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I have two Veigar skins since I wanted the christmas one :|

Do you find yourself torn between which to use? I do not wish to put myself in such a predicament.

Actually i think both SL Garen and Lux would be 1350 RP. Since Aether Wing Kayle costs the same and has about the same effects and particles. But thats just my opinion

I too think 975 would be too cheap for these SL skins. I think they will be at least 1350.

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Fid, Taric, Leona, Maokai, Blitz. To some extent Leblanc, Lux, Nidalee. (I'm biased, because I happen to think Maokai is sleeper OP. Realistically you probably want to put him in the second group.)

Silvercrow? Why did you completely skip over Taric/Leona/Blitz in that list? Are they, somehow, no longer viable S3 (while Leblanc is) and I missed the memo?

reading comprehension

lux isn't really "to some extent" a support

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Anyone who lives in SEA/Australia - What's usual ping like connecting to US servers? The only reason I'd ever play on the SEA server is because of lag issues, but if I can connect to US server with decent ping then that would be great.

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Do you find yourself torn between which to use? I do not wish to put myself in such a predicament.

I own every Heimer skin and when I play him, albeit rarely, I sometimes find it hard to choose. If I'm premade I usually just ask what skin I should play and do the first one people say.

edit: Also anyone want to play a game? Belegdhor if you don't have me added already. I'll probably be on for a while longer.

Edited by Scooter
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Thank you Scooter and Slayer~!

I have learned that I need to differentiate between Lulu's W and E better. I also learned that she goes really well with Hecarim. Pony movement GO!

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Thank you Scooter and Slayer~!

I have learned that I need to differentiate between Lulu's W and E better. I also learned that she goes really well with Hecarim. Pony movement GO!

With her new skin it's more difficult to differentiate between her spells.

On a side note I like the new ranked system, I think it's more difficult to get ahead of where you belong based on luck, you need a certain degree of skill to carry matches, and you'll only advance when you really are a tier above everyone else in your current league.

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Anyone who lives in SEA/Australia - What's usual ping like connecting to US servers? The only reason I'd ever play on the SEA server is because of lag issues, but if I can connect to US server with decent ping then that would be great.

I get baseline 180 on a very, very good day. Between 8-20 ping connecting to Garena SEA. If you frequently get network overloaded (Singtel, Starhub and M1 all really suck that way), you'll have a lot of trouble because 180 added to whatever ping you're getting makes it go nearly unplayable. Those days, I play SEA server because it feels almost like home - between 100-200 ping is awesome, it rarely goes above 300, and being from NA I'm very happy to play at that ping!

Fair warning, if you play two servers you have to pick one to be good on. It doesn't matter that I'm getting 200 ping NA and 20 ping SEA, I'm used to everything on 200 ping, therefore I miss my skillshots and last hits on 20 ping.

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In another world. . .

Two ragers on the same team. Wasn't a fun Normal game. Thank goodness one of them wasn't the person I was laning with.

Worst of all, that was the game I decided to record. WHY?!

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Just felt like sharing this. On the PBE, but it was a really great game. Went top AP and was facing Olaf. He had me pretty hard and I had to build a GA and Seeker's but Kha'zix was great and he helped me and Eve get blue a few times. Enemy team ended up surrendering and apparently the Orianna was lagging really badly. I had one really great play where we were running after an attack on bot and I had killed Olaf, but then Ori, Kog, and Sona chased me and killed me. I GA'd and picked up Kog and almost had Sona if it hadn't of been for cooldowns.

i just love karma so much she is like my favorite you guys

#hipster karma feels

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Sometimes I wish I had Clarity. Lux tends to last much longer in lane with it. And since it's been updated so it can recover other champ's mana as well as your own, it's a pretty good support tool too, I think.

Edited by Raven
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Sometimes I wish I had Clarity. Lux tends to last much longer in lane with it. And since it's been updated so it can recover other champ's mana as well as your own, it's a pretty good support tool too, I think.


plus I like it so I can spam spells when I don't have blue

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