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I'm always tempted to try ranked (I played 4 ranked games season 1, 11 season 2 XD) But I don't want to worry about all the stress that others bring along with it... It is fun to see about where you are ability wise. I was high silver S2

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Does anyone have any tips for getting better besides the generic cs better, watch the map etc.? I've been wanting to take my game to the next level so I can reach plat, but I'm not quite sure how exactly I can improve.

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I want to learn Pantheon, but his ultimate is confusing to use. Anyone know how to use it here? Basically I'm confused as to what cases i should use it. Mostly i just use it to go help my team in other lanes but i notice that sometimes i'm too late to do so and the team dies while i'm in mid air and then i die :(


Edited by SlayerX
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panth's ult is pretty much like TF's ult in that it's very useful for pulling a DYNAMIC ENTRY on someone when they're having trouble

from the like two times i've played him ever i did okay by just looking at the minimap/my team's health bars and dropping in if they looked to be having trouble


and then once teamfights start you can use when you have to go clear out a lane without fear of having them jump your team for the 4v5 (incidentally you can also escape with it if they jump on you by yourself)

Edited by CT075
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Does anyone have any tips for getting better besides the generic cs better, watch the map etc.? I've been wanting to take my game to the next level so I can reach plat, but I'm not quite sure how exactly I can improve.

1. Don't be afraid to admit that YOU helped to contribute to a team loss.

2. Take time to watch streamers, including positions you don't play. Knowing what goes through the mind of every role will help you to mesh better with your team.

3. Getting better isn't an overnight thing. It will take time. Sometimes, you will hit slumps. If you're doing badly, do something else for an hour, then come back.

4. Drink enough water, and use the bathroom between matches. I'm not joking.

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I never drink water, HA!

Does anyone have any tips for getting better besides the generic cs better, watch the map etc.? I've been wanting to take my game to the next level so I can reach plat, but I'm not quite sure how exactly I can improve.

All I can say is just relax, don't let the stress affect you.

Also take a break every couple hours so you don't get cramped up.

Edited by Ubel Engel
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Does anyone have any tips for getting better besides the generic cs better, watch the map etc.? I've been wanting to take my game to the next level so I can reach plat, but I'm not quite sure how exactly I can improve.

A quick and dirty way to gain elo is to specialize in a small handful of champions and know every possible matchup for that champion as well as you possibly can. You'll easily be able to outplay people of your skill level if you're playing your main champion(s) and they're not.

Any advice beyond this is basically champion/role specific

On a different note, my confidence boost of the day: Beating a Diamond I player so hard in lane that they afked


Yea it's just a normal, still pretty happy with myself

Edited by Silvercrow
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I just had a diamond 1 player go 2-9 in my gold 4 game...I think I've lost all will to play this game.

WILL YOU STOP BLAMING OTHER PEOPLE? Improve yourself, and let the rest sort itself out.

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WILL YOU STOP BLAMING OTHER PEOPLE? Improve yourself, and let the rest sort itself out.


In other words I am very disappointed and there's essentially little reason I can see to play ranked if even diamond players who are supposed to be the best of the best, can't beat golds. I think I already know how to think about what I could have done better, hence how I moved up a tier in less than a month.


Edited by Shady Guy Xander
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In other words I am very disappointed and there's essentially little reason I can see to play ranked if even diamond players who are supposed to be the best of the best, can't beat golds. I think I already know how to think about what I could have done better, hence how I moved up a tier in less than a month.


Your original post (bold mine):

I just had a diamond 1 player go 2-9 in my gold 4 game...I think I've lost all will to play this game.

The bolded part comes across as whining about your teammates.

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remember that thing about how I was somehow a karma main

let's talk about her rework

because even after playing it for two days I am still conflicted, but am starting to lean positive on it

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Your original post (bold mine):

The bolded part comes across as whining about your teammates.

How in the hell do you get whining about my teammates from a statement as ambiguous as that? I explained already that I was very disappointed and there's essentially little reason I can see to play ranked if even diamond players who are supposed to be the best of the best, can't beat golds.

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I'm going to side with Xander on this.

Other than that, you were asking for tips? Here's some generic other ones. Firstly, know every role, and what they're supposed to do. Then, give some thought to team synergy. Finally, start thinking strategy. Besides global gold, what does downing their mid tower give me? We got a double kill in bot lane off a gank, but were losing it pretty hard beforehand - dragon or tower? Et cetera. Seriously, half this game is strategy.

