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You could try writing lnterest with a lowercase L as opposed to an I.

Edit: thats apparently taken too :O

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I'm lucky because I'm the only VanguardRaven on the internet.

Aside from one cunt on Reddit who used the name to ask a single question on an AMA nearly a year ago which didn't even get answered, and hasn't been used since.

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I'm really liking the update the Spirit line got. The 8% health and 4% mana from damage done is particularly awesome for people like Udyr.

Also what is the best way to optimize damage on a Phoenix Udyr without disregarding defense?

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The problem with the jungle item changes is that they're great for in-jungle sustain, sure, but they lose out to the old ones whenever you're in a lane. Tower siege? No regen. Gank, countergank? No regen. They'll be great for power farmers, but it's not all sunshine and roses and suchlike.

As for Udyr... don't really play him, so no idea. iirc Wit's End is a popular item on him(and iirc phoenix burn is every X autoattacks and deals magic damage so the AS and MR shred are both good for it, plus the MR on Wits)

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found this on reddit of the supposed next champion

a floating void eyeball support


looks too good to be a fake and xelnath's forum posts did imply something about an eyeball so i'm inclined to think this is real

his name is apparently Vel'Koz

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found this on reddit of the supposed next champion

a floating void eyeball support


looks too good to be a fake and xelnath's forum posts did imply something about an eyeball so i'm inclined to think this is real

his name is apparently Vel'Koz

Why do people believe everything they read on reddit...

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IMO the thing has some resemblance to Kog'maw. Particularly the exo-skeleton.

Also, since it was hinted that there'd be some event involving the "Outside" which i assume would be like the Void. Other than that only Kayle/Nasus' world comes to mind.

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fukken lasers, awesome

new AP mid for you all

shame i prefer AD champs.

And to me, this looks real considering the tooltips and images. It's about time something new is at least revealed since Yasuo was released nearly 5 weeks ago.

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fukken lasers, awesome

new AP mid for you all

shame i prefer AD champs.

And to me, this looks real considering the tooltips and images. It's about time something new is at least revealed since Yasuo was released nearly 5 weeks ago.

He might and hopefully does have bad ratios if he's meant to be a support. Although given how offensive-oriented his kit is...

Anyway looking forward to seeing him!

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lasers everywhere, i don't think he will have bad ratios. Without any gapclosers, he's gonna disrupt and damage things all day.

He has an 80% slow and a spell that brings the enemy closer to him, lol. If he does a lot of damage, it'll be the Annie complaints all over again. Although actually, I'm in full support of that.

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I assume his E is a skillshot that travels away from him, and the tooltip says that enemies hit close to him will be pushed slightly away. Regardless, I think it's ok. Kinda like Flay I suppose. Risky support considering no mobility, but then again, same goes for Annie.

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I'm pretty sure Nasus and Renekton were retconned to Shurima, and hopefully Zilean is too, whenever he gets a VU or rework.

I believe you're misreading his lore. He currently lives in Shurima (this was the case before and after the lore) but came from another world that he shares with Renekton. I never remembered a significant lore update nor did I think any was needed.

He has an 80% slow and a spell that brings the enemy closer to him, lol. If he does a lot of damage, it'll be the Annie complaints all over again. Although actually, I'm in full support of that.

That spell can be used as a knockback and probably should most of the time, considering he's clearly a ranged champion.

I assume his E is a skillshot that travels away from him, and the tooltip says that enemies hit close to him will be pushed slightly away. Regardless, I think it's ok. Kinda like Flay I suppose. Risky support considering no mobility, but then again, same goes for Annie.

Actually it looks more like a modified Cho'gath Rupture.

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lol, im currently experiancing the Leauge of bugs

After I interruped the season 4 patch on thursday and friday (used the rapair wizzard on friday because i could not start lol at all and then stopped because i met with frineds) i wanted to patch on satturday, started in the morning and had a wierd issue where the patch was struck at 99% and with 38 seconds remaining, but then had to leave for the several hours only to come back at 10 pm with the patch still struck on 99% but the with the timer now on 6 min 30 seconds.

OK, so i clicked the repair option in the patching client thingy (sry don't know what it's actually called) and then the whole client chrashed.

So i repaired it via the repair wizzard (this thing you get when you start the lol.exe and where you can deinstall LoL etc) this did work and then i started to patch anew with setting the lanuage from german to english (i always play in english, was german because of the rapair i think).
But then i got really sleepy and went to bed.

So when i stared my pc today (had it in standby) i had the same 99% bug.

So i repaired it again with the wizzard and then let the whole thing patch in german. And guess what, it worked so i thought: yay now i only have to set it to english and im good to go :D

Yeah.. after setting it to english i had to wait another 2 h and then it got stuck a 99% again.

So: rapair-> patching in german.

Then i stared the game and logged in.

Only to find i have only 231 RP although i bought some last week via banktransfer and already got the confimation email (i just took a glace at it on my phone) and i was like WTF.

So i logged on my mail account only to find two confirmation emails both with the right amount of money i payed but both with different and worng RP counts. (both less than the actual amount)

Then i visited to store in lol and suddenly all the "wrong" RP are on my account.

Because of the double confirmation i questioned myself whether i did a mistake when i transferred the money so i drove to my bank and got my account statement only to find i did everything right.

So now im sitting here with a german client and a really wierd amount of RP i did not pay for.

Im currently patching in english again only to get appropriate screenshots for the Player Support.

Well, any other suggestions?

EDIT: so now i let it patch in engish again and trolololo now it finally worked, and after logging in i still have the wrong RP count

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