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Playing Alistar in an ARAM. . .not so much. I attribute this to me not knowing WTF to do with him.

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That ALMOST went badly. Had I been anyone else, we would've lost (enemy team underestimated what a well-placed W to their nexus would do).


Nine more to go.

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have you guys seen the dunk squad video? a bunch of friends and i went and did that as a comp in blind pick and it was hilarious

they surrendered at 30 minutes


we also ended up against a 5 adc team yesterday which was equally great; i was jungle garen and had 498 armor (including a thorn mail)

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Squeezed in six ARAMs, somehow.

Game 1 - Which way is up on Jayce? I had no idea what to do, and I think I was a good chunk of the reason why we lost.

Game 2 - Some guy got his main (Karthus), and I got Ashe. My proudest moment was stunning four people in the middle of a dead Karthus' Defile. Karthus got a quadra and a win.

Game 3 - DC'd before the game began, and got Soraka. Triple support versus triple carry; I'll let you figure out what happened.

Game 4 - Never mind, I'm worse with Cassiopeia.

Game 5 - I had very little idea what I was doing with Trundle; luckily, Graves told Kennen what to do, and the yordle listened. Won that one despite me being the only tank.

Game 6 - Got Nasus, which usually doesn't end well in an ARAM. This time was no different.

2-4, but I wasn't too upset except for the first game (Riven calling me retarded didn't help), yet I didn't feel the crippling anxiety in this mode. I wonder why?

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Well, ARAM tends to be a bit more laid back, so it's less pressure. Games are shorter, and dying in a teamfight isn't really considered as bad as feeding a lane opponent, you can't choose whether you're the one focused down, etc.

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People who offend others because they're not doing well in ARAMs have my pity.

As for my ARAM score, it's something like 12-12 so far. Games where I get someone I feel comfortable with usually end in a win. Except that one Lux game. 26k-6d-6a and still lost because we had no ADC and everyone (even our Yi who could have built AD) built AP.

But I do like Sejuani. She can tank quite well, and her CC is deadly. Fuck Cassiopeia, though. Lulu is nice to use, but would take more practice to get used to.

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Thanks you two~! Despite my poor showing with Jayce, I wouldn't mind learning him. Cassiopeia can die in a hole; she was NOT fun (if I want stupid dot damage I'll play Karthus). Trundle's okay, and I do better with Nasus outside of ARAM (which, uh, wasn't that hard to do). I think I have the best luck when I get a carry and a team that can keep things off of me.

Also, enemy Heimerdingers amuse me.

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There are very, very good reasons why Yi builds AP in ARAM.

As for Cassie, I loved playing her in that ARAM. Don't think I carried, but oh man she's fun. Am I the only one who thinks this way? gee. Now, if I could only get Xerath.

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There are very, very good reasons why Yi builds AP in ARAM.

As for Cassie, I loved playing her in that ARAM. Don't think I carried, but oh man she's fun. Am I the only one who thinks this way? gee. Now, if I could only get Xerath.

Yeah but when all your allies are primarily AP reliant, wouldn't it be best to have at least one AD champ?

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I like Cass, but I refunded her a few weeks ago in order two afford LeBlanc and Gangplank when they were both on sale so I thought it was worth it.

Anyone heard about the buffs she's getting later? Turning Twin Fang into single target. AKA best thing ever but it does kind of limit your build. Ryliandries, Manamune, and then I'd say Void Staff but you don't really need it with Sorc Shoes and Liandries. RoA might work as it helps make you even tankier and you have the mana to help your manamune.

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I don't think Muramana Cass is a good idea... pretty sure your mana pool would get annihilated with the costs on your E, all for some extra physical damage.

Definitely nice for Rylai's or Spell Vamp though.

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More ARAM:

Game 1: I originally got Jayce, then rerolled and got Nunu. Though we lost, I have a new respect for Annie.

Game 2: I got Kog'Maw. He's my favorite champion on this map.

Game 3: I got Corki. My job was to screw up until I remembered how to play him, and then I was able to shred things (E and Triforce are funny together). My second-biggest contribution was bombing a bush and catching an enemy Kayle.