As for the mechanics half - there's a lot of little things. Animation canceling, either before or after the attack goes off. Aggro trading. Attack move. Which walls you can jump over with which dashes. Brush juking. Ask some of the higher elo people sometime, I'm sure they can come up with more. Oh, and positioning is incredibly important.

I watched a team take baron just now in a tournament game after an ace. They were level 9-11 (and okay, two of them were already 8-1 or better, but still.) The team was Lulu, MF, Caitlyn, Rumble, Zed. At the time baron died, Lulu was the one tanking it. Yep. Same goes for top inner tower, which went down without minions. Aggro trading FTW.

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Sorry eclipse but I don't see Xander complaining about teammates anywhere, and neither does the bolded come across as doing so to me.

Anyway I just logged on to my NA account. I haven't played a ranked game since my 10th one and being given Silver V. But this popped up, much to my surprise:


If I win 2 of 3, does that mean I will rise to Silver IV?

Edit: nevermind, that was for my ranked team matches. This team I have never played for rose from Bronze V to IV. Maybe I should just leave it. Or try to play some games with them.

Edited by Raven
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I'm not gonna get upset if you guys don't agree with me (really; this isn't the mafia forum). However, I and still think it came across as whining. There's several different circumstances that could've led to that (anything from "my stupid kid brother got my account password" to "playing this on a crappy laptop with a free wireless connection wasn't a brilliant idea" to "I just bought this hacked account, let's see what it does"), and complaining about it here does nothing constructive.

Raven: Only one way to find out. Win or lose, keep us posted!

EDIT: After thinking about it, if this diamond guy's in gold, it might be the last possibility.

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In other words I am very disappointed and there's essentially little reason I can see to play ranked if even diamond players who are supposed to be the best of the best, can't beat golds. I think I already know how to think about what I could have done better, hence how I moved up a tier in less than a month.


you're literally basing your judgement on all diamond players because some guy had a bad game

who gives a shit

edit: you also said golds are worse than silvers

so... silvers are better than diamonds?

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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you're literally basing your judgement on all diamond players because some guy had a bad game

who gives a shit

edit: you also said golds are worse than silvers

so... silvers are better than diamonds?

Well since it's clear you people insist upon grasping at straws I suppose I'll explain every single thing I say in this thread. When I said golds are worse than silvers, it was a little something called sarcasm (which I thought the bright and lovely league of legends community could appreciate). Basing my judgement of all diamond players off of one game? I just had another 2400 elo diamond smurf on my team and they got caught out repeatedly. If you don't give a shit about what I'm saying, feel free to keep quiet and ignore me instead of giving useless smartass replies.

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Well since it's clear you people insist upon grasping at straws I suppose I'll explain every single thing I say in this thread. When I said golds are worse than silvers, it was a little something called sarcasm (which I thought the bright and lovely league of legends community could appreciate). Basing my judgement of all diamond players off of one game? I just had another 2400 elo diamond smurf on my team and they got caught out repeatedly. If you don't give a shit about what I'm saying, feel free to keep quiet and ignore me instead of giving useless smartass replies.

It's like you didn't read my last post. :facepalm:

Rather than complaining about something, ask yourself WHY it happened. There's a plethora of reasons why someone who think should be good winds up doing stuff like that. Furthermore, it's probably a one-off thing (unless the same guy keeps appearing in your ranked games, in which case ewwww).

EDIT: On a happier note, I think I'm getting the hang of Quinn's ult. I've also got a horribly stupid use for Q, but I need to experiment with it more.

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There's a simple reason, actually. Put a plat II into a silver or gold II game, I guarantee he will out-mechanics and out-awareness the opposing team. It's usually enough to carry. However, I can also very nearly guarantee that he will get stupidly caught once, maybe twice, doing something that seemed absurd to his teammates.

We're trained to spot opportunities and jump on them. Particularly when we play hard initiators, but anyone and everyone up in higher levels of play will flash forward in a split second to take advantage of even a small misstep. Their teammates will follow them in the next split second. Or they're supposed to. It's why Leona in a high elo game will happily EWQR initiate; Leona in a low elo game lets someone else initiate before using RWEQ. If the Leona is used to high elo matches, she usually only remembers this after the first time she's gotten killed when her teammate/s didn't follow up. Sometimes it costs the lane.

The difference between games of varying elos is whether your teammates are on the ball. The difference between a good player and a mediocre one is the ability to adapt to not-quite-all-there teammates.

(And strategy. Up in 1600, they still have zero idea how to play this game. But that's not the point here.)

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