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I've been trying Support Annie and I love her omfg. One of the best pickpocket users thanks to her range which is better than everyone except Cait or someone using range steriods, and her mana costs are low enough that even spamming E to prep stuns I only need Shard of True Ice and Philo for mana. OH RIGHT YOU CAN SoTI TIBBERS

then getting an bulwark or something and 60 mr/armor makes her a beast of a tank especially since i've been maxing q/e leaving W till level 12 admittedly i only get aoe stuns with tibbers but i find the defense buffs and the q poke upping worth it

i'm running Magic Pen/Armor/MR/EXP runes on her and then taking 9/0/21 masteries with EXP and Pickpocket. The EXP helps get tibbers faster and I just really like it since I feel like AP runes aren't so great for some reason. They're probably worth it considering her ratios but iunno

I did amazingly against a Janna/Graves team, but lately i've been having to duo bruisers and not exactly great against them since they've had range moves (GP/Quinn/Mundo) or gap closers (Jax/the move speed boost and throw from Volibear).

My build's been Sorc Shoes, Philo probably into Shuryelia's, Sightstone, Morello, Shard of True Ice, and then situational and omg i love her more than all the support leblancs, anivias, gangplanks, and ashes put together.

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Maknoon is an all-star Korean top laner playing for Najin Sword, who is pretty much the centerpoint of the team(considering they made top 8 in worlds Season 2, this is no small feat)

My rationale says stop playing Teemo because it is an irritating little badger that needs to be constantly maimed and killed.

Got it, and--

brb, making Teemo my main top

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I've been trying Support Annie and I love her omfg.

Go ahead and love her, but

people start to theory craft things after playing them to some positive result

Yeah, I did that one game. It's a terror in lane, at least early levels. Still not convinced that it's any good.

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Go ahead and love her, but

Yeah, I did that one game. It's a terror in lane, at least early levels. Still not convinced that it's any good.

Go ahead and love her, but

Yeah, I did that one game. It's a terror in lane, at least early levels. Still not convinced that it's any good.

as long as I can make us not lose lane it typicially does good

constant cc and more than probably every support than leona or just as much and her defensive steriod is only ten less at rank 5 plus tibbers can tank turrets for when me and the adc are pushing

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as long as I can make us not lose lane it typicially does good

constant cc and more than probably every support than leona or just as much and her defensive steriod is only ten less at rank 5 plus tibbers can tank turrets for when me and the adc are pushing

Alistar and thresh would like a word with you.

Also considering her stun is based off of her passive in all reality you wouldn't have more than maybe two stuns in a fight. Which is nowhere near as much as others. Lulu would be better for cc probably because of perma slow.

Edited by Shinori
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Maknoon is an all-star Korean top laner playing for Najin Sword, who is pretty much the centerpoint of the team(considering they made top 8 in worlds Season 2, this is no small feat)

My rationale says stop playing Teemo because it is an irritating little badger that needs to be constantly maimed and killed.

He's the captain and a cool guy but I think SSong is a beast and their bot lane is good as well. I just found his jungle Teemo in the showmatch amusing even though he fed a ton.

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When you play lulu think of yourself as a strong confident black woman. You don't put up with shit from no one.

You see that person walking around in the middle of the lane you deal with them. They attack you? Start going craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy on their ass.

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When you play lulu think of yourself as a strong confident black woman. You don't put up with shit from no one.

You see that person walking around in the middle of the lane you deal with them. They attack you? Start going craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy on their ass.

Who don't need no AD Carry?

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Who don't need no AD Carry?

This is pretty hilarious since I saw someone do AD Lulu (it's something that I'd rather not touch). However, "don't take no shit from no one" and "raging bitch" tend to bleed over when I play mafia, which is why I'm trying to tone it down.

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A pretty good week in regards to free to play champs. Played some for the first time yesterday:

Veigar: Pretty fucking strong. Burst potential like no other. Probably shouldn't have levelled Q first, though.

Zed: Quite fun, considering his shadow and all. Quite diverse.

RAMMUUUUUUS: What a ball of fucking fun. I want to buy him. Nothing quite like getting Homeguard then rolling off the summoner platform. Halfway across the map in like 7 seconds. Armourdildo ftw.

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Okay, so I'm trying to switch to a new top main in preparation of moving on up to Silver, since Fiora seems like a bag of dicks at this point. I'm in between Riven and Darius so far. Darius seems pretty cool and I like his playstyle and damage, but Riven seems like she has some nice usability and just general helpfulness to herself and the team. Both have that nice tanky bruiserness and seem like safe picks, which is good for me.

It'll take some time to get my skills up to snuff with them for Ranked, but what do you guys think about them?

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Well, both are melee lane bullies. Riven is more mobile and has more damage, but her damage is all physical, so armour hits her harder than Darius, who deals mixed damage and has natural armour pen.

I find that Riven does better against ranged than Darius does, but neither do particularly well in my experience. Darius tends to build more tanky, whereas Riven focuses on GA and the high AD ratio on her shield for survivability, and builds more damage.

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When in doubt, play someone you like in a different fashion. . .or someone you have no idea what to do with in an equally weird fashion (I swear I'll figure out jungle Teemo. . .just not now).

well i took this advice to heart and bought heimerdinger...




also apparently my pink taric purchase is now invalid. wtf?

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Okay, so I'm trying to switch to a new top main in preparation of moving on up to Silver, since Fiora seems like a bag of dicks at this point. I'm in between Riven and Darius so far. Darius seems pretty cool and I like his playstyle and damage, but Riven seems like she has some nice usability and just general helpfulness to herself and the team. Both have that nice tanky bruiserness and seem like safe picks, which is good for me.

It'll take some time to get my skills up to snuff with them for Ranked, but what do you guys think about them?

I like Jayce and Yorick, the first one because you can abuse his range against people if you want and also have the knockback to disengage.

The only thing I know about Fiora is you want to rush a Hydra and a Bork and then your ults are crazy.

well i took this advice to heart and bought heimerdinger...




also apparently my pink taric purchase is now invalid. wtf?

join the heimer cult

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