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Something to do with caitlyn that a lot of players don't do. When you press e to net away from enemies make sure you press q like at the same time. Go test it in a custom if you need. Basically Cait can fire the q while in the air from the e.

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Lucky I got fullmetal Steel Legion Garen already.

Despite having never used Sona before, I'd really like to have her Arcade skin.

And Frostblade Irelia because DAT ASS.

But I know I won't spend money on champs I have never even tried before.

Damn I really need to experiment more.

Image of all skins affected: http://imgur.com/DPIEhEe

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Something to do with caitlyn that a lot of players don't do. When you press e to net away from enemies make sure you press q like at the same time. Go test it in a custom if you need. Basically Cait can fire the q while in the air from the e.

The best part is the surprise of bad enemies when they realize that works. The other adc wasn't expecting that damage.

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Lucky I got fullmetal Steel Legion Garen already.

Despite having never used Sona before, I'd really like to have her Arcade skin.

And Frostblade Irelia because DAT ASS.

But I know I won't spend money on champs I have never even tried before.

Damn I really need to experiment more.

Image of all skins affected: http://imgur.com/DPIEhEe

that pic is way helpful, and it kind of makes me laugh how So many people are up in arms about the few that are increasing completely ignoring the huge amount of decreasing... XD

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Played a game as Vi where an allied Darius accused me of a KS. After we'd lost, he challenged me to a 1v1 on the Proving Grounds on the basis of this apparent KS. Never did this before, so I thought, "why not."

He was owning me quite hard at the beginning with boots and Doran's Blade/Shield combo. Hell I didn't notice the 4 healing spots on the map until after my 7th death. I was wondering how the hell he was sustaining so well. Then I realised you can't buy items unless you're dead. So I attempted to keep him alive for as long as possible while I pushed lane. I wonder if he's realised he could have just suicided to minions/tower. He took my nexus down to 50% HP while all I had downed was 1 turret. But once I'd gotten these specific items and also started healing myself with the health spots on map, I was pushing both him and those super minions back, hard. He came back with new items but still could do nothing against me. Hopefully I taught him some sort of lesson - even if it's just to be less arrogant towards people.

Classic Darius player.

1v1's are quite fun. On that note, can't wait for the new ARAM mode to be released publicly.

Edit: Ew I just checked his profile... Every rune he has is Flat AD. Even blue and yellow. I almost feel like taking him under my wing and build him into a better player, but I think he would just tell me to piss off or something.

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volibear is actually the first champion that i've actually had fun playing since i discovered darius

that's a lie, i just played katarina and it was great

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I played my very first ranked game today. I was Lulu with Ez against Varus/Janna. My god, first ten minutes I was zoning like a champ. I had given up 2-3 kills though but they were to the Cho jungler and we were still a level ahead of them. Then Ez disconnected and we couldn't keep up and just lost.

I feel like this is a premonition.

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Regarding leagues, some bronze friends of mine are delusional and think bronze III is on par with the bottom of gold. :P

Have my condolences. If I had the guts to play ranked, I'd be in the lowest league possible.

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The average bronze is even worse. By a big margin also.

Yea, I have some friends that are bronze and I play some normal queue games with them... the games are hilariously easy to carry since the people they get matched against often do stuff like start Doran's Ring with no MR runes in mid. Gold isn't exactly wonderful or anything but it's nowhere near that bad. The average gold player makes some dumb plays but generally understands the basics of the game, at least.

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Have my condolences. If I had the guts to play ranked, I'd be in the lowest league possible.

=P I'm sure you'd improve over time as long as you try :).

hey guys i'm not even 30 yet

how bad am i

You have potential =).

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Have my condolences. If I had the guts to play ranked, I'd be in the lowest league possible.

Really it's not all that bad. After awhile they're much the same as Normal games and Normals might as well be Easy mode.

Ranked's about learning good counterpicks. If you're just plain good at playing a character or role, as long as you know who has the advantage against who, you're good.

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I'd say Counterpicks really only happen largely in the Support/Carry roles. Yes some champions are better than others, such as Jayce against Singed or various Assassins against squishy mids but with Seekers you can fix that pretty easily.

Support/Carry you not only have just one person you are picking against, you have to take into account the other carry, and your synergy with your carry.


Those two images are good for base picks, but I am working towards the day I get all 20 of my rune pages, as I've planned 18 for Supports, 1 for ADC, and one for Jungle.