Game 4: I got Vayne. Thank goodness for teammates, because she's really hard to use in ARAM! Used my ult to take down turrets and their nexus.

Game 5: I got Anivia. Luckily, everyone ELSE knew what they were doing. I remembered how to play her right before the game ended.

Edited by eclipse
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Got Lux in ARAM again and lost. We did have a few good moments but the team as a whole were overrun.

But before that, I had a normal SR game as Jungle Vi. Really bad start; the enemy Shaco was jungling without Smite and surprised me at golem bros., and then several times throughout the laning phase. Fucking boxes. I think I was 0k 4d at one point. But then, once midgame came along and we were forced into more teamfights, I eventually caught up thanks to a lack of enemy tank. While Shako was on positive KD ratio, the rest of his team were well into negative KD. We pushed mid hard and they surrendered. Props to the ally Hecarim (lolking profile says he's Silver I, while the enemy Shaco is Silver II) for owning top lane hard and essentially carrying. My final score for me was 6/7/4.

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Heh, props on not giving up! I ran into the mother of all ARAM losing streaks, but I'm not too upset. Except for that Warwick, who decided that today was high trolling day.

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How in the world do you play xin? I hear he is really easy to play but I can never manage to do anything with him.

Also, have been playing a lot of blitzcrank. His grabs are extremely fun. Its hard to get an opening most of the time, but when you do, its awesome. I got a double kill on a varus and trundle, varus was really low on health so i just ulted and hit trundle as well. Varus dies, trundle remains with a sliver of health (same as me) so i just go and punch him before he gets me and i win hahahaha. Best thing ever. What are your thoughts on tear for blitzcrank?

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How in the world do you play xin? I hear he is really easy to play but I can never manage to do anything with him.

Also, have been playing a lot of blitzcrank. His grabs are extremely fun. Its hard to get an opening most of the time, but when you do, its awesome. I got a double kill on a varus and trundle, varus was really low on health so i just ulted and hit trundle as well. Varus dies, trundle remains with a sliver of health (same as me) so i just go and punch him before he gets me and i win hahahaha. Best thing ever. What are your thoughts on tear for blitzcrank?

Just smash your spells and hope for the best, you can't do much as Xin. As Jungler you might want to run up to your target (maybe your lane allows it by using a cc), so you can E after their flash, but besides that - just use q/w/e the instant you attack him.

Tear wouldn't be too bad as Blitz, but there are better items (like Frozen heart for example, in addition, as you usually play support, you need a sight stone, maybe bulwark or iron solari).

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Just smash your spells and hope for the best, you can't do much as Xin. As Jungler you might want to run up to your target (maybe your lane allows it by using a cc), so you can E after their flash, but besides that - just use q/w/e the instant you attack him.

Tear wouldn't be too bad as Blitz, but there are better items (like Frozen heart for example, in addition, as you usually play support, you need a sight stone, maybe bulwark or iron solari).

Don't give intentionally bad advice please... There's a lot you can do with Xin, he's a powerhouse early game who tends to transition to a more tanky build after some initial damage though you can consider going full DPS.

Generally, I see Xin Zhao in the jungle where his charge -> three-talon strike works very well and helps the laner capitalize. One thing you should do with three talon strike (and any other auto attack modifier pretty much) is cast it after hitting them once normally so it resets the animation allowing you to do more damage quickly.

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I have seen the tear recommended on your first trip back then the usual support build on most guides if not all i have seen. However i have also heard things against it, such as the mana gain is too slow for him so its pretty meh item compared to going for other support items first.

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I have seen the tear recommended on your first trip back then the usual support build on most guides if not all i have seen. However i have also heard things against it, such as the mana gain is too slow for him so its pretty meh item compared to going for other support items first.

Pure Support: You'll definitely have a Philosopher's Stone, which helps immensely with mana regen. Frozen Heart has armor/mana, both of which he likes. If your laner has a ridiculous lead when you get back, and you have spare gold, MAYBE; however, I'd rather invest it in Aegis/Locket (or something that gives MR if the opposing team is AP heavy)/Frozen Heart/Ruby Sightstone/your favorite boots/Shurelia's.

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