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Kayle - From what I can tell, she has a slowball, briefly turns herself into a ranged attacker, some sort of buff (heal and something else?), and limited invulnerability

Its healing + movement speed% increase

I have a hard time supporting as Kayle to the point that since everyone and their mother expects kayle to be support i decided to drop her from my play list, since i like to play more aggressively with her and just take CS and such. I also have a hard time aiming my healing and invulnerability for my teammates when they are moving so i just get yelled at all the time i play as her. Not to mention that any amount of skill i may have gained with her near the beginning has been lost after playing Heimer almost exclusively.

Also thanks for the list.

Edited by SlayerX
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Kayle can be played as something other than a pure support but you should either solo lane or jungle if you're going to do that, it's pretty bad to be in a duo lane taking the other guy's farm, and it rarely works out well in the end

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Don't forget that Alistair is free! Also how exactly does a support work? I mean, aside from the support champs that can heal and regenerate mana, what do some of the other supports do?

Maybe you're talking in the context of general, at least that's how I read it. Typically a support is played in an ADC+Support combo in a lane, and is made to supplement the AD carry's early game. This can be done by healing or by being able to initiate and peel for the AD Carry in said engagements. The idea of a support isn't concretely defined which opens the door to innovation. Also typically supports have high bases since they won't be getting much farm.

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You're wrong. Did you read my little paragraph on Nunu Vayne at all? Let's see, personal preference, I cannot stand Janna randoms, nor can I stand Janna-ing for randoms. Kayle and Zilean aren't actually good supports. Mostly. Scary top and mid lanes respectively, generally terrible in 0cs. But I'll go down the list instead, oh and damage is never a factor outside of lane phase. This is listing what the individual champions bring to the support role and I'm skipping the ones eclipse got completely correct.

Blitzcrank - hook knockup silence go. Especially the hook. The extra HP thing doesn't count for too much, all supports are relatively squishy. Also very good for chasing then locking people down for the team.

Cho - knockup silence and...idk, a big true damage nuke? If you get Rylai's he's an honest to goodness slowbot though.

Fiddlesticks - bouncing silence, fear, and a mid game roaming phase that tends to be catastrophic for the other team.

Janna - disengage out the wazoo (her W is not ally castable, by the way) plus extra AD for her ADC.

Kayle - slow, ms boost, invulnerability. Support Kayle does end up mostly being an R-bot. Also brings a scary early game, hence my recommendation of using her in a kill lane.

Leona - gapcloser stun stun stun and big extra damage for her carry. Nothing to see here guys, moving on.

Lulu - poke poke poke slow poke poke poke disengage poke poke poke ridiculous initiate.

Malphite - slow, aspd debuff, big knockup

Nasus does not generally support, but only the W and E are actually relevant. Oh, and I suppose he's a decent meat shield.

Nunu - ms/as buff, iceball, big zoning/cc field

Sona - poke out the wazoo and an aura of +dmg with it, little bit of healing, little bit of ms boosting, dat ult. Very strong when you combine all the auras.

Taric does not have an MR shred. It's purely an armour debuff. The same skill provides an armour aura.

Zilean - insane early game damage, slow, revive ult. Also a very useful passive exp increase.

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1. As long as Blitzcrank isn't burst down from 21%, it's funny. I also run a very armor-heavy rune page for him, to make sure that I get that barrier. Sometimes, it's better to pop before grabbing, but that's fairly rare. Oh, and Karthus is usually not grabbed (though it's really cool to kill him with my Q).

2. If I run Nasus support, it means someone derped and wandered into top and didn't wanna come down. W doesn't draw tower aggro, which is damn good if you want to deny farm. Q is to heal off of the opponent (and gets powered up when the carry's away). R is there to keep you alive longer, and possibly to tick off the opponents.

3. Wanted to play support Leona. Walked out with 87 CS and three kills. Next time my instincts tell me to dual ADC, I am going to do just that, because that was a VERY lame Ashe (midgame was nine of each potion, greaves, hatchet, recurve bow, and the HP belt). She also didn't get it when I told her "your job is to kill stuff".

4. FINALLY found someone who knew that Koggie's job was to farm, not kill things left and right. Got a half-decent farm in, which allowed me to kill turrets (which is my favorite thing about the game).

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well, you can actually play Kog aggressively, if you know what you're doing, the extent of your capaibilities and your matchup. his ulti is good poke (shut the fuck up dont argue with me on this) and his w is also. nunukog is also fairly scary cause they can chunk very hard (also just shhhhhH).

kiri lulu doesn't initiate srsly

she assists initiation and counter-initiates/disengages. she also has great poke and stopping power

blitzcrank is a lot about zoning and using your bombs wisely, if you waste your grab it's an invitation to get rekt unless you're baiting/are in a safe situation

supports, as their name would suggest if you like... read it, support the adc

really all there is to it

don't take the carry's farm

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One day, I'll get a competent Nunu support when I'm on Kog'Maw. Until then. . .I shall wait patiently. My best support so far was a good Soraka player; that was a kill lane.

