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Got back to playing a bit. Zyra is. . .interesting. She's the absolute best when it comes to helping her team get out of sticky situations (R into E means that stuff isn't gonna catch your team)! However, I need a LOT more practice before I even think about stepping into a normal game with her, because I'm barely using her seeds to their full potential.

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Got back to playing a bit. Zyra is. . .interesting. She's the absolute best when it comes to helping her team get out of sticky situations (R into E means that stuff isn't gonna catch your team)! However, I need a LOT more practice before I even think about stepping into a normal game with her, because I'm barely using her seeds to their full potential.

Yeah I have her and I don't even know how to really use her. As a mid, I just can not figure out what to do, so I usually only play her as support and even then she's kind of strange.

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Ez is free this week. He is pretty great to play as. I enjoy hitting people from afar, though his ult is hard to use. Anyone have any tips on him? I also should be getting a mouse rather soon.

lol i posted this in another topic good thing it was in FftF. Also, the rotation system is pretty lame. I have seen all of these champs free before. I understand why some champs appear more often than others but still (I read the post where they explain champ rotation). :/

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Thanks to ultra free people on the beta, I love Support LeBlanc. I have no idea what I am doing as her, but I love her.

also 4 levels away from 30 on EU and I almost have finished my support rune page

also I went 12/5/5 in a game as evelynn but that's pretty good for me since I mid'd against kassadin

also I love AP eve's burst

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lol i posted this in another topic good thing it was in FftF. Also, the rotation system is pretty lame. I have seen all of these champs free before. I understand why some champs appear more often than others but still (I read the post where they explain champ rotation). :/

Yes, I play Ezreal. I play him badly. I think the only "good" advice I can give you is to use Q to shoot into bushes - if you hear a "ptack", it means there's an enemy in there.

EDIT: Oh, and lag like crazy. Just played a game, and probably had my best showing in a long time with him. I think I'll call him Graves Jr.

Edited by eclipse
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I know a lot about Ezreal and I can't be bothered to type it all out, here's the summary.

kite kite kite

abuse e to escape all day

don't worry about using r to clear waves from across the map, it comes up fast

kite more

kite some more

run away all day

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AP is viable and can get really scary, AD is more commonly accepted (also maybe better but I don't know anything about that) and can also get really scary.

This. Ez feels like he tops out a bit in AD very late game, but my friend swears by the continuous effectiveness of AP.

I'd go with AD because it's safer and simpler.

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How 'bout a little analysis of both?

AD: You can take proper advantage of Rising Spell Force, and Q does decent damage from a good distance/on-hit abuse. W is used to help your team take out towers faster, E is used to reposition (and gravy if it hits), and R does whatever it does.

AP: Rising Spell Force is nice, but you won't be doing as much damage with it. Q will do squat damage but can still apply on-hits and CDR, W becomes scary (and phases through minions, no less), E hits suddenly hurt, and R. . .is still R.

I prefer AD, because he has the third option of ranged bruiser (abuse Iceborn Gauntlet/Bloodthirster while dealing decent damage with Q).

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The top Ezreal guides on Mobafire are AD builds. I'm willing to bed AD Ezreal is the most viable option. I have never tried the guy, but I would like to.

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The reason AP Ezreal is only pseudo-viable is because he is among the worst mid lanes you could ever wish upon your team

He has no kill potential, no ability to wave clear, and no ability to roam, so he's pretty much guaranteed to let your team get slapped around by whoever he's against. I love facing AP Ezreals in mid because even if they outplay me I can just go gank another lane and they can't really do anything about it.

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How well does AD Ez fare in midlane? I'd imagine he does pretty well against most mid champs, with his blink and all.

Exactly the same as above except he can push a bit better, so he's ok I guess. He will still probably lose more often than not

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I only remember one guy playing AP Ez on my team. AP Yi broke him and snowballed every lane against us. ><

Yeah, pushing against Ezreal is stupid easy, but I actually disagree with kill potential - Ez is pretty bursty early game. Zero lockdown though. Pick against the right champion and with the right jungler to mitigate this, and you have yourself a kill. Then again, that goes for pretty much every single solo laner, with "right" being defined more widely for some than others. I dunno, one of the places AP Ez used to be pretty decent was vs Katarina, but that was old Kata who couldn't push either.

How Ez fares against the regular mid lane bruiser/assassin types...not very well at all! As Silvercrow mentioned, he can't stop them, even if he could blink away from being killed. (Sometimes he can't.)

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I only remember one guy playing AP Ez on my team. AP Yi broke him and snowballed every lane against us. ><

Yeah, pushing against Ezreal is stupid easy, but I actually disagree with kill potential - Ez is pretty bursty early game. Zero lockdown though. Pick against the right champion and with the right jungler to mitigate this, and you have yourself a kill. Then again, that goes for pretty much every single solo laner, with "right" being defined more widely for some than others. I dunno, one of the places AP Ez used to be pretty decent was vs Katarina, but that was old Kata who couldn't push either.

How Ez fares against the regular mid lane bruiser/assassin types...not very well at all! As Silvercrow mentioned, he can't stop them, even if he could blink away from being killed. (Sometimes he can't.)

More or less all of that could be applied to almost any laner regardless of how bad they are. Replace "Ezreal" with "Poppy" and you wouldn't be wrong. You kinda said that already though.

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