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Good start to season 4 ranked. Ziggs got a pentakill right before the nexus went boom.


They decided to laneswap, and so it was Lee vs Urgot and Soraka bot. Darius fed pretty hard early game, couldn't handle Varus and Blitz. Luckily Ziggs was competent and did great in laning and teamfights (Veigar fed him so hard); our ults worked surprisingly well together. He would lead and get a 4-5 man ult off, then I'd ult into the middle, bringing most low, then it would be just a matter of mopping up.

The game can be fun when you're not in the team getting shit all over.

Edited by Raven
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One of Lee's items is missing FSR. His icon amuses me.

EDIT: Watched the NACS for giggles.

[spoiler=CRS vs CLG]Fuck yeah Vayne. I have no idea how CLG pulled that off, especially after having most of the turrets wiped off the map in less than twenty minutes.

Edited by eclipse
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One of Lee's items is missing FSR. His icon amuses me.

EDIT: Watched the NACS for giggles.

[spoiler=CRS vs CLG]Fuck yeah Vayne. I have no idea how CLG pulled that off, especially after having most of the turrets wiped off the map in less than twenty minutes.

Teamfight comp versus siege comp. You have a certain amount of legroom when it comes to a gold disadvantage. Curse didn't snowball sufficiently and CLG got a single engage and was able to start applying pressure. They had been splitpushing and farming for a long time so the tanks were huge and then they could just bulldoze Curse with the wombo combo.

Edit: @Raven, I meant only one of the icons required you to actually win which was the Year of the Horse one.

Edited by BK-201
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Did 2 placement matches today. Lost one with heimerdinger against riven because i'm bad at this game and i should have stayed closer to my tower. Damn you nocturne! Without him that riven would have never gotten a kill from me.

The second one i went taric. Gave him tanky runes and tanky masteries. Proceded to 1v2 enemies and have them running because lol oh god taric is a god damned fabulous beast.

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You know i have tried thresh support countless of times but oh god do i ever fail with him. Its like I just can't do anything with him.

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You know i have tried thresh support countless of times but oh god do i ever fail with him. Its like I just can't do anything with him.

Thresh is NOT the easiest dude to pick up. All his moves have multiple functions, and learning WHEN to use what is vital.

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If you go BT first, you should get Last Whisper after, as you focus on a more Piltover Peacemaker/poke oriented spec. Going IE implies you inter to just be autoing more, and should get a Zeal after, though you don't necessarily have to finish the Zeal and can get other items.

PD is best for single target damage and for shredding tanks if they are a bigger issue. The move through units passive is also good on carries such as Draven, Ashe, or Jinx who need to not get creep blocked when catching axes/kiting/getting excited.

Shiv is better for wave clear and for pushing as well as the burst of magic damage. It's good on Ashe as her damage is a bit weaker than others, so with her passive crit and IE damage boost it does a lot more. It's also typically the choice for Vayne, and I like it on Kog'Maw and Tristana even though I don't play them much, as their kits already do a lot of magic damage.

Shiv/PD is typically up to a player's personal choice, as either is fine. BT/IE typically depends on your play style for a game or for what carry you are, as someone like Miss Fortune would prefer BT with her high scaling abilities, while Ashe would prefer IE. I typically get IE on almost all carries except maybe MF, Draven, and Graves, at least for my first item. I prefer BoRK over BT when it comes to my life steal item, but that's because I like the tank shred.

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If you go BT first, you should get Last Whisper after, as you focus on a more Piltover Peacemaker/poke oriented spec. Going IE implies you inter to just be autoing more, and should get a Zeal after, though you don't necessarily have to finish the Zeal and can get other items.

PD is best for single target damage and for shredding tanks if they are a bigger issue. The move through units passive is also good on carries such as Draven, Ashe, or Jinx who need to not get creep blocked when catching axes/kiting/getting excited.

