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I just first timed lucian in ranked.

I completely crushed them.


With the 1 death being overkill by enemy team of 1v3 to where I nearly got a tank kill, I was oom too. :|

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the lag is getting stupid

lag lag everywhere.

seriously my first game had me disconnect twice ;_; I just wanted to enjoy heime

Edited by SlayerX
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Lagging over here, too. . .like, skipping worse than Lulu. Thank goodness I was smurfing on an extremely low-level account, so any screw-ups weren't fatal.

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Rito servers confirmed for top tier.

Really though is this that DDOS crap thats been going on for like a month, or something different?

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i honestly don't really blame riot; they're a tech startup that doesn't have the resources of a bigger company (such as blizzard or valve) and just don't have the server capabilities of handling however many million people at once

that being said it's still super frustrating

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Riot Games has over one thousand employees at this point

Valve has a little over 300

In 2013 Riot Games had a revenue of 624 million US dollars from the single game they manage.

I'd dare say they have the resources

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they also haven't been around nearly as long

and those thousand employees aren't all engineers/software developers

Edited by CT075
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I like Kassadins rework - while it might have reduced his power too much, his "new" kit got some nice ideas. I'd like to have scaling mr again and a shorter duration on the R-buff, but the rest is fine and fun.

New Q mechanic is interesting and works (although interrupting channel spells is.. um underwhelming), W is great and finally useful (after all it was lackluster for 4 years) and the reduced ultimate cd works well with a more risky kit.

Just his ultimate is extremely punishing - 1200 manacosts after 4 jumps is a lot, especially with 12 seconds duration.

I hope they do one of the following things:

- scaling mr and manacostinreasebuff of the ultimate down to 8-10 seconds


- scaling mr and the duration of the ultimatebuff isn't renewed if you cast your ult again while having 4 stacks

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i still feel like it'd be more productive to buy it early or not at all since it takes fucking forever to stack unless you're playing like ryze

Edited by CT075
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I guess? Unless you're ramping for the hyper-lategame (and i mean like vayne-level endgame), though, wouldn't it be more optimal to just buy flat mana items (frozen heart, etc)

or a void staff

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It doesn't really matter - with 6% arp max you won't get much from the active. Just stick with void or something else (I consider frozen heart core anyway, optional lastslot items are stuff like Rylai, Banshee or Void).

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i still feel like it'd be more productive to buy it early or not at all since it takes fucking forever to stack unless you're playing like ryze

Yea this kinda is the exact reason I brought it up

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Katarina vs Ashe

Can't decide on which to try. Attempted Twitch, sucked at it. Katarina is just everywhere though, and I'd rather stick with Ryze for an alternative ADC who at least has some better early tank in exchange for no escape skills.

Also, what champs are better for soloing lanes? I find Garen can do pretty well, but I can't quite get the feel for him. Same with Cho'Gath. Maybe Blitzcrank?

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Blitzcrank is a support typically. Top lane is reserved mostl for fighters and tanks or people who can sustain and are durable to survive jungle ganks. Start out with Garen or Cho'gath but someone like Tryndamere is also good even if he isn't that tanky.

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