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Just keep grinding, whether it's against vs. AI or normals. No need to rush.

There's no real big deal about getting level 30 anyway. The only real advantage you get is that all mastery points and rune slots are available. There's still a ton of things to do before you can start playing ranked and not be a hindrance to your team. For example:

Get a decent champion pool for each role (at least 2 or 3 champions you feel comfortable with for each role, depending on how popular those champions are, not forgetting some champions can fill several roles) and get at least half-decent with them. Despite my preference to play in top lane or jungle, 2 of my 3 ranked games last night had me playing in ADC and support.

Play as many draft normal games as possible. You need to learn how the system works, which champions suck and do well against other champions, etc., and this is as close to ranked play as you're going to get without actually playing ranked.

Don't be afraid to use champion guides. I was literally in champion select, with Thresh hovered over, copying the mastery tree points from the top Thresh guide on LoLKing. But I advise reading guides of champions you're interested in using before actually going into champion select. Learn the most optimal methods to build a champion, try them out in normals, and maybe once you feel comfortable with a champion, experiment with different builds.

Fill your rune pages with decent and relevant tier 3 runes. Right now armour yellows are a given on nearly every type of rune page, but that may change once the planned rune changes are implemented. It's also common to go with flat MR blues, and AD reds on the AD page and magic pen reds on your AP page. If you can get a third rune page with 4% lifesteal for the ADC role, that'd be useful too.

Finally, and I think this one is overlooked more than anything else: Learn to play on purple side of the map. Not even shitting you here, there's something like a 55% average winrate for blue side over purple side's 45% winrate. You'll notice this discrepancy most when you're playing ADC or support purple side in the bottom lane. It sucks balls, but there's not a lot you can do about it.

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He's asking for help with a smurf, I think. I'd offer, but I don't have the time to get it done properly.

He is. He asked me one time but I declined.

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That winrate is likely due to the HUD layout. Having a chunk of your screen inaccessible due to your hpmanaskills bar just hanging there means you could be hit from range by like, Twitch or Caitlyns by a much larger surprise.

That seems to be the trend I notice in the chatbars filled with bitching in PvP anyway from losing purple.

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Well the thing is, I bought xp boosts but won't be able to play on it much if at all for a bit, and I'd rather not see them go to waste. So I need someone with a decent amount of time to play on it in exchange for a skin or two/a champion. We can work something out if anyone has the time.

Edited by Xander
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That winrate is likely due to the HUD layout. Having a chunk of your screen inaccessible due to your hpmanaskills bar just hanging there means you could be hit from range by like, Twitch or Caitlyns by a much larger surprise.

That seems to be the trend I notice in the chatbars filled with bitching in PvP anyway from losing purple.

Yes. However it's not only the HUD and shitty fisheye-esque camera angles, but the general positioning of dragon, the position of the brush in bot lane, and probably other things.

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I don't understand why riot won't just rotate the map a little bit so that the bases lie horizontally across your screen. That would be an immense boon to people who play with lock screen.

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I don't understand why riot won't just rotate the map a little bit so that the bases lie horizontally across your screen. That would be an immense boon to people who play with lock screen.

Maps structured like that are actually really weird looking. Maybe an optional tilt but the current tilt is more pleasing to look at which is their reason IIRC.

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Maps structured like that are actually really weird looking. Maybe an optional tilt but the current tilt is more pleasing to look at which is their reason IIRC.

Idk, twisted treeline seems okay to me... though that may be because its a smaller map. I just feel its a bit unfair to those who prefer to play with locked cams. Particularly with people who just started playing league, go to normals and get stuck on purple team.

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That winrate is likely due to the HUD layout. Having a chunk of your screen inaccessible due to your hpmanaskills bar just hanging there means you could be hit from range by like, Twitch or Caitlyns by a much larger surprise.

That seems to be the trend I notice in the chatbars filled with bitching in PvP anyway from losing purple.

You can shrink the HUD somewhere in the menu option. I have mine at something like 70%, and it helps. If you play Xerath, you'll need to learn how to play with the camera unlocked (or temporarily unlocked).

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I play with my camera locked mostly. Some people play with it unlocked all game, but I'd rather just have it unlocked only when I need it to be for whatever reason.