That's how varied supports can be. Admittedly I have some pretty out there pages, such as Galio, Cho'Gath, Nautilus, Orianna, Jarvan/Trundle, Maokai, Sejuani and a few others, but I can see them all working. I am thinking of getting Lissandra, as somehow she matches my Maokai page but I don't really like her kit.

ANYWAY yeah you can also probably do Jayce ADC or troll and do Annie ADC but there's so many combinations that Bot lane is where counters largely come in as just outranging someone as an ADC can be a huge advantage.

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I'd say Counterpicks really only happen largely in the Support/Carry roles. Yes some champions are better than others, such as Jayce against Singed or various Assassins against squishy mids but with Seekers you can fix that pretty easily.

Support/Carry you not only have just one person you are picking against, you have to take into account the other carry, and your synergy with your carry.


Those two images are good for base picks, but I am working towards the day I get all 20 of my rune pages, as I've planned 18 for Supports, 1 for ADC, and one for Jungle.

That's how varied supports can be. Admittedly I have some pretty out there pages, such as Galio, Cho'Gath, Nautilus, Orianna, Jarvan/Trundle, Maokai, Sejuani and a few others, but I can see them all working. I am thinking of getting Lissandra, as somehow she matches my Maokai page but I don't really like her kit.

ANYWAY yeah you can also probably do Jayce ADC or troll and do Annie ADC but there's so many combinations that Bot lane is where counters largely come in as just outranging someone as an ADC can be a huge advantage.

I disagree with the idea that counterpicks are only done in the context of AD-Support bottom lane because the depth required at lower levels of play isn't such that comes down to counterpicks but also that other lanes are just as prone to counterpicks being effective.

Also Jayce ADC isn't a troll and I think outside of some fairly deliberate troll builds, everything else is experimentation that could yield a new way to play a character that could be for the better. Stick to the normal way of playing isn't always the best. If you played backed then, Tristana's other skills would activate the passive 'E' damage, but people stuck to AD Carry Tristana. However, we saw AP Carry Tristana come to power with very strong lane killing abilities that mispositioning could mean death (DFG -> W, proc 'E' for every single minion, E -> R would near insta kill anyone out of position).

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I'd say Counterpicks really only happen largely in the Support/Carry roles. Yes some champions are better than others, such as Jayce against Singed or various Assassins against squishy mids but with Seekers you can fix that pretty easily.

If I pick Fiora and the opponent picks Jax, I'm not going to be winning unless they are very, very bad. If I pick Jax and the opponent picks Singed I am not going to be winning unless they are very, very bad.

Some characters are less susceptible to hard counters, but for everyone it's important to pick someone whose mechanics can screw with the opponent's. Since it's likely that the people you will be playing with will be of comparatively equal skill, you need to find something that tips it in your favor. Champions themselves are important factors.

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I would actually say that bottom lane is the hardest lane to hard-counter just by picks, you can gain advantage by choosing good combinations but there are so many small skill based factors that really influence the lane. And of course you actually probably scale well regardless if you're a bottom laner.

Like, I could say that Caitlyn is an effective pick against Vayne (it's probably about as extreme of a counter bot lane as you can find), but if Vayne plays the lane well, gets good jungle presence or even just refuses to cede a CS lead, she'll get into late game and destroy.

If you pick, I dunno, Vlad against Akali or something, you are going to get your shit wrecked if they're even remotely close to your skill level. The skill differential required to win that lane without massive support from the rest of your team is enormous. And that's just one example, there are many like it.

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I disagree with the idea that counterpicks are only done in the context of AD-Support bottom lane because the depth required at lower levels of play isn't such that comes down to counterpicks but also that other lanes are just as prone to counterpicks being effective.

Also Jayce ADC isn't a troll and I think outside of some fairly deliberate troll builds, everything else is experimentation that could yield a new way to play a character that could be for the better. Stick to the normal way of playing isn't always the best. If you played backed then, Tristana's other skills would activate the passive 'E' damage, but people stuck to AD Carry Tristana. However, we saw AP Carry Tristana come to power with very strong lane killing abilities that mispositioning could mean death (DFG -> W, proc 'E' for every single minion, E -> R would near insta kill anyone out of position).

I meant more of Annie is the troll, since Annie but that second highest range in the game.

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Carried/tanked so hard in my last game with Garen. Nearly lost it but Amumu started listening to my advice and built a runic, then we turned it around. The latest Garen game. If you look at the match you'll see we were vs 4 AP and 1 AD. So I focused on building MR, health and AD. We were successful towards the end because the enemy team were so focused on killing me despite my huge health and MR, my team would whittle everyone's health down and my E and ult were last-hitting nearly everything.

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