Shiv is better for wave clear and for pushing as well as the burst of magic damage. It's good on Ashe as her damage is a bit weaker than others, so with her passive crit and IE damage boost it does a lot more. It's also typically the choice for Vayne, and I like it on Kog'Maw and Tristana even though I don't play them much, as their kits already do a lot of magic damage.

Shiv/PD is typically up to a player's personal choice, as either is fine. BT/IE typically depends on your play style for a game or for what carry you are, as someone like Miss Fortune would prefer BT with her high scaling abilities, while Ashe would prefer IE. I typically get IE on almost all carries except maybe MF, Draven, and Graves, at least for my first item. I prefer BoRK over BT when it comes to my life steal item, but that's because I like the tank shred.

You can very well go for BT first without going for LW right after, if you want to play the poke game go play Varus or something, you're on the wrong champion.

BT is probably better for lanes where the sustain becomes necessary though there always is the vamp scepter + IE build, to some extent it might depend on the scenario in terms of piltover peacemakers but you certainly don't want to itemize under the assumption you're only going to be launching Qs.

Shiv is better for wave clear and is stronger poke when the amount of auto attacks you get is a flat number and the proc of shiv becomes very relevant.

BT does indeed let you clear faster through your piltover peacemakers but I don't think that defines your build, it's simply a good reason to build BT when you need fast waveclear whereas if you plan to teamfight early, IE is a better choice.

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Almost every time I'm ADC, it's almost always BT first, usually followed by either SS/PD, or IE/LW if I'm Jinx. I don't think early AS on Jinx is worth it since her AS scaling is so shit.

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Anyone else surprised by coast's failure in the LCS? After hearing some hype and their performance in the challenger league as well as watching Shiphtur go HAM on streams as well as hearing all the hype surrounding him, I actually expected them to be a middle of the pack team this split.

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Anyone else surprised by coast's failure in the LCS? After hearing some hype and their performance in the challenger league as well as watching Shiphtur go HAM on streams as well as hearing all the hype surrounding him, I actually expected them to be a middle of the pack team this split.

Nah, the challenger circuit wasn't great and I would have expected even more teams to be above them given previous splits.

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How do you fight against Kassadins? It feels like they just get one kill and start raping everyone. Kassadin is possibly the wors when it comse to it. Damn his ult. It is so strong. I feel like everytime my team faces one there is little chance for us to win.

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I've never actually seen an annoying Kassadin. I can't really give tips, because when I play against him, it's usually as Akali or LeBlanc who definitely don't counter him, but can definitely outplay him.

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I've never actually seen an annoying Kassadin. I can't really give tips, because when I play against him, it's usually as Akali or LeBlanc who definitely don't counter him, but can definitely outplay him.

I actually disagree, LB is great vs him. Range usually beats him, especially with strong cc and/or early game.

I'd pick Pantheon but your jungler will troll you to oblivion because you push most of the time (yes you can dive a 30% hp Kassadin you **** >.>), that's why LB is my main pick vs Kass. Most aps can do fine if they have range or good cc (Lux can just farm and win teamfights later, Victor got the abilities to trade well, Swain destroys him 1v1 aswell, Xerath has the range and great harass, he can't kill a Sion and so on).

Kassadin is by no means a bad pick, but a lot can outplay him. And - that's just my opinion - LB actually counters him because of good scaling, great harass and mobility in lane (he's a free kill if your jungler moves once). Swain is a good pick aswell, but gets ganked easily.

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I played a game as Lux an age ago and ended up fighting Kassadin. Once he hit 6 and could rift walk into my face, he proceeded to shit all over my chest, There's a reason he's almost always banned. Can carry hard in solo queue and pro games.

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Yeah, that's because those guys all suck.

Seriously, you beat Kass by walking all over his face 1-6 and pinging your friendly lane whenever he leaves yours. Then do one of the following: chase him down, head in the opposite direction to pull off a gank where he isn't going to follow, push down his tower.

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