/153 over 10/15/20 minutes; Vayne was. . .uh, way worse). When I get free moments, I do this. I'm also learning how to control the camera via keyboard; it's a LOT easier to play with an unlocked camera if I can control it without having to deal with my mouse.

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The max amount of CS you can get at 10 mins is about 114. If you don't miss a single one, your opponent never harass and the jungler never comes, so 70-80 CS is a realistically good mark against players.

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Honestly playing dota2 probably helped my CSing more than anything I ever did in league

100 CS at 15 minutes isn't enough on a farm champion anyway, that number is soild on some roam heavy champs or assassins but as a carry you are wanting closer to 135 (maximum is something like 165 if I remember). It's not always possible but that should be your goal

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So I was mid with AD Tristana who I'm still learning. Am I a bad person?

Yes, you are. It depends on who the rest of your team is, where they went, who you were challenging, etc.

Thanks for the link! I'll give it a shot tomorrow.

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i remember one game where I got shoved mid lane as AD Trist in a premade 5

everyone else on my team was a tank(y) of some variety (i think it was Shen/Rammus/Skarner/iunno)

I was basically the damage source

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Why would AD mid Trist be a bad thing?

Then again, I am of the particular school of thought that as long as they perform satisfactorily they can do whatever the heck they want.

Mana regen Garen up in this bitch~

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Why would AD mid Trist be a bad thing?

Then again, I am of the particular school of thought that as long as they perform satisfactorily they can do whatever the heck they want.

I'd say the only time it's "bad" is if someone like Brand was forced to solo top because of it. Otherwise, I find it amusing.

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Okay what the hell, where did my post go?

I miss the good old days where we didn't give a damn about meta.

AD carry mid, ap and support bot, kill lane top or whatever the crap we did back then, shits was balanced.

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I ate your post, it was delicious.

So, here's my five-minute exercise thingy with Vayne:

With my usual masteries/runes

First: 16

Second: 22

Third: 22

Without masteries/runes

First: 9

Second: 13

Third: 23 (the difference is that I didn't bother solely last-hitting, but softened a few things that would otherwise die at the same time; this helped a lot)

And with Ezreal:

With my usual masteries/runes

First: 20

Second: 24

Third: 23

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