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I'm interested in earning the team rewards.

If people want to team up with me for a 3v3/5v5 team on EUW to get these rewards, that'd be great. Ingame name is VanguardRaven.

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The Cass script has been dead for a long time now, as I recall.

It's not, I'm quite sure of it. Of course you can claim that my and other's perception is wrong, but the cast animation cancellation I saw yesterday was unreal. It didn't make sense how he played and positioned so incredibly bad on the one side and used q/e perfectly with hardly stopping for the animations on the other side.

No idea if he used the autohit-passive exploit as I wasn't paying attention to his buffs, but imo at least the q/e script is working.

(and no offense, but I wouldn't believe one word of Riot's fix, considering how often they "fixed" Kassadin's R/E bug)

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I'm interested in earning the team rewards.

If people want to team up with me for a 3v3/5v5 team on EUW to get these rewards, that'd be great. Ingame name is VanguardRaven.

I'd be up for that, although i'm currently only good with the role of ADC, so that does hamper team variability a bit. =/

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Had fun in a bunch of random ARAMs. I think the best moment was when one of my teammates whined about my lack of deaths (if I can be a PITA with Nami by hanging in back and bubbling things that get too close, and we're winning because three healers is OP, then WTF is the problem?).

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Had fun in a bunch of random ARAMs. I think the best moment was when one of my teammates whined about my lack of deaths (if I can be a PITA with Nami by hanging in back and bubbling things that get too close, and we're winning because three healers is OP, then WTF is the problem?).

Obviously it's 'cause you made 'em feel like baddies and feeders~ best way to play in ARAMs, imo. :D

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League has been bugging out like crazy, and it's not just me. Played an ARAM on a smurf, and 4/5 players had lag issues (one guy couldn't even connect).

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I too had issues staying connected to EUW last night when I was trying to get my first win in a VS AI match. I had to leave the game twice because everything just stopped moving and doing anything.

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Had fun in a bunch of random ARAMs. I think the best moment was when one of my teammates whined about my lack of deaths (if I can be a PITA with Nami by hanging in back and bubbling things that get too close, and we're winning because three healers is OP, then WTF is the problem?).

It might just be for like going to the shop and buying. It not too bad to die intentionally if its for items b/c you have 5k gold or more

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It might just be for like going to the shop and buying. It not too bad to die intentionally if its for items b/c you have 5k gold or more

Dude was pretty salty about it, so I'm guessing he was annoyed that Nami could stay in back and spam stuff while he as Olaf had to be front and center.

Went smurfing in ARAM. Do not recommend. Broke a nine-game losing streak with. . .

Evelynn. Seriously, I don't know how to play her.


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So my faith in the League community is restored somewhat. Some random guy I ran into in solo queue was ADC and I called support, so we exchange Skype info. We then proceed to play two games together and it was enjoyable. Win and a loss but still, we ended on the win and the loss was mostly solo lane failures with bot lane going pretty even.

Didn't know what to expect (yes I know the VOD kinda sucks and the Twitch chat is awful too <_<)

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Slightly painful watching a friend play AD TF when he also seems to forget that TF has an ult. Well to be fair this is the second or third time he's played him so perhaps I am being a bit harsh.

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AD TF is an old gimmick that can still technically work due to his Gold Card. It's not a good thing to do by any means, hell I'd even suggest playing Kogmaw over AD TF, but it's still a viable thing.... kinda

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Even Kog'maw... w-what is wrong with him?

Next in line: MF

I support Lich Bane on TF, and that's about as far down the auto-attack train as I go. If I want AP autos, I'll use Kayle.

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