Wasted Blitz grab is an invitation for the rest of the opposing team to rush in, sadly. Hell, even when I DO grab correctly, I can get teams that derp around, leading to kills on the opponent's side. My best Normal to date was me playing Blitzcrank, winding up on top, winning lane with Warwick, and subsequently losing the game. At least the opposing Darius was cool about it.

EDIT: Singed/Anivia's a hilarious combo, but one I would never, EVER do again in top lane.

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>kill lane

Does not compute

Also generally as you level up double top outright stops being a thing, which means no combos top ever again

Unless you're doing lane-switch.ing shenanigans but that never happens at my elo cause im bad

And yeah people not taking advantage of a good grab sucks, just try not to make dumbgrabs i.e. Amumu with ult up or ali

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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- idiot bottom lane

- Starfall when everything else is down

- stuff dies

The double top game was an alternate account at level 10 or so; at that level, jungling's not exactly a thing.

I try not to grab Amumu on principle, as a well-timed Bandage Toss into Tantrum messes with everyone. Likewise, if my team is demanding stupid grabs, I ignore them and grab someone that's a little safer (like Nunu after he blows his ult).

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>kill lane

Does not compute

Also generally as you level up double top outright stops being a thing, which means no combos top ever again

Unless you're doing lane-switch.ing shenanigans but that never happens at my elo cause im bad

And yeah people not taking advantage of a good grab sucks, just try not to make dumbgrabs i.e. Amumu with ult up or ali

Soraka solo mid is hilarious and something I full-heartedly support and would love to do again.

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Played three normals on a low-level alt account (it's level 8ish).

- First game: Wound up playing Malphite because our team needed a tank. Went top with Xin, saw Annie up there, cried. Luckily, bot was on the ball, and I managed not to get myself killed (Xin was a different story). They surrendered fairly quickly because a fed Yi was something they could not deal with (plus dual ADC made me happy).

- Second game: Someone disconnected early, and that didn't end well. Our team ended with 19 kills; I had 14 assists. Hooray for my foresight in getting Nunu this free week. Unfortunately, the tank was me, and Kog'Maw kept getting caught out of position (Nunu's weakness is that if he's all alone, he can't do stuff to the enemy). Learned how to play against Evelynn/Teemo, which was a good thing.

- Third game: Two minutes after minion spawn, someone disconnects. Thanks to some other randomness, I was solo bot as Kog'Maw versus Ashe and Kat. We actually had the game stretch out quite a bit, but we wound up losing when Trydamere disconnected, too. I spent quite a bit on wards, but between that and my ult, Kat was very sad. Had fun positioning Ashe with my ult towards the end of the game.

Overall, it's really stressful, and my stomach hurts. Glad I had a good team (attitude-wise) the third time around.

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Honestly if straight up normals are stressful just don't solo queue, because that's really what sucks. Queue up with some friends (even if it's only 1 or 2) and just get on voice chat with them, I guarantee the game will get about 500 times more enjoyable

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Honestly if straight up normals are stressful just don't solo queue, because that's really what sucks. Queue up with some friends (even if it's only 1 or 2) and just get on voice chat with them, I guarantee the game will get about 500 times more enjoyable

The only way I ever survived solo queue is because of a smurf account I made that I only played while drinking. Name was VodkaOnDeath or something before I lost the name from not having played on it for a few months. As the name implied, I did shots of vodka on death and did AP battle Soraka. It was just as fun as playing with friends, but not being drunk, yeah screw that. Most of my friends stick to co-op, but the few times we did PVP, it was hilariously awesome fun, even when we were losing.

Haven't played a whole lot in Season 3, hearing talk of boots and pots at start. Is sword/whatever AP people need+ 5 pot still viable or did I miss something?

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Huh. Missed quite a bit, did I? If anyone can fill me in, I'd be grateful.

Jump between Dota 2 and League for months at a time so I tend to be out of the loop as far as current metas go. Not that I like to adhere to them, but it's a good starting point none the less.

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Honestly if straight up normals are stressful just don't solo queue, because that's really what sucks. Queue up with some friends (even if it's only 1 or 2) and just get on voice chat with them, I guarantee the game will get about 500 times more enjoyable

Hmm, maybe put something in the LoL team roster thing that also has something with what time people are on? Hawaii's weird, and I'm on when most of the East Coast is asleep. Thanks for the suggestion, 'cause I'm learning things like why I hate playing bot lane as purple (I do WAY better as top when I'm purple).

EDIT: Nothing like throwing a blind Q as Anivia and killing some poor sop randomly (well, I knew that he was in the general area, but I didn't know precisely where, and the detonation did him in). Also, Vi is very fun to play, even if I'm terrible with her.

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Huh. Missed quite a bit, did I? If anyone can fill me in, I'd be grateful.

Jump between Dota 2 and League for months at a time so I tend to be out of the loop as far as current metas go. Not that I like to adhere to them, but it's a good starting point none the less.

well, for starters, the jungle probably changed like, twice since you stopped playing

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I played a game as support Nasus for giggles. Apparently, his Q is useful for taking out towers and healing off of siege minions (and getting a power-up when no one else is around to take the farm). Also, everyone next to me. In the middle of Spirit Fire. With my ult on. Good times were had by my team.

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