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Looking from the stats alone.

All you had to do was kill Zed to come out as victorious. Not really hard to carry that.

True, but same could be said about the other team: All they had to do is kill Vi and then the rest would fall. Not hard. (Since overall, I feel that the Zed's team's carries were better off than Vi's team.) Though Zed's team suffered due to horrible item builds; no saving that.

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I don't Skype, and am busy smurfing (ergo, I will suck when I get back to my main account).

The very first Braum I saw was in a bot match, and he went. . .mid. And rocked it.

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While Braum would do okay in a solo lane, he is best utilised in a duo lane for obvious reasons.

Yesterday I played some games with Twitch against int. AI. Shat all over mid lane both times. If I wasn't saving my IP on my smurf for the rune page sale, I'd get both him and Lucian.

But on my main where I'd be using RP on the sale, Twitch is a reasonable consideration for my next champ purchase.

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Braum release makes me a little sad. I did get the opportunity to try him out but good lord as a support main this is going to suck in ranked since I can bet everyone will want to try it out. On the plus side if I ever do get support I can wreck some of the poor Braums.

Also. I kinda think Braum MAY be a usable top laner.

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What do you guys max first for support braum? Do you guys go Q for poke? E for peel? or w for extra tankiness?

I generally go for E first, then W. I feel like braum should be more of a let me protect you other than poke champ, and Q doesn't necessarily fit that as well as E or W. Though I see lots of people maxing Q first.

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I feel like it's best to max Q if only because you kind of need it to keep your damage in lane relevant. In a practical sense, the only thing levelling W or E gets you pre-items is a lower CD, since the numbers don't change as much as on the Q, and until you itemize CDR they're still long enough to be once per trade only.

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Braum release makes me a little sad. I did get the opportunity to try him out but good lord as a support main this is going to suck in ranked since I can bet everyone will want to try it out. On the plus side if I ever do get support I can wreck some of the poor Braums.

Also. I kinda think Braum MAY be a usable top laner.

In that bot game I played, the person playing Braum used Stand Behind Me in a way that reminded me of Jax jumps.

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i've been maxing w->e for mobility + "i can shield all of your harass" but i've only played two games with him

i can see maxing q being a good plan, though, as it's really nice harass

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not to mention you can get off your passive from a distance that bit more often with the lower cd. works best with long-range auto attackers like cait and jinx's rocket launcher.

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fucking hell, i'm on serious tilt. i think i'm gonna go back to a few bot games a day, then occupy myself with other things for a while.

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I was on a huge win streak, hit promos to gold and then watch as the dc'd Tryn comes back level 1 versus our level 5 Riven and cry as Riven loses lane...

I hate blaming others and won't, but it was very disheartening. :(

Always next time though!

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In that bot game I played, the person playing Braum used Stand Behind Me in a way that reminded me of Jax jumps.

That's the general idea of using it sometimes, actually. I mean it's intended to be for defending other people but i can be used as a straight-up steroid and mobility skill.

braum's fucking dumb

nerf plz

I heard his passive is really strong. I feel that on top of this his Q, particularly the slow on it, is pretty damn powerful.

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God I love this community. A wave of toxic players get restricted chat and spam threads on Reddit and the Lol forums and try to pretend they were unjustly punished. I appreciate that Riot is actually taking the time to clean up the community, maybe I can finally get back into this game again.

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As the vast majority of Hawaii has Marth as a secondary in Smash (dunno if this is still true), and because I still have a huge thing for Archanea. . .brb buying Riven. If I can ever log in.

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