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EUW: Login position in queue has been 1, and wait time has been 1 second for about 5 minutes now.

Fuck this server.

edit: Time is now 3 minutes.

Edit 2: Oh never fucking mind, server's brought offline. Looks like no games for me before bed. Fuck your EUW server, Riot. Fuck you.

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Once in a blue moon, I get a good Tristana game. . .apparently, it's a blue moon tonight (didn't get the screencap, so I'll leave it to your guy's imagination). Quinn was hilarious, and the enemy team didn't see it coming (everyone else was responsible for me not failing hard).

EDIT: In one of my losses today, someone referred to Darius as "the flying nope". I like that name~!

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Jinx Theme with it's own Cinematic, looks hype as shit



Thats pretty awesome. And i get to play on friday yay :D hope she is released by then (which it seems like she will [hope its not soonTM])

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She looks irritating (like, I'd buy Vi specifically to punch her face in, and that's thanks to Jinx's lore).

Speaking of irritating, I'm really rough around the edges as Wukong. ARAM is NOT his place to shine, if his team isn't on it.

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1. Have someone on your team separate from the group, so Taric has a good stun target.


3. "Wait, how'd we lose so much health?"

R+W hurts folks, especially when the rest of his team is sponging off of Radiance (this is part of the reason why we won. . .the other part being that I saw all of three Nami ults from the other team).

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Ahem. . .FINALLY got my first win as Wukong in ARAM. It was a mirror match, so I waited for the enemy Wukong to blow his ult (and fail to kill things); meanwhile, my team repositioned. Once they were all split up, beat up the lone enemy, then sneak into their ADC line and ult. . .somehow, it worked.

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I have had about equal success/failure with Wukong in ARAM. I'm not sure I'm doing him right. I am noticing that, unless I'm misremembering, Malzahar's W pool of void whatever, doesn't seem to be as good at waveclear as Morgana's W pool of inky whatever is.

I'm also kind of happy that I got in on that 2 for 1 runepage deal, but sad that that sets me way back on acquiring any of Swain, Trundle, Caitlyn, Cassiopeia.

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If your team can take advantage of his ult, then you've got a much better chance of winning. I'll dash in, smack someone, then dash out. :P:

Oh, and free week Ezreal. . .let's just say. . .


Don't get into a poke war with my team, 'cause we'll win.

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I'm also kind of happy that I got in on that 2 for 1 runepage deal, but sad that that sets me way back on acquiring any of Swain, Trundle, Caitlyn, Cassiopeia.

Indeed it sucks. I had nearly 7k IP saved for a week after Jinx is released, now I have to save it all up again because I bought rune pages. But really, for two rune pages it's hella worth. The last rune page sale was back in about march, I believe. So it's worth picking up whenever possible.

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If you watch the VOD, I Lolskill both matchups and calculate that based on the fact I was gaining 10/losing 5 or gaining 6/losing 3, this shouldn't have happened because I ended up in two matches with players that were a higher elo than me. Also the -5 was with a duo queue as well, so idk if me duoing had any bearing on this.

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