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I see you a Battle Bunny Zilean. :P:

Anyway. . .for mystery gifting, I do so with no expectation that I'll get anything back. Thus, if someone decides to cut and run, that's their loss. If it takes some RP to show me what that person is truly like, then I came out the winner.

We'd need a Battle Bunny Volibear too (yes I know this makes no sense at all).

Anyone know if you can give/receive riot/pax skins from the mystery gift?

Nope. As far as I know you can't receive skins that are limited through it. Imagine what would happen if you got PAX TF...

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Anyone know if you can give/receive riot/pax skins from the mystery gift?

You can receive the riot skins, but it doesn't mention the pax skins at all...


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RANDOM CS PRACTICE feat. me being dumb

No runes/masteries, start with Doran's Blade/Potion, ten minutes, mostly last-hitting.


Vayne - 54 (that's. . .still pretty bad)

Tristana - 60 (that's both with E and without)

Kog'Maw - 53 and 56 (with no points in Q and eventually two points in Q, respectively)

Graves - 68 (including Q shots because my siege minions insisted on hitting some other random enemy)

Ezreal - 60 (see Graves, but I have to aim better)

Draven - 57 (tried using his Q every now and then, I suck at it)

Caitlyn - 67

Ashe - 60

Eh, those numbers can use a lot of work. Hopefully they'll look better next year~!

Edited by eclipse
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RANDOM CS PRACTICE feat. me being dumb

No runes/masteries, start with Doran's Blade/Potion, ten minutes, mostly last-hitting.


Vayne - 54 (that's. . .still pretty bad)

Tristana - 60 (that's both with E and without)

Kog'Maw - 53 and 56 (with no points in Q and eventually two points in Q, respectively)

Graves - 68 (including Q shots because my siege minions insisted on hitting some other random enemy)

Caitlyn has one of the best attack animations for CS practicing.

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Gah. This game really doesn't want to give me icons. Darn those slow scripts D:

I know right .. still waiting for the Poro ;____;

(and i don't know why but in my head there is alyways this song "all i want for christmas is you" playing but not with the actual text, but "all i want for Snowdown is a poro"; WTF BRAIN)

Also, that CS practice is a really nice idea :D

Edited by Tasigat
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Same here, waiting for the Veigar, poro and teemo icon :<

Patience is key. It took me 3 days to get my icons but they finally arrived and I'm not complaining anymore

Edited by Xander
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Yep, i got them today :D

Also i got matched up against Piemanmj lol. He has quite a capable lulu

Edited by SlayerX
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That's how you're supposed to play Malphite right?

And Volibear. And Amumu. And most definitely Aatrox and Vi.

(I'm not salty about it, I swear)

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Why do minions sometimes have different AA animations? Like sometimes they are blue rectangles and other times they look like smaller annie Q's.

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[spoiler=Someone having a bad Christmas!]


Funny thing is, while you can't glean much from the numbers that Yi misplayed maaaaany times. Often got stuck killing a bunch of minion creeps and not our team, but landing in the middle of our champs to be murdered hard. The Jarvan IV and Ahri played alright, but due to the disparity in skill on our team due to being a premade of wildly uneven summoner levels, they were just outplayed by our "I mained Kog'Maw in ranked for 2 seasons" Kog'Maw.

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If we're ever on at the same time and free, we should totally play a couple together, Samias~!

Ahem. . .in your screenshot, I see the following:

- I can't tell what Jarvan was building

- Ahri's set is all right (I personally disagree on Lich Bane, but eh)

- Taric bought no armor, despite Kog'Maw carrying

- Shyvana has a bajillion pieces of Idunnowhat; I would've stuck with tanky AD

- Yi's build is okay, though I would've gone Merc Treads because of the amount of CC your team has (especially Soraka and her stupid silence)

On your side:

- Kog'Maw is awesome

- Morgana looks like she was going for damage; I guess she felt that she didn't need a Zhonya's (and given how hard Koggie was stomping, I agree)

- Can't complain about your build (and don't be afraid to use TF's blue card to give you some mana!)

- ETHER~! Rylai's/Liandry's hurts like hell on Cassie~!

- Soraka went way over the cooldown limit - I usually get Athene's Unholy Grail and The 20% CD Black Book, then work on other stuff (in your game, it probably would've been something like Rylai's/Abyssal Scepter/something else)

Rambling old lady of ARAM out~!

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If we're ever on at the same time and free, we should totally play a couple together, Samias~!

Ahem. . .in your screenshot, I see the following:

- I can't tell what Jarvan was building

- Ahri's set is all right (I personally disagree on Lich Bane, but eh)

- Taric bought no armor, despite Kog'Maw carrying

- Shyvana has a bajillion pieces of Idunnowhat; I would've stuck with tanky AD

- Yi's build is okay, though I would've gone Merc Treads because of the amount of CC your team has (especially Soraka and her stupid silence)

On your side:

- Kog'Maw is awesome

- Morgana looks like she was going for damage; I guess she felt that she didn't need a Zhonya's (and given how hard Koggie was stomping, I agree)

- Can't complain about your build (and don't be afraid to use TF's blue card to give you some mana!)

- ETHER~! Rylai's/Liandry's hurts like hell on Cassie~!

- Soraka went way over the cooldown limit - I usually get Athene's Unholy Grail and The 20% CD Black Book, then work on other stuff (in your game, it probably would've been something like Rylai's/Abyssal Scepter/something else)

Rambling old lady of ARAM out~!

Trinity Force, and likely Aegis or even Hexdrinker


Kog'Maw also puts out a lot of magic damage, even with his autos. Balcerzak's team was 5 AP, so rushing a lot of armor doesn't really make much sense, even on Taric.

Eh, it made sense up till the NLR, that's all I can say.

Other than Cass ult, the only hard CC was TF's gold card and Morgana's Q and ult. Yeah, her bind last forever, but both ults won't be up often, and Yi doesn't really care about soft CC like silence and especially not Cass' slow. The MR front them would make more sense.

Also Ether, eclipse mentioned RyLiandry's, which is super good and almost mandatory on Casseiopia. I really like Tear as the Shield later on gives her more survivability which is always nice on Cass, but I suppose with the constant assists from ARAM, Athene's isn't bad either.

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I was gonna get around to it, we were just doing so much poking that I decided to go for a bit of a damage spike, since I went back for the first time with pretty much the components of a hat

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So with the temporary 1v1 out, any discussion? I've found a lot of people underestimating Katarina, despite her being known for having a "horrible laning" (although, I don't know if this is still the case). As of yet, I haven't lost to anyone as Katarina, given I've only done 3-4 games with her. Sadly, the amount of ADCs in the Showdown is annoying, although I play Akali and generally beat em, it's like I can't go in a game without being against an ADC or some long-range mage such as Ziggs or Lux.

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