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Got placed in Silver 5, I'm really not happy about that tbh.

The last game we had a LB that was crushing her lane, then went afk for ten minutes because he wanted to grab something out of his basement.

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From The Smurf Files (in Co-op, because I'm in no shape to do anything more stressful):

I should've known things would be bad when someone called top and instalocked Draven. Against my better judgment, I chose Zyra, and went bottom (with Draven, who apparently had a change of heart). Draven starts way up, and immediately takes a ton of minion harass, because IDK. Shortly afterwards, he decides to get stupid-aggressive on the opponents, without clearing the enemy minions first. He manages two minion kills before giving up first blood. Shortly afterwards, he disconnects. . .which is probably the best thing that could've happened, as this forces Jax back to base. Nasus went mid with Cassie, which sort of irritated the latter (not that I blame her). Yi turned out to be a glorified cannon minion. . .so I had to solo bot. . .which isn't too bad as Zyra, since my plants could do the work for me. Cassie eventually tells Nasus to get lost, so he wanders to my lane. Thanks to his skill spam, I was able to snag a couple of kills. At this point, the score is something like 2-12. Slowly, the outer turrets go down, and our team sort of wanders around the map aimlessly (well. . .Cassie tried for more turrets, and I decided to do the farming that Draven didn't do). Yi and Nasus went down an impressive number of times; Cassie and I, slightly less so. Two different bots went legendary. Eventually, I said fuck it, and dropped support for as much AP as I felt comfortable with, while doing my best to feed Cassie kills. By some miracle, mid inhibitor goes down. This gives our team enough breathing room to gib the bot inhibitor turret and inhibitor. . .then top's protection goes down. By the time all was said and done, the only one left standing was Cassie and AFK Draven. . .and the super minions did the rest. Thanks to the amount of farming I did, I managed a full semi-competent build (Twin Shadows, Sorc Shoes, Void Staff, Rabadon's, Grail, and Hourglass), with enough left over for the blue elixir.

Final score: I think we were still outkilled 2:1 by a bunch of bots. I ended with 637 AP. That was an absolutely insane game, and I still have no idea how we won.

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From The Smurf Files (in Co-op, because I'm in no shape to do anything more stressful):

I should've known things would be bad when someone called top and instalocked Draven. Against my better judgment, I chose Zyra, and went bottom (with Draven, who apparently had a change of heart). Draven starts way up, and immediately takes a ton of minion harass, because IDK. Shortly afterwards, he decides to get stupid-aggressive on the opponents, without clearing the enemy minions first. He manages two minion kills before giving up first blood. Shortly afterwards, he disconnects. . .which is probably the best thing that could've happened, as this forces Jax back to base. Nasus went mid with Cassie, which sort of irritated the latter (not that I blame her). Yi turned out to be a glorified cannon minion. . .so I had to solo bot. . .which isn't too bad as Zyra, since my plants could do the work for me. Cassie eventually tells Nasus to get lost, so he wanders to my lane. Thanks to his skill spam, I was able to snag a couple of kills. At this point, the score is something like 2-12. Slowly, the outer turrets go down, and our team sort of wanders around the map aimlessly (well. . .Cassie tried for more turrets, and I decided to do the farming that Draven didn't do). Yi and Nasus went down an impressive number of times; Cassie and I, slightly less so. Two different bots went legendary. Eventually, I said fuck it, and dropped support for as much AP as I felt comfortable with, while doing my best to feed Cassie kills. By some miracle, mid inhibitor goes down. This gives our team enough breathing room to gib the bot inhibitor turret and inhibitor. . .then top's protection goes down. By the time all was said and done, the only one left standing was Cassie and AFK Draven. . .and the super minions did the rest. Thanks to the amount of farming I did, I managed a full semi-competent build (Twin Shadows, Sorc Shoes, Void Staff, Rabadon's, Grail, and Hourglass), with enough left over for the blue elixir.

Final score: I think we were still outkilled 2:1 by a bunch of bots. I ended with 637 AP. That was an absolutely insane game, and I still have no idea how we won.

bot games can be so insane when bots get so fed or you let it go up to ~50 minutes.I think the only thing that may have saved you was nabbing the inhibs. It seems that once you get one inhib, the boots are more focused on defending the base.

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