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me in champ select:

I Got Pubstomped: top pref

I Got Pubstomped: jungle and support are my worst roles

works like a charm most of the time.

60% of the time it works all the time?

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I was in a game, got kicked out, and now I can't reconnect to it! This pisses me off royally, because both sides were damn cool!

EDIT: Semi-redeemed by being a manly Lulu (went toe-to-toe with Morgana and didn't die. . .then again, I was building tank)

Edited by eclipse
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I just want Diamond...Riot plz ;(

Just let me winstreak out of this terrifying hell.

On the plus side I'm gaining 6 LP per win now and if I get matches like this, I'm all good.


I was in a game, got kicked out, and now I can't reconnect to it! This pisses me off royally, because both sides were damn cool!

EDIT: Semi-redeemed by being a manly Lulu (went toe-to-toe with Morgana and didn't die. . .then again, I was building tank)

Patches do this ;(.

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why not vayne top vs renekton

I'm pretty sure an aggressive Renekton will win the lane based off personal experience. If Renekton plays passively he takes huge amounts of poke but due to his toolkit he can get onto Vayne quite easily.

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Vayne also runs out of mana while Renekton relies only on cooldowns. But still, while Vayne has mana, she should be able to tumble out of his way, and knock him back with E should he get too close. She may be able to lay down enough damage to force him to back or kill him before she runs out of mana.

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Renekton vs Vayne should end up in Renek's favor, though as always it comes down to the skill of the player.

Vayne isn't really known for her early game powers, while Gator certainly is. Come mid game that might be a different story but Renekton should be a good choice to shut Vayne down early and deprive the enemy team of a very strong fighter.

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Vayne also runs out of mana while Renekton relies only on cooldowns. But still, while Vayne has mana, she should be able to tumble out of his way, and knock him back with E should he get too close. She may be able to lay down enough damage to force him to back or kill him before she runs out of mana.

They key is that Renekton is capable of jumping twice and has enough sustain that unless he lets himself take a ridiculous amount of harass, he should win. Also defensive itemization is more gold efficient iirc.

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They key is that Renekton is capable of jumping twice and has enough sustain that unless he lets himself take a ridiculous amount of harass, he should win. Also defensive itemization is more gold efficient iirc.

He has no chance but to take harass unless he doesn't last hit at all. There's hardly a difference between the CD of Vayne's E and his - 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 vs 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12. In addition Vayne got a natural counter to defensive itemization with her W.

I don't see any chance for Renekton vs a decent Vayne. Quinn is even worse, hardly any melee has a chance vs her.

Renekton's early game strength starts at level 3 (he needs all his abilities, at least vs a range champion) - but he isn't strong if he didn't build enough fury. Ranged adcs keep him from autohitting/lasthitting a lot, that's why they counter him.

That's at least my opinion as a Renekton/Quinn top player.

Edit: Pure 1v1 of course. Jungle pressure works in Renekton's favour - he escapes easier and assists his own jungler more than an adc does.

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He has no chance but to take harass unless he doesn't last hit at all. There's hardly a difference between the CD of Vayne's E and his - 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 vs 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12. In addition Vayne got a natural counter to defensive itemization with her W.

I don't see any chance for Renekton vs a decent Vayne. Quinn is even worse, hardly any melee has a chance vs her.

Renekton's early game strength starts at level 3 (he needs all his abilities, at least vs a range champion) - but he isn't strong if he didn't build enough fury. Ranged adcs keep him from autohitting/lasthitting a lot, that's why they counter him.

That's at least my opinion as a Renekton/Quinn top player.

Edit: Pure 1v1 of course. Jungle pressure works in Renekton's favour - he escapes easier and assists his own jungler more than an adc does.

Fair enough for that, but with his E he can jump back in after being condemned once. Also I think Renekton can use brushes to his advantage and if he gets sufficiently big should be able to take Vayne.

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She got Q aswell, the second E doesn't help if she just tumbles away from the first and E's the second one (in addition he has to hit a minion or Vayne, limiting the usage of his E). That's theory of course, but I don't see how and why Renekton should kill a Vayne in practice. Her mobility and antitanktools are way too strong in 1v1.

Brushes don't help him building rage (at the first levels). Later - if needed - you could ward the brush. It's not like you have to, if you zoned him all the time before. His only hope is his jungler as adcs with mobility and/or cc have an easy time outplaying him.

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And on that note, if Snoop (insert name here) voiced Nasus I would be totally okay with that

As it is I'm kind of on the ropes about the new Nasus voice. The style direction is definitely an interesting one, but I have the impression they went for omniscient deity. which is a little beyond what his actual calling is.

Also feel free to insert "Morgan Freeman" in there too ;P

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I play ranked? GG I lose ;(

I play norms? GG I win.


Well here's to hoping I can recover some LP soon since I'm dropping out of the clamp zone.

On another note:


Clamping was introduced to prevent lucky streaks from carrying players into a tier they don't belong into which is interesting considering the only way to make it out of plat 1 to diamond is to get on a 10+ game win streak.Also I don't think +6 lp is out of the clamp zone, I got +9 lp in plat 1 a few games ago and am still just as clamped as when I started the division since I still get +5 the majority of the time. From the good amount of research I've done in order for the clamping in plat 1 to stop you have to obtain diamond 3 level mmr (above 2030 according to this site http://op.gg/mmr/region=NA). If you don't do that you'll have to win quite a few games in a row gaining +6 lp.

Edited by Xander
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Clamping was introduced to prevent lucky streaks from carrying players into a tier they don't belong into which is interesting considering the only way to make it out of plat 1 to diamond is to get on a 10+ game win streak.Also I don't think +6 lp is out of the clamp zone, I got +9 lp in plat 1 a few games ago and am still just as clamped as when I started the division since I still get +5 the majority of the time. From the good amount of research I've done in order for the clamping in plat 1 to stop you have to obtain diamond 3 level mmr (above 2030 according to this site http://op.gg/mmr/region=NA). If you don't do that you'll have to win quite a few games in a row gaining +6 lp.

Then shouldn't it work both ways? I had a lucky streak of 9. 60 LP in Plat 1.

I had an unlucky streak of 9. I went from 97 LP to 4 (93 loss, fortunately I'm back up to 85 as of this writing, so I need ~3 wins more than losses in order to reach promos)

And before you start saying "your MMR wasn't high enough" it was. It turned green several times (on that site, indicating my MMR was very high for my placement) as I went up to 97 LP.

Incidentally, I'm not greatly against clamping, but I would much rather just have "equalized" gains and losses across the board so the progression feels about the same no matter where I am in the tier (obviously on the basis of my MMR). There are better solutions out there and incidentally, winning streaks can still be quite favorable anyways in a clamped division because it means you're more likely to exit the other end of the clamp zone, making what looks like a frustrating grind a moderately pleasant one.

Edit: Clamping is also apparently there because of the "you can't drop out of a tier" thing, so in order to achieve a tier, your MMR has to be more than high enough to deserve the actual tier to compensate, hence Div1 clamping.

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