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exp farming so they can get referral rewards?

Just how high does the "referral" account have to be? I've seen accounts with Flash pull this nonsense.

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Just how high does the "referral" account have to be? I've seen accounts with Flash pull this nonsense.

Its level 10. Alternatively, they could be just levelling up accounts so that they can get them to like high ranks or something when it gets to level 30 and sell it.

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i just realized this might've been the reason for people randomly adding me when idk who they are.

got drop hacked in ranked twice today, won the one match that didn't get drop hacked so i guess its a good day, put an end to my plan to marathon the day away though.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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Riot need a workaround for this drophack bullshit. You know it's gone to shit when people in fucking Gold and below start doing it.

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Braum seems so awesome. His kit is definitely something i can get behind. Really liking the posibility of jumping to my adc and putting up a wall to protect him.

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Braum seems so awesome. His kit is definitely something i can get behind. Really liking the posibility of jumping to my adc and putting up a wall to protect him.

There's a clever joke to be had here.

His leaning phase seems pretty shit without Lucian

I disagree. I could see his kit being quite useful in lane with a number of ADCs, actually. Besides, the anti-ADC/support utility, particularly from E, seems VERY strong. Instant stopsign for both Leona and Thresh, for instance.

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So, double IP weekend. Here's how it goes:

- Graphics card fan starts spazzing out like crazy. It's still going strong, despite the fact that my card is nice and cool

- Play a single bot game to make absolutely certain that my card doesn't fizzle out (it holds), while forgetting that custom is a thing

- Played ARAM, started 3v5, and didn't get much better (the UPSIDE is that I managed quite a few kills as Zyra)

- Played another ARAM, and got Pantheon. . .the guy I have a nonsexual crush on, despite not knowing how the hell to play him. Dunno how we won against Lee Sin/Annie/Jinx/Fizz/Zilean, and then my computer saw Frostfire Annie and was like "screw that".

Soooo. . .I'll try to sneak in a few ARAMs tomorrow, computer willing. I hope. But if it does wonky stuff, then I'm going to be so very sad. . .

EDIT: Dear me, ARAM. Enemy Tristy decides to get cocky and deliver some smack talk when we're down an inhib. This. . .pisses off my team royally. Never tick off Vayne/Quinn, because they are damn good at bursting down structures.

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This is how my Double IP weekend went:

Flew out to Prague on Thursday for my friend's Stag do.

Returned today.

No double IP weekend for me.


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Is there something up with the server? I've been unable to even connect to any of the past 3 ranked games I've attempted to play; in all of these games I was able to spectate (in the first one i got back in eventually). Every single time I wasn't the only one affected.

I can play normals fine.

wtf rito pls

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Got back into a series again but man, people can be so rude. Argument happens and our top laner just split pushes and threatens to feed all game.

Edit: Got to Diamond again. Yay!

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You'd think that people would be chill in bot games. . .got a Cassie who vied to be as toxic as her poison. UGH. Fortunately, Zac/Lulu were pretty cool about it.

(also, backdoor Nasus OP)

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You'd think that people would be chill in bot games. . .got a Cassie who vied to be as toxic as her poison. UGH. Fortunately, Zac/Lulu were pretty cool about it.

(also, backdoor Nasus OP)

Toxic bot game???

Hory shet

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Try poking around the League forums/support. I've never encountered it before, so I can't be of any more help, sorry!

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